3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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感謝您關注高中英語公眾號,如您尚未關注,請點擊上方藍字「高中英語」關注我們,獲取更多知識方法。每日更新,與您不見不散!昨天沒給大家發送聯考英語技能限時訓練,結果就有好幾位同學在後台給我留言詢問未發原因以及以後是否會繼續發送。首先,向大家道歉,昨天確實是忘記啦;同時,我也感覺很開心,同學的關注和詢問讓我覺得這份資料確實對大家有用,這讓我從這份工作中獲得了很大的成就感;最後,向大家明確表示,《每天一篇技能限時訓練,聯考英語輕鬆140+》將繼續發送半個月,我不會半途而廢,希望你在聯考之路上能夠堅持到底!完形填空(兩篇)(限時35分鐘) (A) 「How was school,Ben?」 I asked my 1 after he began kindergarten(幼稚園) this year. 「The work is too 2 and there』s not enough time to play,」 he replied with a deep 3. I couldn』t help but remember Ben』s mother,my daughter,Jane,and her 4 to the first day of school. When Jane 5 home that afternoon,I asked her the same question. She also replied with a long,6 face but her answer was a little different as she announced,「I didn』t learn to 7 today.」 What a disappointment for a little girl who thought she would 8 know how to read her little books after the first day of school. I had to explain to her that she would 9 learn to read but didn』t happen quite that fast. My 10 went back to my school days again.I could almost 11 the chalk dust in the air. I suppose few schools still use chalks and blackboards. They have probably been 12 with newer equipment and large computer screens. On the first day of school,the expectation was so 13 that I would be up early in the morning and 14 long before it was time to leave for school. We 15 about 6 blocks to school 16 new shoes that felt tight and carried our small supplies inside a cigar box from one of the local stores. The stores must have saved cigar boxes just to give them to us children. We 17 them from year to year until they fell apart. The first day of school was a new beginning,although there might be 18 on the first day. The doors of knowledge had been opened and we 19 great learning adventures. It is an 20 in our lives that most of us remember. It』s a big step for a small child toward leaving babyhood and so 「there isn』t enough time to play」. 1.A.sonB.grandsonC.brotherD.cousin 2.A.shortB.looseC.hardD.long 3.A.cheerB.expressionC.concern D.sigh 4.A.attentionB.approachC.reaction D.access 5.A.returnedB.leftC.headedD.escaped 6.A.cheerfulB.friendly C.sadD.familiar 7.A.writeB.readC.listenD.speak 8.A.widelyB.magically C.perfectlyD.commonly 9.A.eventuallyB.originallyC.occasionallyD.constantly 10.A.ideaB.viewC.mindD.sight 11.A.smellB.imagineC.tasteD.reach 12.A.decoratedB.replacedC.exchangedD.equipped 13.A.smallB.great C.faint D.slight 14.A.anxiousB.nervousC.curiousD.ready 15.A.walked B.drove C.ran D.rode 16.A.onB.inC.byD.with 17.A.saved B.used C.protectedD.hid18.A.excitementB.anxietyC.disappointmentD.sorrow 19.A.expectedB.promised C.demandedD.appreciated 20.A.matter B.affair C.fact D.event 【語篇解讀】你還記得第一次踏入校門,成為一名學生時的情景嗎?你感受如何?本文介紹了作者的女兒、外孫對開學第一天的看法,因而引發感想。【答案及解析】1.B根據下文I couldn』t help but remember Ben』s mother,my daughter,Jane可知,作者詢問外孫。2.D根據句中there』s not enough time to play可知,外孫抱怨做功課的時間過長(long)。3.D由上文語境可知,外孫因沒有了足夠玩耍時間而嘆息(sigh)。4.C作者回想起自己的女兒Jane第一天開始上學時的反應(reaction)。5.A由上文可知,女兒放學回家時,作者問的是同樣的問題。returned home回家。6.C根據句中also一詞可知,Jane感覺同樣不好,故用sad。7.B由下文可知,Jane抱怨的是在學校沒有學習閱讀(read)。8.B第一天上學的小女孩認為可以神奇地(magically)學會閱讀。9.A作者向女兒解釋說,最終(eventually)會學習閱讀的。10.C作者又回想自己小時候開始上學的情景,故用mind。11.A能夠聞到(smell)粉筆灰塵的味道。12.D由上下文可知,現在的學校配備了(equipped)現代化教學器材。13.B由句意可知,作者對上學充滿期待,很早就起床了,故用great。14.D提前作好了出發的準備,故用ready。15.A由句意可知,作者自己步行(walked)去上學。16.B表示「穿著……」用介詞in。17.B作者使用(used)這些香煙盒子作為學慣用具。18.C由上下文可知,上學第一天是新生活的開端,儘管有時候感覺有一些失望。19.A知識的大門已被打開,我們期待(expected)不斷求索。20.D第一次踏入學校之門,是令人難忘的事件(event)。【長難句子分析】On the first day of school,the expectation was so great that I would be up early in the morning and ready long before it was time to leave for school.上學第一天,內心充滿期待,我早早就起了床,早早作好了一切上學的準備。句子為複合句,that I would be up early in the morning and ready long before it was time to leave for school為結果狀語從句,其中long before it was time to leave for school為時間狀語從句。(B) Mr.Jackson was blind from birth.He owned a fruit 1 on a very busy street.2he was visually disabled,he ran his business pretty handsomely.He could see nothing and he could only 3 the things within his reach. 4 ,he was able to handle it and was content with everything he had. One day his son came to him.He told Mr.Jackson in 5 that he read in the newspaper of a 6 who could operate on his eyes and allow him to see.The father and the son traveled to the doctor and paid for the 7 . After the operation,the doctor asked Mr.Jackson:「What is the first thing you are 8 to see when I take the bandages off?」 He replied,「I really want to see my beautiful 9 on my stand!」 The doctor and the son10 Mr.Jackson down to the busy street where his fruit stand had been located for so many years.The doctor 11 unwrapped the bandages 12 he could lay his eyes on the beautiful fruit! Mr.Jackson was so full of 13 that he could finally see his life』s work—taking care of his fruit! After a few hours of 14 his beautiful fruit stand, he looked down the street both ways and saw there were quite a few fruit stands in both directions.He looked 15 the street and saw many other fruit stands.He spent so much time looking at other people』s fruit stands and 16 the competition that soon his own business 17 . From Mr.Jackson』s failure,we should know that everyone is a 18 individual with different fingerprints,DNA and thinking.What we need to do is just be ourselves and 19 everyone else to be who they are.Mind our own business and we should never be afraid of 20 . 1.A.stand B.companyC.storeD.center2.A.BecauseB.As C.AlthoughD.When3.A.rememberB.describeC.imagineD.feel4.A.ThereforeB.However C.OtherwiseD.Besides5.A.prideB.doubtC.excitementD.surprise6.A.doctorB.nurseC.chemistD.volunteer7.A.informationB.medicine C.service D.operation8.A.nervousB.luckyC.eagerD.afraid9.A.flowersB.vegetablesC.fruitD.clothing10.A.sentB.accompanied C.followedD.invited11.A.suddenlyB.curiously C.carefullyD.firmly12.A.so thatB.in case C.even ifD.if only13.A.regretB.joyC.courageD.relief14.A.enjoyingB.checkingC.judgingD.making15.A.aboveB.withinC.throughD.across16.A.preparing forB.focusing on C.worrying aboutD.taking up17.A.improvedB.failed C.appearedD.expanded18.A.simpleB.reliableC.uniqueD.perfect19.A.force B.requireC.persuade D.allow20.A.competitions B.changesC.differencesD.disabilities【語篇解讀】本文通過Mr.Jackson的故事告訴我們:我們每一個人都是獨一無二的個體,我們有不同的思想,不同的DNA,所以我們要做好自己。人只有專註於自己的事業,心無旁騖,才有可能在競爭中立於不敗之地。【答案及解析】1.A根據第9空處I really want to see my beautiful9 on my stand可判斷,Jackson在一個非常繁華的路段擁有一個「水果攤」。 2.C此處句意是:儘管他雙目失明,但是他的水果攤生意經營得還是相當好,前後是讓步關係,故選C項。3.D根據「He could see nothing...」可判斷,Jackson眼睛看不見,他只能「觸摸、感覺」周圍的東西,故選D項。4.B句意:然而,他卻能夠把一切處理得井井有條,並對他所擁有的一切感到很滿足,前後是轉折關係,故選B項。5.C句意:兒子「興奮地」告訴Jackson先生,他在報上讀到一則「醫生」的消息,該醫生能給他做手術,讓他的眼睛重見光明。in excitement「興奮地」,故選C項。6.A只有醫生才能給他做手術,讓他的眼睛重見光明。故選A。7.D根據「After the operation, the doctor asked...」可判斷,Jackson 和兒子去看醫生、做手術,支付眼部手術費,故選D項。8.C句意:醫生問Jackson去掉眼部繃帶后,他最渴望見到的第一件東西是什麼?be eager to do sth「渴望干某事」,故選C項。9.CJackson回答說,他最想見到的是他水果攤上漂亮的水果,故選C項。10.B醫生和兒子「陪同」Jackson先生來到他位於鬧市的水果攤前;accompany「伴隨,陪同」,故選B項。11.C句意:醫生「小心謹慎地」解開Jackson的眼部繃帶,目的是能讓他看見水果攤上的水果,故選C項。12.A此處是用so that引導目的狀語從句,故選A項。13.BJackson終於能看見他的水果攤了,自然是十分「高興」。regret遺憾;joy高興;courage勇氣;relief寬慰。故選B項。14.A句意:「欣賞」完他漂亮的水果攤幾個小時后,他看見來向和去向的街道上有很多水果攤。根據句意可知應選A項。15.D句意:他向街對面看去,又看見了很多其他的水果攤。look across「向……對面看去」,故選D項。16.CJackson花了大量的時間張望別人的水果攤,並對這種競爭充滿焦慮,結果他的生意很快開始衰敗。prepare for為……作準備;focus on使(眼睛、注意力等)集中於……;worry about擔心……;take up佔據。根據句意可知選C項。17.B根據下文「From Mr.Jackson』s failure, we should know that... 」可判斷,此處應選B項「衰退,失敗」。18.C句意:我們每一個人都是有著不同的指紋,不同的DNA和不同的思想的獨特個體。simple簡單的;reliable可信賴的;unique唯一的,獨特的;perfect完美的。故選C項。19.D句意:我們需要做的就是做我們自己,也允許別人成為他們想要成為的人。allow sb.to do sth「允許某人做某事」,故選D項。20.A句意:我們只有做好自己的事情才不會害怕「競爭」。 competition競爭;change改變,變化;difference不同;disability缺陷。故選A項。【長難句子分析】He told Mr.Jackson in excitement that he read in the newspaper of a doctor who could operate on his eyes and allow him to see.他興奮地告訴傑克遜先生,他在報紙上了解到一位醫生可以給他的眼睛做手術,讓他見到光明。這是一個複合句。that至句尾是一個從句作told的賓語,在這個賓語從句中,含有一個關係代詞who引導的定語從句,先行詞是doctor。高中英語隸屬於三好網,是全國最具影響力的高中英語學習服務平台,每天提供最精準知識總結、最有效學習技巧、最新聯考英語資訊,以及學習娛樂兩不誤的經典英文歌曲、電影等。有關高中英語學習的一切精彩,等你來關注!

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