3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

New York』s iconic Empire State Building will turn blue later today to celebrate the 120th anniversary of Zhejiang University.為慶祝浙大120周年校慶,今日晚些時候紐約地標建築帝國大廈將亮起藍燈。Blue is the Chinese university』s traditional color.而藍色是浙大的傳統顏色。It』s the first occasion the building will be specially illuminated to honor a Chinese university.這還是帝國大廈第一次為了致敬一所大學而點亮。It』s reported the tribute is a gift from the Zhejiang University North American Alumni Association of New York Branch.據報道,這是浙大北美校友會紐約分會送給母校的一份禮物。The Empire State Building is often lit up for special occasions, and in the past was illuminated to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year.帝國大廈經常會在一些特殊的場合點亮,曾經還被用來慶祝過新年。There are very strict rules governing such lighting tributes. Until now, it had only been lit up in honor of New York based universities, such as New York University and Columbia University.但是要想點亮帝國大廈卻有著非常嚴格的規定。直到現在,帝國大廈致敬的大學只局限於紐約,比如紐約大學和哥倫比亞大學等。

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