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When it comes to résumés, there's a ton of advice out there on how to get it right.每每說起寫求職信那些事兒,總會跳出來一大堆建議告訴你怎樣能寫好.And, to be honest, some of it is just downright wrong.實話實說,這些建議有的可能達到適得其反的效果.A lackluster résumé is the quickest way to get your job application thrown out altogether, so it's important to separate the helpful advice from the nonsense.呈上一份暗淡無光的簡歷是讓你的求職最快失敗的方法了,所以辨別出撰寫簡歷的建議是有幫助的還是胡說八道就成了關鍵點.Business Insider spoke with several résumé experts about the worst CV advice out there.Here are their top picks:Business Insider網站通過和多個建立專家的對話總結出了關於CV書寫的最坑建議,以下是中招最多的幾條:1.Bad advice: Keep it to one page, no matter whatBetter advice: Lengthen your résumé along with your career and experience壞建議之一:不論怎樣,控制在一頁以內好些的建議:簡歷長短與個人職業經歷等相匹配This seems like a controversial one, but four of the experts Business Insider spoke with said that one-page résumé are obsolete — at least when it comes to great or highly experienced candidates.這看起來是個自相矛盾的建議,但十四位專家都稱一頁紙簡歷已經過時了----特別是對於經驗豐富的或高層職位的候選人來說並不適用."This can be a job search killer, because a great candidate should have more than one or two accomplishments per role to promote on their résumé," Amy Adler, a certified master résumé writer, management coach, and CEO of Five Strengths told Business Insider in an email. "If a candidate has held, say, five jobs in the last 25-30 years, and they follow the old-school approach of listing two to three 'responsibilities' per job, that gives the same amount of résumé real estate to the most current and likely the most advanced role as it gives to whatever that person was doing in the late eighties."「這一點可能會成為你求職路上的攔路虎,因為對於一個資質優越的候選人來說,每個但當過的職務都至少要緊跟著羅列至少一項相關成就,」Amy Adler,作為認證履歷撰寫專家和五力公司的CEO,在郵件里這樣告訴Business Insider,「如果一個求職者,在簡歷中遵循舊法羅列其25-30歲所作的五份工作,並且每份工作後面附上兩三條所謂職務責任的說明,隨著工作經歷的累積,直到80多歲了還是要遵循一頁紙原則,更新羅列出所有工作直至最新職務的話,是根本行不通的.」She said that two to three pages is a fine number for more experienced candidates, if that's what's needed to "deliver a comprehensive, compelling résumé." She added that a readable font and an appealing design are particularly crucial for longer CVs.她還說道對於經驗豐富的求職者來說,如果為了達到"陳述完整,引人眼球"的目的,那麼一封兩三頁的履歷是比較合適的.她補充說對於較長的CV來說,易於閱讀的字體和吸引人的頁面設計一般來說是很關鍵的."Remember — the audience doing the hiring wants an easy sell, so if the candidate is keeping their audience's needs for content and readability in mind, the hiring executive will certainly want to read more, not less, and use the résumé for what it's designed to do — generate a call for an interview," Adler said.「記住----簡歷的受眾需要的是一份簡潔的介紹,所以當求職者將他們對內容和可讀性的需要謹記於心時,簡歷審查人當然會更想多看看這樣的簡歷,而不是能少看就少看.讓簡歷發揮自己最大的效用----為你贏得面試的機會.」Adler說。Top Resume career advice expert Amanda Augustine said not to worry about hiring managers' tendency to skim over résumés.頂級生涯簡歷諮詢專家Amanda Augustine稱不要在意用人單位領導篩選簡歷時的快速。"Yes, statistics show that recruiters have short attention spans," Augustine said. "That said, there's no reason why a senior executive with 20 years of experience should be expected to condense all their accomplishments and major contributions to one page. It's only if you're new to the workforce that you're expected to stick to a one-page document."「是的,數據表明招聘者在篩每一份簡歷時所投入的關注很少,」Augustine說「但也就是說,一個有著20年工作經驗多高級職位的求職者不能將簡歷壓縮至一頁紙的長度。如果你只是職場新人的話,一頁紙原則倒可以適用。」So, if you're no longer constrained by the "one page rule," how can you make sure that your résumé grabs the recruiter's attention?所以說當你不用再被「一頁紙原則」束縛住手腳的時候,怎麼樣可以確保你的簡歷抓人眼球呢?"Our belief is that if you need a second page to complete your professional story, do it," Loft Résumés résumé and career strategist SJ Sawhney said in an email. "The correct advice is, 'Make sure the first page captures the hiring manager's interest, whether or not there's a second page.'"「我們相信如果一頁紙不夠書寫你全部的職業經歷的話,那麼繼續另起一頁,」 Loft Résumés公司的簡歷與職業生涯戰略師SJ Sawhney在來信中這樣說。「正確的建議是:保證簡歷的第一頁能引起招聘經理的興趣,這樣不管你有沒有寫第二頁都沒問題。」 2. Bad advice: Hide the gaps in your careerBetter advice: Be honest and constructive壞建議之二:隱藏職業生涯里的工作空窗期好些的建議:做到誠實和有建設性。"The worst common résumé advice, in my opinion, is to hide the blemishes of your background in a functional résumé format," executive résumé writer and Chameleon Résumés managing director Lisa Rangel told Business Insider in an email.「我認為最常見的一個壞建議是,在羅列式寫簡歷時規避寫出背景的缺陷,」執行簡曆書寫人及Chameleon Résumés公司的管理董事Lisa Rangel在郵件中這樣說道。"This is horrible advice for a few reasons. First, anyone with a progressive, linear background will use a reverse-chronological format. So when someone does not use this format and uses a functional format, you are bringing attention to the non-progressive aspects of your background. It's a résumé-equivalent of screaming, 'I am trying to hide something about my background!'"「之所以是個壞建議,有以下幾個原因。第一,任何有著前進的,直線性的職業發展背景的求職者,都會選擇使用倒序編年體的格式。所以當一份簡歷中沒有用編年體格式,而是功能性地羅列事迹的話,就會自然而然地使得審查人員注意到你的職業背景並非連貫。這是一項簡歷大忌,就像叫囂著告訴對方『我對我的職業背景有所隱瞞!』一樣。」It's never easy to fill in gaps on your résumé, but, as Mack Gelber writes for Monster, it's best to just keep things honest and positive: "Before you go to the interview, try to identify a few things you gained from your time away."填補履歷中的工作空窗期肯定不是件容易事,但是,Mack Gelber寫給Monster中的話一樣,最好保證內容的真實與積極:「在去往面試之前,試著找出這段工作空窗期里你有哪些收穫。」3.Bad advice: Use a fun, eye-catching designBetter advice: Stick the basics unless you're applying to a creative job壞建議之三:簡歷設計凸顯搞笑和抓人眼球好些的建議:簡約至上,除非你要應聘的是創意崗位。While stories about unusual or unconventional résumés might be popular, , founder and CEO of job siteLadders, said it's important not to go too crazy with your design.雖然那些關於不尋常非傳統的建立取得成功的故事屢見不鮮,對於求職網站Ladders的創始人和CEO Marc Cenedella看來,簡歷的設計千萬不能太瘋狂。In most cases, your creativity will just annoy, rather than impress, the hiring manager.多數情況下,你的創意會讓招聘者感到煩擾,而不是印象深刻。"Don't use design to show you're clever," he told Business Insider in an email. "Infographics, clever fonts, interesting styles, all make it tougher for recruiters, HR people, and machines to read your résumé. Unless you're applying to be a creative, don't get clever with your design."「不要希圖通過簡歷設計來展現你的聰明頭腦,」他在來信中這樣說「信息視圖化,有特色的字體,有趣的風格,都會使招聘者,HR人員或是讀取機器更難看懂你的意思。除非是要應聘創意崗位,否則不要在設計上耍小聰明。」4. Bad advice: Send your stock résumé out everywhereBetter advice: Create multiple versions of your résumé targeting specific companies and positions.壞建議之四:把塵封的簡歷不加修改四處投遞好些的建議:根據公司和職位的不同更改簡歷的版本."The worst, common résumé advice is being generic with information and then mass mailing to any and all jobs," Résumé Writers' Ink CEO and founder Tina Nicolai said in an email. "This is similar to fishing for a specific fish and using the wrong bait. Far too many candidate leave off pertinent information such as metrics, achievements, business results, number of employees on their team, year-end fiscal results, and leadership competencies. The more specific the résumé is to the targeted job description, the better chances the candidate will be selected for an interview."「最差勁的,也是常見的簡歷建議是把職業經歷信息通篇陳述,並且大量投遞於各類職位.」 Résumé Writers' Ink 公司的CEO及創始人Tina Nicolai在郵件中說道. 「這好比是釣不同的魚卻使用同樣的鉤子.很多很多的求職者會在簡歷里留下與職位不相干的內容,比如硬性指標,成就,商務成果,曾與多少人的團隊成員共事,年終財政數據,以及領導力競爭力.其實簡歷越針對所求職業,求職者拿到面試機會的可能性就越大.」5. Bad advice: Include an objective statement at the topBetter advice: Let your cover letter explain your master plan好些的建議:把個人總體規劃寫在求職信部分里.Lynn Taylor, a national workplace expert and the author of "Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant: How to Manage Childish Boss Behavior and Thrive in Your Job," said that the résumé "objective" is totally obsolete.Lynn Taylor,作為全國職場專家以及 「馴服可怕的職場獸性:怎樣管理幼稚的老闆作風並且保住工作」一文的作者,稱在簡歷里陳述目標完全是過時的做法。"Everyone should have a career goal, job objectives, know where they're headed, and so on," Taylor told Business Insider in an email. "But putting an 'objective' on your résumé can limit your chances of landing a job."「每個人都應該有職業目標,工作設想,知道自己的路要怎麼走,等等,」Taylor在郵件中這樣說。「但是堂而皇之的寫出具體的目標二字可能會約束你得到職位的可能。」How's that, exactly? Taylor said that your objective might completely miss the mark when it comes to the job you're applying to. Instead, she recommended explaining your career objective in your cover letter.更確切地講,這是為什麼呢?Taylor說你的目標可能與你要應聘的職務要求大相徑庭。但是她建議可以把職業目標寫在求職信里。"When you initially introduce yourself in a résumé and say, in effect, 'Here's what I want,' is that the first message you want to convey?" Taylor said. "Do you want to put yourself in a box? Or do you want to communicate, 'Here's what I offer?' The latter has more credibility and gives you greater latitude. A good hiring manager can distill from your summary and cover letter (if well-written), what you're looking for. If not, then you need to rewrite them."「當你在求職信里介紹自己時,你想傳達的第一層信息就是『這就是我的求職要求』嗎?」Taylor說。「你真的想把自己圈住嗎?或是換一種說法,變成『這是我可以提供的技能和能力』?後者更加可靠,而且能把你的簡歷提升一個層次。一個傑出的雇傭經理可以從你的簡歷和求職信中(如果你寫得好的話)提煉出你的求職要求。如果你寫得不好,那就從寫一封。」

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