3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

Once upon a time there was a little girl who was just like everybody else.從前有一個小女孩,她和其他人一樣。She was seven.她七歲了。"Look! I lost another tooth!"「看!我又掉了一顆牙!」She was short. 她很矮。She could ride a bike.她會騎腳踏車。"Not,me!"「我也要玩!」She was just like everybody else except for one thing. She had red hair. And something worse...她和其他人一樣,除了一件事。她有紅色的頭髮,更糟糕的是……FRECKLES! How she got them was a mystery.還有雀斑!她為什麼有雀斑卻是一個謎。Her father didn't have freckles.她的父親沒有雀斑。Her mother didn't have freckles.她的母親沒有雀斑。Her sister didn't have freckles.她的姐姐沒有雀斑。Her baby brother -- oh, yeah. He had freckles, but he was just a baby.她的小弟弟——哦,是的。他有雀斑,但他只是一個嬰兒。People always had something to say about her freckles.人們總會對她的雀斑指指點點。"Hey, what happened to you?"「嘿,發生了什麼事?」"You look like you're dotted."「你看起來像是用小點作了記號一樣。」"If you got more freckles, you would be one big freckle, and that would be a tan."「如果你有更多的雀斑,你將是一個大斑點,還是棕色的。」"Does it hurt?"「這痛嗎?」"You look dirty."「你看起來臟。」"You look like a giraffe..."「你看起來像長頸鹿……」"...but a shorter one, with freckles."「……是一個帶著雀斑的小長頸鹿。」"Can I smell them?"「我能聞到他們的氣味嗎?」But most of the time they just said:不過大多數時候,他們沖著她叫:"Freckleface Strawberry!"「小草莓!」Freckleface Strawberry felt really bad. She needed to get rid of her freckles fast.小草莓讓她感覺很糟。她要趕緊把她的雀斑弄掉。She tried scrubbling them.她嘗試過用力擦洗。"Get out of the bathroom!"「快從浴室里出來!」She tried lemon juice.她也嘗試過檸檬汁。"You smell funny!"「你身上有股怪味兒!」She even tried markers, but her mom got mad.她甚至嘗試過記號筆,但這使她的媽媽很頭痛。"I told you never to draw on yourself!"「我告訴過你永遠不要往自己身上畫畫!」"I'm wearing makeup."「我化了妝哦。」Nothing worked. If she couldn't make her freckles go away, she would just have to hide.沒有任何效果。如果她不能讓她的雀斑消失,她只好隱藏起來。It worked! All her freckles were gone. It worked so well, she started wearing it to school. It worked so well, nobody said anything about her freckles anymore.有效咯!她所有的雀斑都消失了。效果很好,她開始穿著它去上學。效果很好,沒有人再說她的雀斑了。It worked so well, none of her friends knew where she was.太有效了,她的朋友都不知道她在哪裡。"Have you seen her?"「你看到她了嗎?」"She's short, and she can ride a bike."「她很矮,但很會騎腳踏車。」"She has freckles all over her body."「她全身雀斑。」Freckleface Strawberry was kind of sad. And hot. And a little itchy.小草莓這是一種悲哀。很熱還有點癢。After school, at the playground, she was lonely. Everybody was playing except for Freckleface Strawberry. She was sitting in the shad wishing she wasn't so hot. Somebody tugged on her shirt.放學后,在操場上,她很寂寞。除了小草莓大家都在玩。她坐在陰涼處希望她不那麼熱。有人拽她的襯衫。It was a baby. Ferckleface Strawberry knew about babies because of her little brother.是個小寶寶。小草莓了解小寶寶是因為她的弟弟。"Mama!"「媽媽!」"Don't bug me, baby."「不要打擾我,寶寶。」"Mama!"「媽媽!」"I said don't bug me, baby!"「我說別煩我,寶寶!」"Mama!"「媽媽!」"All right. I am pretty hot."「好吧。我很熱。」(小草莓摘去了面罩)"WAAA!"「哇!」The baby started to laugh.寶寶開始笑。She laughed and laughed and laughed.她一直笑。"Hey! What's so funny?"「嘿!什麼這麼好笑?」"Freckles. She loves freckles. She thinks they're funny."「雀斑。她喜歡雀斑。她認為它們很有趣。」"Hee hee!"「呵呵呵呵!」"They're not. I should know."「不是的。我知道。」"I know how you feel. I'm covered in them."「我知道你的感受。我也有雀斑。」"I can't see any."「我看不見。」"I know. Mine kind of went away a little when I grew up. I bet yours will too."「我知道。我長大了我的雀斑就少了些。我敢打賭,你的也會的。」"Whatever."「隨便吧。」She was just glad she wasn't so hot anymore. Or itchy.她很高興她不再那麼熱或是癢了。Suddenly Freckleface Strawberry heard some familiar voices:突然小草莓聽到一些熟悉的聲音:"Freckleface Strawberry, go down the slide with me!"「小草莓,跟我去滑滑梯吧!」"Freckleface Strawberry, you have to meet the new girl. She wears a ski mask all the time."「小草莓,你必須要見見那個新來的女孩。她一直戴著一個滑雪面罩。」"Freckleface Strawberry, were you sick?"「小草莓,你病了嗎?」"Freckleface Strawberry, we missed you!"「小草莓,我們想念你!」Freckleface Strawberry smiled so wide, she thought she would crack open.She wasn't hot. She wasn't itchy. And she wasn't sad anymore.小草莓笑的很開心,她想她該看開些。她不再熱,不再癢。她也不再傷心了。Who cared about having a million freckles when she had a million friends? And maybe that mom was right and her freckles would go away a little.當有一百萬個朋友的時候誰會在乎有一百萬個雀斑的?也許那個媽媽是對的,她的雀斑會很少的。And Freckleface Strawberry really was like everybody else -- she grew up. And her freckles...小草莓真的和其他人一樣。她長大了,然而她的雀斑……...DID NOT GO AWAY!……還在!But somehow, she didn't care so much after all. In fact, she lived happily ever after.但不知怎的,她不再那麼在意了。事實上,她過著幸福的生活。

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