3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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用慣了筷子的各位同學首次面對擺得滿滿的一桌子刀叉難免會發懵,除了學著其他人的做法,不如自己首先來了解一下西餐的用餐禮儀。新東方網留學頻道在此和各位同學分享留學生生存指南之不得不知的8條西餐禮儀,含中英文對照,學習一下吧。沒有人希望突然被人莫名其妙地打擾。無論是對富人,名人還是普通人來說,都會非常不爽。例如,著名的F1車手,Lewis Hamilton,受邀參加英國女王的晚宴,但是席間女王卻不得不去糾正他的餐桌禮儀。Nobody wants to accidentally offend someone without knowing they are doing it. Unfortunately, we are all vulnerable to it — even the rich and famous. Take Formula 1 driver Lewis Hamilton for example. He was invited to dinner by the Queen of England, who critiqued him for his table manners.吃飯可以檢驗一個人的教養禮儀,也可以看出整個人的素質。如果你要和女朋友的家人見面,或者要一個需要留下好印象的人一起吃飯,那麼熟知餐桌禮儀就非常重要了。不同國家不同文化的餐桌禮儀也會有非常大的區別。我作為一個在歐洲、英國和美國都生活過的人,覺得為各個國家做出習俗區分也非常的困難。但是我可以給大家建議8條簡單的規則——有了它們,你的就餐禮儀就不會出錯啦!Manners convey courtesy and sophistication. With bad manners, you risk seeming uncivilized and disrespectful. When you need to impress your dinner companions—say, your girlfriend's parents—manners.If you're going for dinner with people you want to impress, say, your girlfriend's parents, you'll probably be nervous and focused on your manners.Various rules across countries and cultures get incredibly confusing. As someone who spends time equal time in Europe, the UK, and the US, it's hard for me to keep track. So to make sure that I never lose face, I remember these seven foolproof rules:1.請把身體坐直。如果你的身子坐得不正的話,會看起來沒精打采,也會顯得你對就餐場合感到厭煩,人們會覺得你對他們說的話題並不感興趣。Sit up straight. Slouching can convey boredom. You want to show your dinner companions that you're interested in their conversation.2.當服務員為你上了菜,你應該等到其他人的菜都上齊了再開始吃,除非主人和其他所有人都告訴你可以開始了。其實在大多數非正式場合下,別人會建議你可以開動了,因為大家都明白餓著肚子看著食物變冷,只會讓人抓狂。Wait until everyone has been served before you take your first bite, unless the host encourages you to start. If you're served first, chances are, the others will insist that you begin eating right away. After all, we are all humans, and humans who are hungry get angry when they watch food going cold.3.如果你想表現得更友善,那就確保是否有人需要鹽或其他調味品。之後,就可以自便用你想用的了,但是注意不要讓別人給你遞過來鹽或者黃油,你應該自取。If you want to be extra friendly, make sure everyone has been offered a choice of sauces and condiments. When everyone is finished passing and adding condiments, go ahead and use whichever you like. But remember not to reach out and lean over people. Instead, ask someone to pass you the salt or the butter.4.吃飯的時候拿好你的叉子和勺子。就這麼做別想別的,如果你想得太多,那食物可能就好像是馬戲團的事故一樣掉到你的腿上。It looks a little bit better if you bring the fork or the spoon towards you when taking a bite. Do this, but don』t think about it. If you think about it too much, food will become a circus accident waiting to happen, and that spaghetti will fall on your lap. 5.吃飯的時候盡量把嘴巴閉上。如果讓別人看到你嘴巴里不停的嚼著食物,確實很難讓人去好好享受美食。Keep your mouth closed while you chew. It』s hard to enjoy a meal when you have to watch it mashing up in someone else's mouth.6.不要在吃著東西的時候和別人說話。如果你真的有什麼特別有意思的事情迫不及待想要說,那盡量說快一些,不要太大聲,並且盡量保證你是閉著嘴巴說話的。For this reason, talking with food in your mouth is not well seen. If you have something funny to say, you'd better munch quickly, but not too loudly, and with your mouth closed. Is it still funny now? Go on.7.用餐結束后,請確保叉子和刀安放妥當,並且不要把鹽撒得滿桌子都是。If by any chance you don』t like a meal that someone has taken the time to make for you, that is OK, but here is where a white lie is necessary, as the polite thing is to thank the cook anyway. This one is a hard truth to swallow, but just saying thank you at the start and at the end of the meal can mean a lot to your hosts.8.如果你不喜歡某人為你做的食物,那也沒關係,說一個善意的謊言,記得一定要禮貌地表達感謝。如果一定要說真話,那記得在說之前還是要說聲謝謝。所以,如果你遵循如上8條規則,那在大多數就餐情境下你都不會出錯。當然,如果你像Lewis Hamilton一樣有機會和女王共進晚餐,你需要注意更多的事情。但是在大多數情況下,我們也就是和朋友或者同事一起吃。所以這8條規則足夠讓你看起來很禮貌,會受人尊重,也不會過於正式!祝你吃得開心喲!I think we can safely say, if you follow these eight rules, you are going to be fine in a most situations. Of course, if you get the chance to dine with a queen like Lewis Hamilton did, you might want to look up a few more. But for the most part, we go for meals with friends and colleagues. In everyday instances, follow these eight rules to look polite and respectful, but not too formal! Bon appetit!

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