3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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游淌在城市中的自由精靈WICCA最近有一些同學諮詢有關女巫的問題。女巫這個詞,只是一個身份的代號,一個人群的劃分,比如殘雪老師就是加入紐約WICCA FAMILY TEMPLE。真正的女巫崇尚的是親近自然,嚮往的是自由的靈魂,是積極美妙的。在歷史的長河中,總會被誤解,被孤立,被抹黑。很多人很難以一個中立的視角去理解未知的事情卻被恐懼支配。 能力越大責任越大,做一個好人,比什麼都重要。以下是小編截取的一篇非常好的翻譯文章,感謝作者的辛勤付出。 節選自豆瓣(ID:霍森布魯斯老爺)https://www.douban.com/group/topic/15296969/翻譯自http://www.crystalinks.com/wicca.html Wicca is a religion that has roots going back to the dawn of man. The late Dr. Margaret Murry traced Witchcraft's origins to Paleolithic times, 25,000 years ago. Because the first humans depended so much on the animals and plants around them for life, animism developed to be what was the first known religion. Animism is ascribing to each natural phenomena a spirit to reside over it. A God or Goddess or spirit was in control of the seas, mountains, and of the animals that were hunted. New information about cave paintings and Goddess figurines and other forms of animism are being found every year.巫術崇拜是植根於人的重生的宗教信仰。已故的瑪格麗特梅麗博士回溯魔法起源於25,000年前的舊石器時代。因為最初的人類生活中到處依賴大量的動物和植物,萬物有靈論發展成為最初知曉的宗教。萬物有靈論是把每一種現象都歸咎於有一種精神居住在裡面。神或女神或靈魂管理著海洋、山脈和獵獲的動物。最近每一年都能發現有關岩洞壁畫和女神雕像以及其它萬物有靈論的形式。Wicca is a joyous religion springing from our kinship with nature. It is a merging with the Goddesses and Gods, the universal energies which created all in existence. It is a personal, positive celebration of life.巫術崇拜是讓我們回復與自然血緣關係的歡樂宗教。它是女神和男神的結合、創造了萬物的宇宙能量就在存在的實物裡面。它是一個人積極的生命慶典。Wicca is a spiritual path originating in Britain which recognizes both a feminine and masculine element to the divine. It believes that nature is sacred and should be protected. Aside from the protection of the environment Wicca's central theme, called the Wicca Rede, is "if it does no harm do your own will". This is a positive morality meaning think before you act.巫術崇拜是源自英國的精神道路,既認同女性的神性要素也認同男性的神性要素。巫術崇拜相信大自然是神聖的,應加以保護。除環境保護外巫術崇拜的中心主旨是稱之為巫術的忠告,就是「不造成傷害就按自己的意願去做」。三思而後行是具有積極的道德意義。 THE WICCA REED巫術崇拜忠告Bide within the Law you must, in perfect Love and perfect Trust.Live you must and let to live, fairly take and fairly give.你必須遵照法則,有全然的愛和理想的信念。你必須活著和允許去活著,公平地得到和公平地給予。For tread the Circle thrice about to keep unwelcome spirits out.To bind the spell well every time, let the spell be said in rhyme.經歷三次循環,阻止邪惡靈魂進入身體。每次都要合理運用符咒,讓符咒念起來押韻。Light of eye and soft of touch, speak you little, listen much.Honor the Old Ones in deed and name,let love and light be our guides again.眼光溫柔,少說,多聽。言行上尊敬老人,讓愛和光再次成為我們的指南。Deosil go by the waxing moon, chanting out the joyful tune.Widdershins go when the moon doth wane,and the werewolf howls by the dread wolfsbane.滿月時揚帆起航,高興地哼起水手歌。月缺時按逆時針方向走,並且扮狼叫。When the Lady's moon is new, kiss the hand to Her times two.When the moon rides at Her peak then your heart's desire seek.當月亮女神還處於新月的時候,吻她的手兩次。當月亮騎到她的頂點的時候,那麼你的心就有了尋求的慾望。Heed the North winds mighty gale, lock the door and trim the sail.When the Wind blows from the East, expect the new and set the feast.留心北風很猛,關上門和整理風帆。當風從東方吹來,期待更新和設置宴席。When the wind comes from the South, love will kiss you on the mouth.When the wind whispers from the West, all hearts will find peace and rest.當風從南方吹來時,愛會親吻你的嘴。當風從西方吹來時,心情會感到的完全的安寧和沉靜。Nine woods in the Cauldron go, burn them fast and burn them slow.Birch in the fire goes to represent what the Lady knows.九根木頭在大鍋爐裡面,猛烈或緩慢地燃燒著它們。火焰里的樺樹在描繪出女神所知道的事。Oak in the forest towers with might, in the fire it brings the God'sinsight. Rowan is a tree of power causing life and magick to flower.森林城堡里的橡樹擁有著力量,它在火裡帶來了神的洞察力。花楸是力量之樹,令到生命和魔術之花在盛開。Willows at the waterside stand ready to help us to the Summerland.Hawthorn is burned to purify and to draw faerie to your eye.站在一旁的柳樹準備在夏天幫助我們。燃燒著的山楂用作凈化,使你的眼睛靠近仙境。 Hazel-the tree of wisdom and learning adds its strength to the bright fire burning.White are the flowers of Apple tree that brings us fruits of fertility.榛樹——智慧之樹,學問加大它的力量,讓它帶來明亮的火。白色是蘋果樹的花,給我們帶來豐盛的果實。 Grapes grow upon the vine giving us both joy and wine.Fir does mark the evergreen to represent immortality seen.葡萄樹結出葡萄,既給予我們歡樂又給予我們葡萄酒。冷杉真的標誌著常青,表現了永恆不朽的經歷。Elder is the Lady's tree burn it not or cursed you'll be.Four times the Major Sabbats mark in the light and in the dark.老資格的是女神的樹,不要燃燒它,否則你會受詛咒。四次大型的夜半集會做標記於光明和黑暗裡面。As the old year starts to wane the new begins, it's now Samhain.When the time for Imbolc shows watch for flowers through the snows.舊的一年過去,新的一年來臨,這是新的集會?依博克(Imbolc)的時候表現出通過白雪去守候著花朵。 When the wheel begins to turn soon the Beltane fires will burn.As the wheel turns to Lamas night power is brought to magick rite.輪子很快又開始轉動,古凱爾特族的五朔節之火會開始燃燒。輪子在喇嘛手上轉動,黑夜的力量帶來了魔法儀式。Four times the Minor Sabbats fall use the Sun to mark them all.When the wheel has turned to Yule light the log the Horned One rules.四次小型的夜半集會來臨,用太陽去為它們全部做標記。當輪子轉到聖誕節上,發光的日誌制定著有角的一位。In the spring, when night equals day time for Ostara to come our way.When the Sun has reached it's height time for Oak and Holly to fight.在春天,夜晚與白天一樣長就是奧斯塔拉(Ostara)向我們走來的時候。當太陽到達它的頂點處就是橡樹和冬青樹爭鬥的時候。Harvesting comes to one and all when the Autumn Equinox does fall.Heed the flower, bush, and tree by the Lady blessed you'll be.秋分來臨時候,收穫伴隨每一個人。留意花、灌木和樹,你將受到女神的祝福。Where the rippling waters go cast a stone, the truth you'll know.When you have and hold a need, harken not to others greed.潺潺流水沖刷著石頭的時候,你將了解真相。當你有需求的時候,不要聽從他人貪婪的想法。With a fool no season spend or be counted as his friend.Merry Meet and Merry Part bright the cheeks and warm the heart.愚蠢的人不會花費或把它當成自己的朋友對待。歡樂的集會和歡樂的部分照亮了臉頰和溫暖了心堂。Mind the Three-fold Laws you should three times bad and three times good.When misfortune is enow wear the star upon your brow.當不幸足以磨滅你臉上的笑容時,留心三重法則,你有三次壞時期和三次好時期。Be true in love this you must do unless your love is false to you.記住要有忠誠的愛,除非你的愛是虛偽的。These Eight words the Rede fulfill:履行這八個字的忠告:"An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will" 「意願所及,絲毫不損害(他人利益)」Aside from the Wiccan Rede and the "three-fold law", Wiccans do not have to subscribe to a fixed ideology so beliefs vary, however the common theme is that Wiccans gain a connection with the divine spirit of mother nature through the celebration of her cycles through the Wicca calender. This is done either individually or with other Wiccans.除巫術崇拜忠告和「三重法則」以外,巫術崇拜不贊同一成不變地固定思想意識形態不變,信仰多樣化,然而巫術崇拜共同的主題是靠遵照巫術崇拜曆法和大自然母親的周期慶典去同神性的精神聯結,可以是個人也可以是與其它巫術崇拜者一同進行慶典活動。According to most versions of the three-fold law, whatever one does comes back to one thrice-multiplied, in amplified repercussion. One short, rhymed version of the Wiccan Rede states "Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill: An it harm none, do what you will." Often "none" is interpreted to include the doer him self in analogy to the "golden rule" of other faiths. There are no universal proscriptions regarding food, sex, burial or military service and Wiccans, as a rule, discourage proselytizing (attempts to convert others to a different religion).按照多數的三重法則的譯本說法,無論誰,回到了三倍的遞增,就在擴大了的迴響裡面。一本簡短的、押韻的巫術崇拜忠告譯本陳述了「八句巫術崇拜忠告履行:意願所及,毫無損害。」常常在口頭上和實際行動上「說不」,類似於其它宗教信仰的「金箴」。關於飲食、性、喪葬或服兵役或巫術崇拜上都不具有通用的禁忌,如同信條規則那樣妨礙了信仰的改變(努力使其他人改信其它宗教信仰)。 At key points in the year Wiccans gather and connect with nature, generally by forming a circle, sometimes using set forms of words, or otherwise improvising according to the participants needs.在一年的關鍵時刻,巫術崇拜者聚集起來與自然天性溝通,通常是排成圓圈,有時利用規定的話語形式或依照參與人員的需要臨時準備的東西。The morality of wicca is based heavily on free will allowing individual freedom with as little interference as possible. There is high level of equality in Wicca with the emphasis on the circle and the lack of any preaching. The concept of a talking stick where everyone has their say is more widespread than dominating leaders. The emphasis is on the creation of harmony by allowing the individual to do their own will but encouraging them to think of the harm done to others by the exercising of this freedom.巫術崇拜的道德深深建立在自由意志之上,允許個人自由儘可能不與他人產生利益衝突。在巫術崇拜里有著高度的平等,強調圓圈(代表平等),不要強行灌輸。言論自由的觀念比獨裁的統治者更深入人心。允許個人做自己想做的事情,鼓勵他們通過自由的實踐思考對他人的造成的傷害,通過這樣的方式強調和諧創造。In order to understand Wicca it is essential to know its roots. All countries have a native spiritual tradition based around reverence for the forces of nature. Wicca is the native tradition for the nations of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, and is rooted in the period before 500 BC which marks the start of the iron age. The sacred sites from this period, in particular Avebury/Silbury and Stonehenge, are important to Wicca as are the ancient British legends, for example the Mabignogian. Wicca was illegal in Britain for nearly 1000 years up until 1951, however following it's legalization a large amount of material has been published and Wicca is now accessible to all.為了理解巫術崇拜的本質就要知曉它的根源。所有國家都有本國基於敬畏自然力量的精神傳統。巫術崇拜是英格蘭、蘇格蘭、愛爾蘭和威爾士國家的本土傳統,在標誌著鐵器時代開始的公元前500年流行起來。這個時期奠定了神的地位,尤其是Avebury/Silbury和史前巨石陣,對巫術崇拜來說如同古代英國傳說、例如Mabignogian那樣很重要。在英國直到1951年為止,將近1000年前的時間內巫術崇拜被認為是違法的事情,然而在出版了大量的資料得到法律認可之後,現在巫術崇拜被所有人接受了。Wicca has its own art, including jewelry, and also has a deep understanding of the power of plants, in particular the influence of their fragrances. Many Wiccan also use crystals, both for their natural beauty and for their spiritual power.巫術崇拜有其自己的藝術,包括珠寶以及通曉各類植物的力量,尤其是香味的影響。好多巫術崇拜者使用水晶,利用水晶的自然美和水晶的精神能力。Wiccan jewelry includes earrings, pendants and necklaces which often contain precious stones with particular meaning and Wiccan symbols. Crystals give power to the wearer.巫術崇拜者的珠寶包括耳飾、墜飾和帶有特殊含義鑲有貴重寶石的項鏈和巫術崇拜者標誌象徵。水晶賦予穿戴者力量。Wicca is a Neo-Pagan religion based on the pre-Christian traditions of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. Its origins can be traced even further back to Paleolithic peoples who worshipped a Hunter God and a Fertility Goddess. Cave paintings found in France (and dated at 30,000 years old) depict a man with the head of a stag, and a woman with a swollen, pregnant belly. They stand in a circle with eleven mortals. These archetypes of the divine are worshipped by Wiccans to this very day. By these standards, the religion that is now called Wicca, is perhaps the oldest religion in the world.巫術崇拜是以英格蘭、蘇格蘭、愛爾蘭和威爾士以基督教傳入之前的傳統為基礎建立起來的新異教信仰。甚至更遠追溯它的蹤跡到舊石器時代人們,人們崇拜狩獵神和豐產女神。在法國發現的洞穴繪畫(表明時間是30,000之久)描繪了戴著牡鹿頭的男人和腹部隆起的懷孕女人。他們十一個人排成一圈。巫術崇拜者每天崇拜這些神的原型。依照這些標準,現在就把這信仰稱作為巫術崇拜,或許是世界上最古老的宗教。In 1951, the laws against Witchcraft were repealed in England. A man named Gerald Gardner was the first to come into the public eye with description of what modern witches were practicing. His information came from the traditions of a coven called the New Forest Witches, and from Ceremonial Magick and the Kaballah. He began what is now called the Gardnerian Tradition of Wicca. From Gardnerian came Alexandrian Tradition and a host of other offshoots that today number in the hundreds.在1951年,英格蘭廢除了反對魔法的法律。一個表演現代巫術名叫傑RAEL德加德納的男人首先進入人們的視線里。他的知識來自稱作「新森林」的十三女巫大集會的傳統,來自魔術和卡巴拉儀式。他開始的是叫做加德列的女巫傳統。從加德列而來的亞歷山大傳統和今天總計數百的其它分支的主幹。Wicca is based on a deep respect for nature and the certain knowledge that we do not have the right to exploit it for our own gain. Wiccans are deeply concerned with conservation and ecology, and as in all Neo-Pagan religions.巫術崇拜是基於對自然和某種我們自己還沒有正確開發利用的有益知識的深深的尊崇。巫術崇拜者與永恆和生態學深深相連,如同新異教信仰大成。Wiccans believe that both animate and inanimate objects possess a spirit which forms part of the Whole. Spirit is that essence which every object possesses linking it to nature.巫術崇拜者相信有生命體和無生命體都具有構成整體的部分靈魂。靈魂是每一個物體擁有與大自然相連接的本質。Wicca is a celebration of the life-forces of nature as personified by the Goddess and her consort, the Gods.巫術崇拜是女神和她的配偶男神賦予人的自然生命力的慶典。Some Wiccans see their inspiration and traditions as coming directly from the gods. Certain Wiccan mythology holds that Wicca has come down from the stone age, surviving persecution in secret covens for hundreds of years.一些巫術崇拜者明白他們的靈感和傳統直接來自上帝。某些巫術崇拜者神話記錄了從石器時代流傳下來的巫術崇拜,在秘密的女巫大聚會裡依然存在著倖免於被迫害好幾百年的習俗。Others say that their Wicca is a long-held family tradition (or "fam trad"), passed down through villages and grandmothers. Aidan Kelly argues that modern Wicca was largely pieced together by Gerald Gardner from Margaret Murray, Charles Leland and other sources, with significant revisions by Doreen Valiente (and others), beginning in 1939.其他人說巫術崇拜具有長時間的家族世襲傳統(或「家族制」),通過鄉村和祖母傳遞。Aidan Kelly爭辯說現代巫術崇拜很大程度上由傑RAEL德加德納從瑪格麗特默里、查爾斯利蘭和其它來源拼合而來,開始於1939年,由Doreen Valiente(和他人)做了重大的修訂。Whatever its origins, Wicca today is a vibrant, modern religion, open to change, creativity and personalization. Wicca is different than the religions of the ancient people, but it embraces some of the same beliefs. Wiccan's have a common belief that the Earth is Sacred and the animals that dwell on it are sacred as well. Wicca or Witchcraft, Paganism, High Magic and other forms of Occultism are not Satanism. Satan is a belief of Christianity.不管它的來源,今天的巫術崇拜是振動、現代宗教、開放的轉變、創造力和個性化。巫術崇拜不同於古代人民的宗教信仰,但它包含了一些同樣的信仰要素。巫術崇拜者共同信仰地球是神聖的而動物細想下去也是神聖的。巫術崇拜或魔法、異教信仰、高級魔術和其它形式的神秘學不是惡魔崇拜。撒旦是基督教的信仰。

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