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穿著太性感容易讓人覺得能力差?進而影響事業發展?這是老觀念了。最新的調查表明,衣著性感會讓女性看起來更聰慧。 It feels like women are constantly being told what to wear in order to make them look better, slimmer and more attractive because, believe it or not, in 2017 women are still being judged primarily by their looks. Yawn. 不斷有人告誡女性應該如何穿著,她們才能顯得亭亭玉立,身材苗條,風姿綽約。因為,人們更多地會從衣著來評判一位女性,甚至在2017年也是如此,信不信由你。 But now it has been claimed that wearing a short skirt, tight-fitting dress or low-cut top could mean you get taken more seriously. 不過據說,現如今你要是身著超短裙,緊身裙和低領上衣,就能更受重視。 Dr Alfredo Gaitan from the University of Bedfordshire gathered 64 students with an average age of 21 and showed them two sets of images of the same woman. 阿爾弗雷多•蓋坦是貝德福德大學的一名博士,他採訪了64位平均年齡在21歲的學生,向他們展示了兩組照片,照片上是同一名女性,只不過身穿兩種不同風格的服飾。 In the first, she wore a low-cut top, a mini skirt and a jacket, whereas in the other picture, she wore a longer skirt and a top that covered more of her skin. 一組照片中,她穿著低領上衣和超短裙,外搭一件夾克;另一組照片中,她身著長裙,和一件遮蓋更多的上衣。 The participants were then asked to rank her in terms of faithfulness, job status, morality, personality, willingness to have sex, and intelligence. 受訪學生會根據忠誠度,職業聲望,道德品行,個性,性愛意願以及才智這六個方面,分別對照片中的女性打分。 Contrary to previous studies which claim revealing clothing makes women appear less intelligent, the results found that it was the 『sexualised』 clothing which resulted in higher intelligence and faithfulness ratings. 早前有研究聲稱,女性穿得過於暴露會讓人覺得這人不聰明;然而在此次調查中,正是「暴露」的衣著讓女性在才智和忠誠度方面拿了高分。 There was no significant change in the other factors based on what the woman was wearing. 對於其他方面,即職業聲望,道德品行,個性和性愛意願,人們的想法沒有什麼大改變。 「Have attitudes changed so much that people are not making negative judgments based on a woman's dress?」 Gaitan said. 「人們的態度真的轉變了這麼多嗎,不會再因為女性的著裝而給予消極評價了嗎?」蓋坦博士說道。 「We think there are still negative attitudes out there, but perhaps people are seeing the sexy look more positively.」 「我們認為還是會有消極看法,但可能大家正在正視性感的著裝。」 So, it might just be time to whip out that mini skirt but we suggest doing so of your own accord. Want to dress sexily? Do it. And if you don't, don't. 所以,是時候秀出迷你裙了,但是我們希望你是發自內心的。想要穿得火辣性感?那就穿啊!不想,那就不穿啊! 英文來源:衛報翻譯:Alice(日報網愛新聞iNews譯者)編審:yaning

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