3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

5月12日,全能男神阿諾德·施瓦辛格(Arnold Schwarzenegger)亮相休斯頓大學畢業典禮發表演講。休斯頓大學的官方網站上寫道,「休斯頓大學恢復了畢業典禮的傳統。典禮是隆重的場合,能給人留下深刻的印象。屆時引人入勝的場面將給家庭帶去歡笑與自豪,並且為後世的人們樹立榜樣。"施瓦辛格在學校2017年休斯頓大學畢業典禮上表示, 「美國給了我一步又一步向上的機會,感謝美國,感謝你為移民所做的一切。」演講全文:非常感謝,謝謝。哇哦,我現在是一頭美洲獅了(譯註:休斯頓大學的吉祥物)。這是誰的主場?誰的主場?誰的主場?讓我試試這個手勢,真是棒極了。非常感謝你精彩的介紹,卡托爾校長。今天能來到休斯頓大學真是非常棒,我代表全體學生感謝你做出的卓越貢獻。讓我們為卡托爾校長所做的一切熱烈鼓掌。我想告訴你們,在我看她的簡介時,我是如此為她驕傲。她是一位偉大的移民,她為這所大學、這個州和這個國家做出了偉大的貢獻。當我聽說她是美國第一位領導綜合性大學的印度移民時,我對自己說,我跟她一定會非常合得來。原因就是,我喜歡去那些不止我一個人口音重的地方。能夠被同為移民的她介紹,我很榮幸。能夠有這麼一位優秀和富有才華的領導者,這裡的學生也很幸運。此外,我也想感謝全體教員。你們多年來教導學生,鼓舞他們,偶爾也會和他們爭論。但沒有你們,他們就不會是今天的自己。所以,讓我們為全體教員鼓鼓掌。最後,我要感謝今天來到畢業典禮的各位家長。你們從孩子出生的那一刻起就在影響著他們,直到現在,看到他們成長為驕傲的美洲獅。你們陪伴著他們走過每一步,給他們建議,付出感情與愛,推動著他們前進,有時甚至還要為他們擔驚受怕。但非常感謝你們所做的一切,讓我們再為家長們送上掌聲。現在,在場的同學們,今天是你們的大日子。我知道,你們中有人會說,「等等,今天是我們的大日子,為什麼施瓦辛格在感謝所有其他人?他什麼時候才會提到我們?」好吧,首先,祝賀你們所有人。我知道,走到今天,你們一定是志存高遠,而且還需要努力學習,付出很多,沒有人能夠代替你們去學習,你們必須靠自己。所以,我想讓大家知道,我以你們所有人為榮。感謝你們所做的一切。現在,你們拿到了畢業證書,上面只會寫有一個名字,就是你們的名字。但我希望,這不會讓你們覺得這一切也許都是靠自己得來的。並不是這樣。這需要很多人的幫助,沒有人能獨自成功,沒有一個人可以。甚至連我,這個現在向你們發表演講的傢伙,這個有史以來最偉大的健美運動員,這個穿越時空去拯救人類的「終結者」,這個赤手空拳殺死「鐵血戰士」的人,也不可以。我總是對別人說,你們想怎麼稱呼我,都可以,你可以叫我阿諾德,可以叫我施瓦辛格,可以叫我「奧地利橡樹」,可以叫我施瓦茲,也可以叫我阿尼。不過,永遠別說我是「單靠自己就取得成功的人」。對你們來說,明白這一點非常重要。我走到今天,並非單靠自己。我的意思是,如果我要獨享榮譽或獎牌,那會貶損每一個讓我走到這裡、給我提供建議、努力幫助我以及在我跌倒時攙扶過我的人。而且,這會給人造成一種錯誤印象,以為我們光是靠自己就可以獲得成功。沒有人可以做到。靠自己成功的人,只存在於傳說中。現在,我知道你們會說,「我們看過很多關於你的報道,我們看過關於你的紀錄片,裡面的人說,你是美國夢的典範,你是靠自己成功的完美例證。」好吧,告訴你們,我自己也看過那些報道,我也很喜歡它們,但事實是,那並不是故事的全部。我不是憑空出現的,不是像「終結者」那樣乘著火球突然出現在洛杉磯街頭。如果沒有他人的幫助,我永遠無法成為今天的自己。就比如,我信仰上帝,我相信是上帝創造了我們。但我們暫時假設,如果你不信這一套,那你必然相信——至少是從生物學的角度相信——是父母創造了我們。如果沒有父母生我、養我、撫育我,如果沒有他們給我換尿布、愛著我、擁抱我,如果沒有這所有的種種,我今天是不可能站在這裡的。後來,當我上了學,有老師和教練對我提供指導,我的母親會在下午輔導我做功課。晚上,父親會教我各種運動,足球、滑雪、雪橇、溜冰、冰壺等等。父親教會了我自律,也培養了我對體育的了解與熱愛。他給了我人生中第一條好建議,他說:「無論你做什麼,阿諾德,做個有用的人。」你們也經常看到有報道說,我從一開始就決心成為健美冠軍,然後就開始了每天五小時的訓練,再然後我就成了有史以來最年輕的「宇宙先生」。是的,那沒錯,但事實上,這不是故事的全部。如果我沒有在故鄉的湖邊遇到一位救生員,如果我沒有遇上教我負重訓練和在樹上做引體向上的健美運動員,那就沒有以後的故事了。他們後來引薦我加入了本地的一家舉重俱樂部,那裡的教練教會了我舉重和健美。他們幫助了我、培養了我,是他們,推動我前進。雷格·帕克(Reg Park)再後來,我看到了一本雜誌,封面是雷格·帕克(Reg Park)。雜誌里說,這位「宇宙先生」將出演「大力神」赫拉克勒斯,封面上就是帕克擺出的大力神造型。我買下了那本雜誌,把故事從頭到尾讀了一遍。讓我告訴你們一些事情吧,我知道了他的訓練方式,每天五小時;我知道了他是如何成為健美冠軍的,如何三次當選「宇宙先生」,以及他是如何來到美國,然後獲得電影角色,扮演大力神的。當我看到那篇故事時,我找到了自己的理想。我想告訴你們,人生最重要的事情就是要有理想,要知道自己的理想是什麼。那本雜誌和雷格·帕克讓我找到了人生理想。五年後,經過每天五小時和他一模一樣的訓練,在他的幫助和鼓舞下,我成為了有史以來最年輕的「宇宙先生」。喬·威德(Joe Weider)和施瓦辛格正是這些進步,讓我獲得了「現代健美之父」喬·威德(Joe Weider)的邀請,來到美國。威德是一家大型保健品公司的老闆,同時也是《肌肉與健美》雜誌的主編。所以,是喬·威德把我帶到了美國,帶到了這個世界上最偉大的國家。他讓我有機會在Gold's Gym健身房訓練,還給了我一套小公寓。我來美國時一無所有,全靠他的幫助。我的口袋裡只有20美元,健身包里裝著幾件散發著汗臭的衣服。我住在一間小公寓里,感恩節那天,Gold's Gym的健美運動員來到我的公寓,給我帶來了枕頭、碗碟、餐具,各種各樣我沒有的東西。他們甚至還送給我一台黑白電視和一部收音機,我至今仍然把收音機放在床頭柜上。我看到的這種慷慨,我初到美國時得到的幫助,絕對非比尋常。我親身體會到了美國人的慷慨。而在Gold's Gym,那是一個誕生了各種冠軍的神奇地方,那裡有美國先生,有世界先生,有宇宙先生,還有舉重運動員,有奧運冠軍等等,所有人都在努力訓練。是他們,讓我從一個業餘比賽冠軍變成了一個職業比賽冠軍。在那之後,我連奪冠軍,七次成為「奧林匹亞先生」。這些,你們都已經知道了。按照1975年健美雜誌的說法,我成為了有史以來最偉大的健美運動員。正是因為所有這些人的幫助,我才可以做到,否則單靠自己,是無法完成其中任何一項的。《野蠻人柯南》劇照所以,這就是為什麼我不相信會有人靠自己就能成功。即使在娛樂圈,也是如此。你們看過報道說,施瓦辛格從健美圈退役后,就決定成為一名演員。沒過多久,他就出演了《野蠻人柯南》、《終結者》和《獨闖龍潭》等影片。是的,這沒錯,但它只說出了故事的一半。因為事實是,如果沒有得到那麼多幫助,我無法做到這些。如果一切真的和外界報道的那樣簡單,那肯定很有趣,但事實是,進入電影圈子是非常非常困難的,困難至極。我能進入,只是因為我得到了幫助。一開始的時候,每個經紀人、每個經理、每個製片公司高管都說,你永遠當不了主角,看看你的體格,你看起來就像個怪物。我很難過,因為我努力訓練了這麼久,突然之間,他們卻叫我怪物。但歸根結底,他們的說法是,「現在是20世紀70年代,大力士是20年前流行的,如今電影業追捧的是小個頭,是達斯汀·霍夫曼(Dustin Hoffman)、艾爾·帕西諾(Al Pacino)和伍迪·艾倫(Woody Allen),他們才是70年代的男神,你明不明白?」我說:「我的天啊,他們都是誰啊?」還有,他們甚至嘲笑我的口音。艾爾·帕西諾(Al Pacino)他們說:「瞧你說話的方式,我必須老實說,雖然我不想冒犯你,但你的口音,那種德語口音,讓我渾身起雞皮疙瘩,太可怕了。」他們說,「也許我們可以讓你在《霍根英雄》,就是那部電視劇里,飾演一個角色,一名納粹軍官。再有就是你的名字,是施瓦辛、施米茨,還是什麼,我好像已經看到這個『簡單易記』的名字出現在演員表上了,好像已經看到人們沖著這個名字來捧場了。」說到底,那是非常非常困難的,我能進入電影業,只是因為我決定不聽從那些懷疑論者的話,因為我決心像當初練健美一樣努力,去上演技課,上發聲課、英語課、演講課以及消除口音的課。現在,我知道你們要說,「阿諾德,你得把學費討回來啊。」但最重要的是,我開始練習,「The fine wine grows on a vine」(好的葡萄酒離不開好的葡萄),因為講德語的人有點分不清F、W和V,The fine wine grows on a vine。再接著是,「The sink is made out of zinc」(水槽是用鋅製成的),諸如此類的東西。我這樣練習了無數遍,終於有了效果。我開始接到一些小角色,然後,慢慢接到一些更重要的角色。最終,儘管很不容易,我還是被迪諾·德·勞倫提斯(Dino De Laurentiis)和艾德·普萊斯曼(Ed Pressman)看中,受邀出演《野蠻人柯南》。如果不是他們幫我得到那個角色,我就不會取得突破,也不會當上主角。電影拍出來了,他們花了2,000萬美元,大概相當於今天的2億美元。它成了票房冠軍,對我來說,那是一個很大的突破。導演甚至在新聞發布會上說,如果我們沒有找到施瓦辛格,我們就得自己造一個出來,因為當時,會演戲、身體條件也符合那個角色的,只有我。詹姆斯·卡梅隆(James Cameron)和施瓦辛格接著,當然就是《終結者》的導演詹姆斯·卡梅隆(James Cameron)。《終結者》上映時,詹姆斯·卡梅隆曾說,這部電影之所以能成功,是因為施瓦辛格講話就跟一部機器一樣。現在,我不知道是該把這句話當成一種褒獎,或是其他什麼……但最重要的是,曾被製片公司高管說成是缺點的兩件事,變成了非常非常寶貴的資產,我的演藝事業從此順風順水。這就是為什麼我總是感謝那些一路上幫助我的人,這就是為什麼我從不認為我是靠自己成功的人。不僅是製片人和導演幫助了我,製片公司高管幫助了我,而且是劇組的每個人都幫助了我。事實上,我們舉行殺青派對時,我總是要確保所有人都被邀請到,並在派對上感謝他們。我會走上講台感謝攝影師,因為沒有他,我的銀幕形象就不會那麼好;我還要感謝化妝師、視覺效果工作人員、特技演員、特技導演,還要感謝拉威亞的工作人員,感謝後勤人員,這份名單還有很長很長。劇組有280個人在努力讓你擁有出色的銀幕形象,所以,我怎能自稱是一個靠自己成功的人呢?所以,這就是為什麼讓所有人認識到這一點很重要,這就是為什麼我要告訴大家,我走過的每一步都得到了幫助。即便在我競選州長時,人們會說,「他就是有一天突發奇想,決定去競選州長,去掌管世界上第六大經濟體。」不,事實並非如此。傑·萊諾(Jay Leno)和施瓦辛格是的,我贏得了競選,是的,我當上了州長。但要是沒有《今夜秀》節目主持人傑·萊諾(Jay Leno)的幫助,這一切都無法實現。當時,我提前一周打電話給他說:「我想在你的節目上,在《今夜秀》,宣布競選州長的消息,因為我想讓自己有一種局外人的形象,因為加州民眾已經對典型的政客心生厭惡。」他跟我是很好的朋友,他說:「好啊,我會在這件事上幫你的。」8月6日,在所有人都不知情的情況下,我在《今夜秀》中宣布了我要競選州長的消息。當晚,他甚至找來了100名政治新聞記者坐在觀眾席上。所以,這就是我得到的幫助。當然,那時候我連競選團隊都還沒有。可接下來,一群默默無聞的人幫我組織競選活動、籌集資金、進行溝通,忙活各種各樣的事情。兩個月後,我成為了加州州長,只是因為我得到了太多太多的幫助。我必須要說,明白這一點很重要,因為人們總是喜歡描繪那種靠一己之力取得的成功。其實並不是這樣。許許多多的幫助才成就了今天的我。是的,我有決心;是的,我從不受那些懷疑我的論調影響;是的,我有自己的抱負;是的,我有滿腔熱情,我具備各種條件;但如果沒有人幫助我,這一切都是空談。你也許會說,施瓦辛格在加州推行了最令人難以置信的環保法,那你覺得,這些法律是如何出台的呢?議員們,120位議員,每次都要討論數周乃至數月時間,然後形成法案,再交給你簽署。所以,你也需要幫助。我這一路得到了很多幫助,正因為這樣,讓你們所有人認識到這一點才顯得如此重要。當然,最大的幫助來源於美國。如果我到的不是美國,而是其他任何國家,就不會取得今天的成功。我的意思是,美國不僅是機遇之地,而且是世界上最偉大的國家,任何人都能在這裡獲得成功!這就是為什麼我總是跟人說,如果不是在美國,我在事業上不會做出任何成績。我本可以去中東,你們覺得那樣的話,我今天還能站在這裡嗎?我還可以去非洲,如果我去了,我今天會站在這裡嗎?還有澳大利亞、亞洲,或者歐洲的任何國家,但這些地方,沒什麼區別。美國給了我機會,一步接一步,做過三份職業,掙了大把錢,所有這些,全是因為美國。所以,感謝你,美國,感謝你為移民所做的一切。我之所以希望你們明白這一點是因為,一旦你們認識到自己是在許多人的幫助下才走到今天,你們就會明白,現在,是時候去幫助別人了。這就是所有這一切的意義所在。要去幫助別人,不要只想著自己,要幫助別人。正如我的岳父薩金特·施萊弗(Sargent Shriver)曾在耶魯大學畢業典禮上所說——就像我現在在這裡發表演講一樣,只不過我是在一所更好的大學——你們知道,他是和平工作隊(Peace Corps)、就業工作團(Job Corps)和法律援助組織Legal Aid的創始人,曾在約翰遜政府和肯尼迪政府扮演過重要角色,他是一個不同尋常的人。他對耶魯大學的學生說:「摔碎這面鏡子吧,摔碎這面總讓你們只關注自己的鏡子,你們的視線將會超越鏡子之外,看到數百萬需要你們幫助的人。」我想告訴你們,當我聽到這句話時,我深以為然,我們必須主動去幫助別人。這就是為什麼我要參與特奧會,擔任特奧會國際教練,並最終成為了美國總統任命的健身、運動和營養顧問團主席。我是被布希總統任命的,他是我最喜歡的休斯頓人——我不應該說是唯一的,因為還有芭芭拉·布希(譯註:老布希總統的夫人)。我應該加上芭芭拉,因為我過會兒還要和他們見面。我可不想把芭芭拉漏掉,不然她會非常生氣。是的,不管怎樣,他們兩個都是我最喜歡的休斯頓人。然後,我們走遍了美國50個州,推廣健身和體育運動。最後,我們啟動了一個課外項目,現在已經進入了40個,哦不,48個不同的城市,超過10萬名孩子參與其中。所以,對我來說,回饋是非常重要的。每次我在世界各地旅行,訪問軍事基地,看望那些拯救我們、保護我們的勇士,我都要對他們說,感謝你們,感謝你們,感謝你們,不管我到世界什麼地方去,我都會這樣做。所以,明白這一點很重要。我希望你們去幫助別人,去慶祝自己的成就。你們應該如此。今天的畢業典禮非常成功,你們每個人都拿到了文憑,但在某個時刻,也請你們暫時忘掉這些慶祝活動,暫時遠離Instagram和Snapchat,想一想所有幫助過自己的人。別忘了卡托爾校長的卓越貢獻,別忘了去感謝她。還要記得感謝諸位院長,是他們讓這所大學如此出色。去感謝那些教授和副教授吧,感謝那些曾經教過你、讓你走到今天的人。走到父母面前,給他們一個大大的擁抱,告訴他們,你愛他們,感謝他們為你所做的一切。去行動吧,為你們的社區、你們的州和你們的國家做一些事情。請記住,我們最終被銘記的不是我們得到了多少,而是我們給予了多少。記住,這一切不是關於「我」,而是關於「我們」。把「我」變成「我們」,我保證,你們將能改變世界。感謝所有的美洲獅,感謝你們。演講英文全文‍Well, thank you very much. Thank you. Wow. I am now a cougar. Whose house? Who's ho‍u‍se? Whose house? Let me try that. It is wonderful.Thank you so much for the wonderful introduction, President Khator. It is a wonderful day to be here at the University and thank you also for the great work that you are doing on behalf of all of those students. Let's give a big, big hand for the wonderful work that your president is doing here at University.I tell you, When I read her bio, I am so proud of her. What a great immigrant. How many great contributions she makes to this university, to this state, and to this country. When I heard that she was the first Indian immigrant to lead a comprehensive university in the United States, I say to myself, I'm going to hit it off really well with her. The reason is because I love going to places where I'm not the only one with an accent.But seriously, I'm proud to be introduced by a fellow immigrant. And the students are very lucky here to have such a fantastic and talented leader. I also want to say thank you to the faculty. You have spent years teaching the students, inspiring them, and occasionally even arguing with them. But none of them will be here without you, so big hand to the faculty.Finally, I would like to say thank you to the parents and to the families that are here today. You shaped the students from the beginnings of their lives, way before they became proud cougars. You have been there for them every step of the way, giving them advice and giving them affection, love, and pushing them along, and probably sometimes even worried about them. But thank you very much for all of the great work that you have done. Let's give the parents and the families a big hand of applause.Now, to the students; This is a big day for all of you and I know some of you are going to say, 'Wait a minute, this is our day. Why is Schwarzenegger thanking everyone here in Houston? When is he going to get to us?'Well, first of all, congratulations to all of you. I know that it took a huge vision, great vision, and a lot of work and a lot of studying and there is no one that can study for you. You have to do that yourself. So I want you all to know that I am very, very proud of all of you. Thank you for the great work that you have done.Now, the diplomas — there will only be one name and this is yours, but I hope it doesn't confuse you and you think that maybe you made it that far by yourself. No, you didn't. It took a lot of help. None of us can make it alone. None of us. Not even the guy that is talking to you right now, that was the greatest bodybuilder of all times. Not even me, that has been the Terminator and went back in time to save the human race. Not even me that fought and killed predators with his bare hands.I always tell people that you can call me anything that you want. You can call me Arnold. You can call me Schwarzenegger. You can call me the Austrian oak. You can call me Schwarzy. You can call me Arnie. But don't ever, ever call me the self‑made man.But this is so important for you to understand. I didn't make it that far on my own. I mean, to accept that credit or that medal, would discount every single person that has helped me get here today, that gave me advice, that made an effort, that lifted me up when I fell. And it gives the wrong impression that we can do it all alone. None of us can. The whole concept of the self‑made man or woman is a myth.Now, I know you are going to say, look, we have read so many stories about you and we saw documentaries where they talk about that you are the model of the American dream and that you're the perfect example of the self‑made man. Well, let me tell you, I have seen, and heard, and read those stories myself. Enjoyed reading them, but the fact of the matter is, it is not the whole story.I didn't just materialize out of nowhere like the Terminator through a fireball in the streets of Los Angeles, and then all of a sudden I was there. No. I would have never made it in my life without the help. I happen to be someone, for instance, that believes in God. That we were created by God, but let's assume for a second that you are not into that, then you must also believe in — at least believe in a biological aspect, that parents creating us. I wouldn't be here without my parents creating me, nurturing me, feeding me, changing my diapers, loving me, hugging me, and all of that.And then later on when I went to school there were the teachers, and then there where mentors, the coaches, and then my mother was there in the afternoon helping me do my homework and be tutoring. And then in the evening my father was there helping me in sports, coaching us in soccer and in the winters skiing, sledding, ice skating, ice curling, and all those kinds of things. My father taught me about discipline and my love and appreciation for sports. And he gave me my first great advice, by saying, 'Whatever you do, Arnold, be useful.'So, you also read so many times that I decided from one day to the next to become a bodybuilding champion and I started training 5 hours a day and then I became the youngest Mr. Universe ever. Well, it is true, but the fact of the matter is, it is not the whole story, because if I wouldn't have met a lifeguard at the lake where I grew up and some bodybuilders that introduced me to weight training and taught me the first chin‑up on a branch of a tree of that lake, and that eventually introduced me also to a weightlifting club locally, where the coaches taught me powerlifting and weightlifting and bodybuilding. They helped me and they nurtured me. They pushed me.And then eventually I saw a magazine with Reg Park on the cover. It said, Mr. Universe becomes Hercules. There was Reg Park in a Hercules pose on the cover. I bought that magazine. I read the story from the front to the end cover and let me tell you something. I read exactly how he trained; 5 hours a day. And how he became a champion, Mr. Universe three times, and how he went to America. And then discovered in the movies — Hercules' movies. Well, when I read that, I found my vision.And let me tell you the most important thing in life is to have vision, to know exactly where you're vision. I found my vision and that magazine, Reg Park, gave me my blueprint for my life, and five years later, after training 5 hours a day, just like him and doing his exercises, I became, through his help and his inspiration, the youngest Mr. Universe ever.And this is what made then Joe Weider the father of bodybuildings, the owner of a giant food supplement empire, the editor of Muscle and Fitness invited me to America. So, it was Joe Weider that brought me to America, to the greatest country in the world, to give me the opportunity to train in Gold's Gym and to get me a little apartment. I came over here with absolutely nothing. It was his help. I had $20 in the pocket and some sweaty clothes in the gym bag. I had this one little apartment and on Thanksgiving, the bodybuilders from Gold's Gym came to my apartment and they brought me pillows, dishes, silverware, all of those things I didn't have.And even a black and white TV and the transistor radio, which I still have today on the end table next to my bed. The generosity I saw. The amount of help that I got when I came to America was absolutely extraordinary, saw firsthand how generous the American people are. And then in Gold's Gym, there was a magical place with all of the champions, Mr. Americas, Mr. World, Mr. Universe, everyone was training, powerlifters, Olympic champions and so on. And they helped me change from an amateur champion to a professional champion.And after that, I won champion after championship, Seven times Mr. Olympia. You heard it all. And became the greatest bodybuilder of all times according to the bodybuilding magazine in 1975. Now this is just — with all of the help, I would not have made any of that by myself.So, this is why I don't believe in the self‑made man and even when it comes to show business, it was the same thing. I mean — you read the stories that Schwarzenegger decided from one day to the next to retire from bodybuilding and to go and become an actor. And in no time, he did Conan the Barbarian and Terminator and Commander and so on. Well, it is true, but it is only half of the story because the reality of it is without a lot of help I wouldn't have made it.First of all, it would have been fun to make it that easy and to be that easy, but it was very, very difficult to get into the movies. Very difficult. And only because I had help, I could get in because in the beginning every agent, every manager, every studio executive said, you will never become a leading man. Look at your body. You look like a monster.I was upset about that because I trained so hard and for so long and all of a sudden they call me monsters, but the bottom line is, they said, 'This is the 70's. Twenty years they did Hercules. Movies today, the little guys are in; Dustin Hoffman, Al Pacino, Woody Allen. Those are the sex symbols of the 70's. Don't you understand it?' I said, 'Oh, my God. Who are they?' But they even belittled me with my accent.They said, 'Look, the way you talk. I have to be very honest. I don't want to offend you, but you give me the creeps with your accent, with that German accent. It's scary.' They said, 'Maybe we can get you a job in Hogan's Heroes, in that TV show, to play a Nazi officer. And plus your name, Schwarzen, Schmitzl, or whatever it is, I can see that already up there on billboard, and people running in because of the name.'The bottom line is, it was very, very difficult but only because I decided not to listen to the nay‑sayers and because I decided to work as hard as I did in bodybuilding, to take acting lessons, to take voice lessons, English lessons, speech lessons and accent removal lessons.Now, I know you are going to say: 'Get your money back, Arnold.' But the bottom line is I ran around, 'The fine wine grows on a vine,' because the Germans always had difficulties with the F, W, and the V. The fine wine grows on a vine. And then, 'The sink is made out of zinc' and all those kinds of things. So, I did this thousands of time and eventually it worked. I started getting little parts and then I started getting bigger parts, and then eventually, even though it was very difficult, it was Dino De Laurentiis and Ed Pressman that came to me with Conan the Barbarian.And if they wouldn't have helped me to get that part, I would not have broken through and become a leading man.This movie came out — they spent $20 million, which in today's terms is around $200 million on that movie. It was number 1 in the box office. That was, for me, the big breakthrough. And at the press conference, the director even said, if we wouldn't have Schwarzenegger, we would have to build one because I was the only one that could act and had a body like that for Conan the Barbarian.And then, of course, there was James Cameron that directed Terminator. When Terminator came out, James Cameron said, the reason why Terminator worked is because Schwarzenegger talks like a machine. Now, I don't know if I should take this as a compliment or what, but the bottom line is, it was the two things that the studio executives said would be big liability, became big, big assets and my career took off.And this is why I always say thank you to the people that helped me along the way and not ever think that I'm a self‑made man because, not only was the producer and directors that are helpful, and the studio executives are helpful, but every person that works in a movie. As a matter of fact, when we have a wrap party, which is the party at the end of the movie, I always make sure every person gets invited to that wrap party, to say thank you to them at the wrap party. And go to the microphone and you say thank you to the cameraman because without him, I wouldn't look as great on the screen; to the makeup person; to the visual effects person; to the stunt people; the stunt coordinator; the cable pullers; craft services; and the list goes on and on and on. There's 280 people that work in a movie that make you look great on that screen so how can I say I'm a self‑made man?So, this is why it is important for all of us to recognize and this is why I tell you, on every step of the way I had help. Even when I ran for governor, people say, 'One day he decided to run for governor and to take over the sixth largest economy in the world.' No, this is not the way it was.Yes, I took over and yes, I won the governorship, but if it wouldn't have been for Jay Leno, who hosted the tonight show, who I called a week before and I said, 'I want to announce my candidacy on your show, on the Tonight Show because I want to sell myself as an outsider because the people in California are sick and tired of the typical politician.' So, he said to me, and he was a great friend, he said 'Yes. I'm going to help you with you that.'And I announced, without anyone knowing, on August 6th, on the Tonight Show, my candidacy. And he even organized 100 journalists from politics to sit in the back when I announced my candidacy. So, this is the kind of help I got. Then, of course, I didn't even have a team yet. People came out of nowhere and just started helping organizing the campaign, and with fundraising, and with communication, and with all of those things. And I became, two months later, the governor of the state of California, but it took a lot of help.And I have to say that it is important to acknowledge that because people make it always sound that you did all this yourself. I didn't. I did it with a lot of help. Yes, I was determined. Yes, I never listened to the nay‑sayers. Yes, I had a great vision. Yes, I had the fire in the belly and all of those things, but I didn't do it without the help.And even when you then say, Schwarzenegger did the most unbelievable environmental laws in California, well guess how laws are done? It took the legislators — 120 legislators to negotiate for weeks and months at a time, and then to send down legislation and then you sign that. So you need help too.I had a lot of help along the way and this is why it is so important for all of you to recognize that. And the biggest help, of course, was from America.If I wouldn't have come to the United States, if I would have come to any other country, I would not have had the success. I mean, America has proven not only to the be the land of opportunity image‑wise, but America has proven to be the greatest country in the world. Anyone can make it!This is why I always tell people, none of my careers would have happened if it wouldn't have been for the United States of America. I could have gone to the Middle East. Do you think I would stand here today? I could have gone to Africa. Do you think I would stand here today Or to Australia or to Asia, to any other country in Europe, it makes no difference. This place has given me the opportunity, step after step, all the way through all my three careers and the millions and millions of dollars I've made all because of America.So, thank you, America, for the great thing that you're doing for immigrants that come over here.And the reason why I want you to understand that is because as soon as you understand that you are here because of a lot of help, then you also understand that now is time to help others. That's what this is all about. You got to help others. Don't just think about yourself. Help others.As my father‑in‑law, sergeant Shriver said, at Yale university commencement speech, just like I'm speaking right now here, except I speak to a better university, but he said — Sergeant Shriver said — you know he was the guy that created the Peace Corps, the Job Corps, Legal Aid to the poor and an extraordinarily human being under the Johnson and Kennedy administration.So, he said to those students, he said, 'Tear down this mirror. Tear down this mirror that makes you always look at yourself and you will be able to look beyond this mirror and see the millions of people that need your help.'And let me tell you something, when I heard that, it all made sense to me, that we have to go out and help. And this is why I got involved in special Olympics, to be the international coach of special Olympics, and then eventually became the chairman of the president's council on physical fitness and sports. I was appointed by President Bush, my favorite Houstonian and — I should not say the only one, but Barbara. I should add Barbara because I see them later on. I don't want to leave out Barbara here because otherwise, she gets really mad. Yeah, so anyway, So both of them.And then drive through around all 50 states to promote health and fitness and then eventually started after‑school programs and now we are in 40 different — 48 different cities providing after‑school programs for over 100,000 kids and all this.So, i mean it is — to me, it was very important to give back and also to go — every time I travel around the world, to go military bases and to visit our brave men and women that save us, that protect us, to say, thank you, thank you, thank you to them, anywhere in the world that I travel. So it is important to recognize that. So all I'm saying is, it is my challenge to you today to go ahead and to celebrate your accomplishment. You should.This commencement is a great success and each of you earned your diplomas, but at some point, take a break from the celebration, away from the Instagrams and snapchats, and think about all of the people that help you. Make sure to go and to recognize President Khator and to say thank you to her for the great work that she has done. Say thank you to the deans of this university that are responsible to make this university so great.Say thank you to the professors and associate professors, everyone that taught you and everyone that's responsible for you to be here today, and go to your parents and give them a big, big hug and tell them that you love them and thank you for everything that you have done to get me here today.do that, And give something back to your community and to your state and to this country because remember, in the end, we are not going to be remembered for how much we made but for how much we have given.Make sure that it is not about me. That it is about 'we.' Turn the 'me' into 'we,' and I guarantee you that you can change the world.Thank you very much all of you cougars. Thank you.And now I'm going to do a snapchat with my glasses. Let's hear it. Fantastic. Hasta La Vista, baby. I'll be back.

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