3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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為支教英語老師、志願者準備的禮物,非常有效的英語教學方法及自定教案很多大學生及愛心老師,會自願參加支教事業。默默無私地把自己的精力和時間,奉獻給山區里的孩子們。對於山區里的孩子們來說,如果支教老師可以大大激發他們對學習的興趣,以及教給他們正確的學習方法。讓孩子們可以自己主動地去學習、練習,那麼支教老師的任務就算成功完成了。山區里學校最大的一個問題就是:資源不夠!可能沒有WiFi,不能方便上網,不能像大城市裡,輕鬆獲得大量免費信息、資源。我們在學習英語時,經常使用的動畫、電影、美劇,對山區里的老師、孩子來說,也不容易接觸到。因此,我們也為親愛的支教英語老師們,提供一點幫助。提供英語教學的有效方法,及教學內容。學習準備:第一步:明確英語學習的核心:提高自己的英語能力!.其中,最重要的是:充分理解每一個完整句子的意思!對整個句子的理解能力。(包括了:閱讀理解能力、聽力理解能力)第二步:明確英語學習進步的過程。.山區里大都為中國小生,所以在大大激發他們學習英語的興趣的前提下。完成第1~3層的訓練,打好基礎,就已經非常棒了!而且,一旦他們學會了這樣的方法,自己也可以和小夥伴一起練習。第1階段:學習正確的發音。達成時間:2周~1個月。工具:電腦/平板電腦/智能手機免費WiFi網路(大型商店、快餐店、咖啡店、麵包店、圖書館等)【美式發音訓練視頻教程 American.Accent.Training】(請百度馬上可以找到)具體詳細步驟:請參考公眾號菜單欄里(技能提高):【練習1——美式發音訓練】或者,請參考:《6個月您也可以快速提高英語口語》支教老師先找到免費WiFi,下載視頻自己學習后,就可以按照視頻里的方法,教導孩子們學會一口標準的美式發音了。2周左右就可以全部學會!學習每一集后,老師可以找一些簡單的單詞、句子,和孩子們一起練習。第2階段:輕鬆模仿、大量模仿。初學英語口語階段,模仿自己喜歡的美劇、電影是最好、最有效的方法。這也是我們小時候學習母語的方法之一。正因為簡單、有效、有趣,所以每一個人小時候一定用這樣的方法學習過。模仿父母、模仿電視節目、模仿老師同學。以前沒有互聯網的時候,學習英語確實不容易。沒有環境可以讓自己多聽、多看、多多模仿。但現在時代不一樣了,充分利用好現在發達的互聯網,海量的免費學習資源。用正確的方法,每天輕鬆認真的練習,每個人都可以像學習母語一樣,學好英語。而且,只要有免費WiFi網路和電腦/手機就行。達成時間:1~2個月。工具:電腦/平板電腦/智能手機免費WiFi網路【練習2——單句模仿訓練/角色扮演遊戲】具體詳細步驟:請參考公眾號菜單欄里(技能提高):【練習2——單句模仿訓練/角色扮演遊戲】或者,請參考:《6個月您也可以快速提高英語口語》最重要的是:練習的目的!請一定認真閱讀訓練步驟,每個步驟都是其目的,不能自行省略。最後,可以只選者【非常簡單對話片段】,讓孩子們先看視頻后,練習就好。也可以用相同的方法,用更簡單動畫片段一起完成【角色扮演遊戲】。比如:粉紅小豬妹/Peppa Pig。逐漸熟悉練習方法后,請輕鬆的大量練習。準備好后,請試試:(公眾號里直接聽音頻):http://pan.baidu.com/s/1hscNQny角色扮演遊戲——第8次Characters:Player 1: Judy Player 2: Nick Player 3: Flash / Priscilla(At the DMV)-Nick (Player 2): Flash is the fastest guy in there. You need something done, he's on it.-Judy (Player 1): I hope so. We are really fighting the clock and every minute counts. Wait. They're all sloths? ……You said this was going to be quick!-Nick (Player 2): What, are you saying just because he's a sloth he can't be fast? I thought in Zootopia anyone could be anything. Flash, Flash, Hundred Yard Dash! Buddy, it』s nice to see you.-Flash (Player 3): Nice to... see you... too.-Nick (Player 2): Hey, Flash, I'd love you to meet my friend. Ah... Darlin, I've forgotten your name.-Judy (Player 1): Humm…Officer Judy Hopps, ZPD. How are you?-Flash(Player 3): I am...doing... just..-Judy (Player 1): Fine?-Flash (Player 3): As well..as..I can..be........What...-Nick (Player 2): Hang in there.-Flash (Player 3): can I...do...-Judy (Player 1): Well, I was hoping you could run a plate...-Flash (Player 3): for you...-Judy (Player 1): Well, I was hoping you could...-Flash (Player 3):...today?-Judy (Player 1):………Well, I was hoping you could run a plate for us. We are in a really big hurry.-Flash (Player 3): Sure... What's the...plate...-Judy (Player 1): 2-9-T...-Flash (Player 3): number?-Judy (Player 1): 2-9-T-H-D-0-3.-Flash (Player 3):2...9...-Judy (Player 1): T-H-D-0-3.-Flash (Player 3): T -Judy (Player 1): HD03-Flash (Player 3): H -Judy (Player 1): D03-Flash (Player 3): D -Judy (Player 1): -03-Flash (Player 3):0 -Judy (Player 1): - 3!-Nick (Player 2): Hey, Flash.Wanna hear a joke?-Judy (Player 1): No!-Flash (Player 3): Sure.-Nick (Player 2): What do you call a three-humped camel?-Flash (Player 3): I don't know.What do you call...-Judy (Player 1): Three-humped camel.-Flash (Player 3): A three-humped...camel?-Nick (Player 2): Pregnant. Ha.ha. ha.-Flash (Player 3): Ha…..Ha……Ha……Ha…..-Judy (Player 1): Ha ha! Yes,very funny, very funny! Can we please just focus on the task? Wait, wait!-Flash (Player 3): Priscilla!-Judy (Player 1): Oh, no!-Priscilla (Player 2): Yes...Flash?-Flash (Player 3): What...do..-Judy (Player 1): No...-Flash (Player 3):…you call...-Judy (Player 1): A three-humpedcamel? Pregnant! Okay! Great! We got it! Please just...-Flash (Player 3): three...humped...-Flash (Player 3): Here...you...-Judy (Player 1): Yes! Yeah,yeah! Hurry, thank you! 2-9-T-H-D-0-3.-Flash (Player 3):…go.-Judy (Player 1): It's registered to Tundratown Limo Service. A limo took Otterton! And the limo』s in Tundratown! It』s in Tundratown!-Nick (Player 2): Way to hustle,bud. I love you. I owe you.-Judy (Player 1): Hurry! We gotta beat the rush hour and... It's night?!(Later at the Tundratown Limo Service)-Judy (Player 1): Closed. Great.-Nick (Player 2): And I will bet cha you don』t have a warrant to get in, hmm? Darn it. It's a bummer.-Judy (Player 1): You wasted the day on purpose.-Nick (Player 2): Ma'am, I have a fake badge. I would never impede your pretend investigation.-Judy (Player 1): It's not a pretend investigation! Look, see? See him? This otter is missing.-Nick (Player 2): Well, then they should have gotten a real cop to find him.-Judy (Player 1): What is your problem? Does seeing me fail somehow make you feel better about your own sad,miserable life?-Nick (Player 2): It does, 100 %. Now, since you』re sans warrant. I guess we're done?-Judy (Player 1): Fine. We are done. Here』s your pen.-Nick (Player 2): First off, you throw like a bunny. Second, you』re a very sore loser. See you later, Officer Fluff. So sad this is over. I wish I could have helped more.-Judy (Player 1): The thing is,you don't need a warrant if you have probable cause, and I』m pretty sure I saw a...shifty lowlife climbing the fence. So you』re helping plenty! Come on!...2-9-T-H-D-0-3! This is it!....Polar bear fur.-Nick (Player 2): Oh my God!-Judy (Player 1): What? What?-Nick (Player 2): The Velvety Pipes of Jerry Vole! But on CD. Who still uses CDs? Carrots, if your otter was here, he had a very bad day.-Judy (Player 1): Those are claw marks. You ever seen anything like this?-Nick (Player 2): No.-Judy (Player 1): Oh, wait. Look!This is him. Emmitt Otterton. He was definitely here. What do you think happened?-Nick (Player 2): Oh no, wait aminute. Polar bear fur...Rat-pack music. Fancy cup. I know whose car this is,we gotta go!-Judy (Player 1): What? Whose car is it?-Nick (Player 2): The most feared crime boss in Tundratown. They call him Mr. Big, and he does not like me. So we gotta go!-Judy (Player 1): I'm not leaving, this is a crime scene.-Nick (Player 2): Well, it's gonna be an even bigger crime scene...if Mr. Big finds me here, so we're leaving right now…. Raymond! And is that Kevin? Long time, no see. And speaking of no see, how about you forget you saw me? For old time's sake? That's a no.(In the limo)-Judy (Player 1): What did you do that made Mr. Big so mad at you?-Nick (Player 2): I, uh... I may have sold him a very expensive wall rug that was made from the fur of a skunk』s butt.-Judy (Player 1): Oh, sweet cheese'n crackers…. 溫馨提醒:一、首先,給大家提出來英語學習時,您應該聚焦的2個核心: 第一,請完全理解每一個完整句子的意思。(您的聽力/閱讀能力會首先快速提高!) 第二,請把句子的完整含義,用正確、純正的英語自己表達出來。 (輕鬆重複地練習。熟練后,您的口語/翻譯/寫作能力會隨之輕鬆提升!)二、其次,您的英語口語要快速提高,最終達到自由表達有2個充分必要條件: 1、大量積累各種常用表達方式。(怎樣用正確的英語表達出某個意思) 2、把自己積累、學過的表達方式反覆練習,最終達到自己能熟練運用。【改善您的發音和語調】● 練習1—— 美式發音、語調訓練● 練習2—— 單句模仿訓練/角色扮演遊戲【強化理解+ 初步表達訓練】● 練習3—— 抄寫/聽寫訓練● 練習4—— 同聲翻譯訓練【初級表達訓練】● 練習5—— 「影子」跟讀訓練● 練習6—— 低聲朗讀訓練【高級表達訓練】● 練習7—— 講故事/演講訓練(公眾號:看美劇學英語練口語)請點擊此處輸入圖片描

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