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每年都有很多同學開闊眼界和經驗選擇去留學,為了讓大家能夠追求更好教育條件,為將來獲得更好的工作環境打下基礎,下面就為大家分享加拿大黃金專業,一起來看看吧。 1. MBA (Master』s in Business Administration) 工商管理碩 Investopedia lists an MBA as a highly flexible degree, meaning that students who obtain one will acquire skills that would help them succeed in most fields, such as business, finance, and accounting. Due to their popularity, they can be completed online or by attending school part-time for less than $10,000. According to salary.com, the average salary for a management position is $105,000 and for a CEO position is $1,352,000. David Orozco, MBA Program Director at Florida State University, said, 「Research has shown that an investment in an MBA pays off over the long term.」 MBA被認為是有高度靈活性的學位。擁有該學位的學生通常意味著在商業、金融以及會計等領域獲得成功。根據salary.com的統計,公司的管理者的平均工資從10萬5千美元到135萬2千美元不等,當然後者是CEO級別了。不過,大家要注意的是,很少有優質的MBA項目願意接收沒有工作經驗的申請者。如果你做好了萬全的準備,並且申請到名校的MBA項目。一般來說畢業后獲得在國外(四大和各諮詢)公司的就業機會應該不會太難,那時候你會發現你的薪資和讀MBA之前有質的變化。 2. Medicine 醫學 Luckily for med students, America will always need doctors. It』s important to note the daunting length of the academic path to obtaining a medical doctorate – beyond three to four years of post-graduate study, the student must complete a residency program lasting as long as seven years. However, Investopedia suggests that the pay-offs are not only in a median annual salary of $180,000 (private practices earn even more) but also in the personal gratification of saving lives. 對於學醫的童鞋來說,你們很幸運,因為北美永遠需要醫生。雖然你們需要比其他專業的人花費更多的時間取得學位,但平均年薪可以達到18萬美元。基本上不怎麼對國際生開放,尤其是臨床醫學。 3. Engineering 工程類 There are many areas of specialization in the field of engineering, and most of them appear to be lucrative. For instance, monster.com's list of the top 10 best-paying Master』s degrees includes a Master』s in Electrical Engineering, in Chemical Engineering, in Mechanical Engineering, and in Civil Engineering. In fact, a Master』s in Electrical Engineering tops their list, promising a median salary of $121,000. 工程大類包括很多具體的專業,比如電氣工程,化學工程,機械工業,土木工程。很多都收入不菲,平均收入能夠達到13萬美元。 4.Computer Science 計算機科學 echnology is a booming industry with a constant growth rate. An NBC News article suggests that projected employment for the industry is predicted to increase by 27%. The opportunities for employment in computer science include database administrator, software architect, IT consultant, and more. By mid-career, this degree would earn graduates a salary of about $111,000. 計算機科學,北美國家簡直是計算機科學的就業天堂,不僅是寬口徑就業而且需求量大,年薪大多在11萬美元以上。 5. Nurse anesthesia 護理麻醉 NBC News found this degree worth noting, and perhaps it』s because there is a nation-wide shortage of nurse anesthetists, who aid doctors, dentists, and obstetricians in procedures requiring anesthesia. Since no one seems to want this job, pay averages out at about $120,000 annually. 護理麻醉是一個相對冷門的專業,由於北美出現了這個職業的需求缺口,致使從業者薪資水漲船高,年薪直逼十幾萬dollar。但是國際學生申請這類專業非常受限。 6. Economics 經濟學 Monster.com rates a Master』s in economics at number four, bringing in a median pay of $114,000. Dr. Stefan Norrbin, Director of FSU』s Applied Master』s Program in Economics, believes economics is a lucrative option because it』s an analytical degree。 經濟學在國內也是高薪的熱門,可無奈專業越火意味著競爭者越多。 7. Physics 數據科學 Physics is a growing field with job opportunities expected to rise in the coming years, according to Forbes. 「Unlike many of the other physical sciences, physics is one that transitions nicely from a lab to a big data world,」 said Katie Bardaro, a lead economist with Payscale quoted in the article. 「The computations and technical tools utilized in a physics program are highly useful in the growing world of data science.」 The average salary for these degree holders is about $115,000. 數據科學世界中的新星,平均年薪達11萬5千刀。 關於加拿大黃金專業就為大家介紹到這,希望大家能夠有所了解。

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