3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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Ever wanted a caffeinated beverage that looks as misanthropic as you feel? 你想要嘗試看上去拒人於千里之外的咖啡飲料嗎?Then you're in luck, because the Goth latte is here. It's made from the crushed souls of dead unicorn lattes and it's just as dark as your cold dead heart.那麼你的願望實現了,因為哥特拿鐵來了,它由死去獨角獸的破碎靈魂製成,和你冰冷絕望的心一樣黑暗。OK, so that's not totally true. 嗯,以上都是我瞎編的。They're actually made from activated charcoal, an ingredient that's a lot healthier than it sounds (or looks for that matter). 其實它們添加了活性炭,這一原料比聽上去或看上去更健康。Charcoal is thought to help rid the body of unwanted substances because toxins get trapped in its millions of tiny pores, so even though the Goth latte looks like something only the devil would drink, it might in fact be kind of good for you if consumed in the right quantity (just don't tell anybody). 木炭成分有助於清除身體不需要的雜質,比如沉積在無數毛細孔中的毒素,因而,即使哥特拿鐵看起來像是只有魔鬼才會喝的東西,事實上如果適量飲用,你的身體可能會因此受益(別告訴別人哦)。They've so far appeared in cafes in the UK and Australia, but we're sure it's only a matter of time before they arrive at your local coffee shop. 到目前為止,只有英國和澳大利亞的咖啡店有售,不過我們相信它早晚會出現在你所在的地區。Would you drink one? Let us know in the comments below!問題在於,到時候你會買一杯來喝嗎?歡迎在評論區留言,讓我們聽聽你們的想法!

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