3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

本文來源NGA DOTA2,本文作者:日字旁和草字頭DOTA2新補丁 7.06f:====* Mask of Madness: Armor reduction increased from -5 to -6* Mask of Madness: Cooldown increased from 20 to 22首先是瘋臉削弱,減甲效果到-6 CD改成22秒* Helm of the Dominator: Attack Speed Aura increased from 10 to 15支配繼續增強,攻速加成變成15* Force Staff: Cast range reduced from 800 to 750推推的施法距離減小到750(代表發條感謝冰蛙* Diffusal Blade: Agility reduced from 25/35 to 20/30散失的敏捷加成從25/35減少到20/30* Ancient Apparition: Ice Blast manacost increased from 100/125/150 to 150AA大藍耗變成固定150* Bane: Base Strength, Agility and Intelligence increased by 1水桶三圍再次+1* Bane: Nightmare cast point reduced from 0.5 to 0.4還是痛苦之源,噩夢的抬手減少0.1* Batrider: Firefly manacost increased from 100 to 125蝙蝠騎士的火藍耗增加到125* Bloodseeker: Rupture manacost increased from 150/200/250 to 200/225/250血魔大的藍耗增加到200/225/250* Chen: Hand of God heal increased from 225/350/475 to 250/375/500陳的大招奶量從225/350/475加到250/375/500* Earthshaker: Fissure cooldown increased from 15 to 18/17/16/15小牛溝壑的CD從固定15改成18/17/16/15* Earthshaker: Enchant Totem manacost increased from 20/30/40/50 to 35/40/45/50小牛強化圖騰的藍耗從20/30/40/50增加到35/40/45/50* Lich: Chain Frost no longer applies a ministun巫妖大不再提供小眩暈* Lich: Ice Armor slow from 30% to 24/26/28/30%巫妖冰甲的減速效果從30%變成24/26/28/30%* Lion: Earth Spike stun duration increased from 1.1/1.6/2.1/2.6 to 1.4/1.8/2.2/2.6萊恩戳的眩暈時間從1.1/1.6/2.1/2.6增加到1.4/1.8/2.2/2.6* Lion: Level 20 Talent changed from +8% Spell Amplification to +300 Finger of Death Damage萊恩20級天賦從+8%技能增強改成+300大招傷害* Lycan: Howl no longer provides a net heal on buff application/loss (always maintains the same HP percentage now)狼人的嚎叫不再提供加血效果,也就是血量百分比總保持不變,BUFF消失的時候也是如此* Nature's Prophet: Base movement speed reduced from 295 to 290先知的基礎移動速度砍到290* Nature's Prophet: Sprout flying vision reduced from 750 to 500先知框的空中視野從750砍到500* Necrophos: Reaper's Scythe cooldown increased from 90/80/70 to 100死靈法大招CD增加到固定100* Necrophos: Ghost Shroud magic resistance penalty increased from -20% to -25%死靈法罩子對自身的魔抗降低提升到25%* Nightstalker: Darkness duration reduced from 50 to 40夜魔大招持續時間從50秒減為40秒* Nyx Assassin: Base damage reduced by 3小強基礎攻擊-3* Puck: Illusory Orb flying vision reduced from 550 to 450帕克幻象法球飛行中視野從550減少到450* Shadow Demon: Level 15 Talent from +8% Spell Amplification to +10%* Shadow Demon: Level 15 Talent from +75 Cast Range to +100毒狗15級天賦+8%技能增強變為+10%,另一個天賦增加75施法距離變成+100* Skywrath Mage: Mystic Flare manacost reduced from 350/575/800 to 300/550/800天怒大的藍耗從350/575/800減少到300/550/800* Skywrath Mage: Level 15 Talent increased from +10% Spell Lifesteal to +15%天怒15級天賦+10%法術吸血變成+15%* Spectre: Haunt illusion damage increased from 30% to 40%幽鬼大招幻想的傷害從30%增加到40%* Spirit Breaker: Base movement speed reduced from 290 to 285白牛的基礎移動速度從290砍到285* Sven: Stormbolt stun duration reduced from 2 to 1.7/1.8/1.9/2.0斯溫鎚子的暈眩時間從2減少到1.7/1.8/1.9/2* Sven: Warcry cooldown increased from 34/28/22/16 to 35/30/25/20斯溫戰吼的CD從34/28/22/16增加到35/30/25/20 (之前我記得砍過了,再加上瘋臉削弱,感覺斯溫是廢了* Tiny: Toss manacost reduced from 120 to 90/100/110/120小小投擲的藍耗從120減少到90/100/110/120* Tiny: Grow Scepter attack range bonus increased from 85 to 150小小A杖攻擊距離加成從85變成150(沒玩過小小,可能有誤* Undying: Tombstone attacks required increased from 3/4/5/7 to 4/5/6/8屍王墓碑現在需要 4/5/6/7 4/5/6/8次攻擊才能打掉* Venomancer: Plague Wards vision reduced from 1200/800 to 800/800劇毒術士的蛇棒視野從1200/800減少到800/800* Windranger: Shackles duration increased from 1.5/2.25/3/3.75 to 2.0/2.6/3.2/3.8風行束縛擊的持續時間從1.5/2.25/6/3.75增加到2.0/2.6/3.2/3.8* Windranger: Shackles cooldown increased from 12 to 18/16/14/12風行束縛擊的CD從12秒變成18/16/14/12* Winter Wyvern: Level 15 Talent increased from +20 Movement Speed to +35冰龍15級天賦從+20移動速度變成+35* Winter Wyvern: Level 15 Talent increased from +50 Damage to +75另一個天賦從+50攻擊變成+75* Wraith King: Reincarnation cooldown reduced from 240/140/40 to 200/120/40骷髏王重生的CD從240/140/40變為 200/150/40 200/120/40* Wraith King: Level 15 Talent increased from +15 Movement Speed to +30骷髏王15級天賦從+15移動速度變為+30本文為作者原創,未經授權不得轉載

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