3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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相信大家都看過《艾倫秀》吧?很多人都喜歡這個帶著中性美,簡單利落的主持人,艾倫平時都看什麼書呢?1.The Art of Racing in the Rain」 by Garth Stein加斯·斯泰因的《我在雨中等你》「Ever since 12-year-old Mimi Ausland gave me the book 「The Art if Racing in the Rain,」 I haven』t been able to put to down. It』s about the life of a race car driver, told from the perspective of his dog, Enzo! Trust me, you』re gonna love this story——even those who are skeptical about talking canines. Your family will love it. And call ma a gambler, but I would put money on the fact that even your cats will want you to read it to them again and again.」 自從12歲的米米·奧斯蘭把《我在雨中等你》這本書送給我,我就愛不釋手了。這本書以一隻名叫Enzode的狗的視角,講述了一個賽車手的人生。相信我,你會愛上這個故事的——即使是那些對會說話的狗產生質疑的人。你的家人也會愛上它。如果我是一個賭徒,我會把所有的錢賭在一個事實上:即使是你養的貓也會希望你一遍又一遍地閱讀它。For those who wish to see life through their dog』s eyes, Stein has created a philosophical dog who examines television shows and contemplates the racing life of his master Denny Swift. If Lassie were given the ability to type out her thoughts about a grown-up little Timmy and his troubled family dynamics, Enzo just might count as a grandson or near relative. Inspiration for the author both came from his SCCA license, and a Mongolian tradition that the dog can reincarnate into a human.對於那些希望通過狗狗的眼睛來看待人生的人,斯泰因創作出了一隻充滿哲學頭腦的狗,它可以通過觀看電視節目來思考主人丹尼·斯威夫特作為賽車手的一生。如果蕾西能夠將自己對於小蒂米以及家庭紛爭的想法表達出來,Enzo也許就扮演著孫子或近親的角色。作者的靈感源於他持有美國賽車俱樂部的許可證,以及蒙古傳統中狗可以轉世為人的說法。2.「The four Agreements: A practical Guide to personal freedom」 by Don Miguel Ruiz唐·米格爾·魯伊斯的《四個約定——通往個人自由的實修嚮導》「A great book that everyone should read.」「每個人都應該一讀的優秀作品。」Also recommended by Jack Dorsey, Oprah Winfrey 傑克·多西,奧普拉·溫弗瑞推薦Four practices are all you need for a better life, insists Ruiz, and millions of readers have agreed with him. Seven years of being on the New York Times bestseller book list is quite an achievement, for a book describing just a few lifelong changes that need to be made: verbal integrity, questions without assumptions, a refusal to personalize, and making the best happen. As a surgeon with spiritual roots in the deep heart of Mexico, Ruiz weaves both practices in and out of this work. It has been promoted by Spiritually Fit Yoga and by Oprah, at the top of her favorites self-help books list.這四個約定是魯伊斯認為更好的人生所需要的,也得到了無數讀者的認同。該作者的作品有七年都入選紐約時報暢銷書,這是一個巨大的成就,這本書描述了人生中需要做出的一些改變:隨意評論、妄加揣測、受他人影響、儘力而為。魯伊斯是墨西哥的一名心靈治療師,他全身心都投入到自己的工作中。這部作品曾被《心靈瑜伽》推薦過,奧普拉更是將其列為自己最喜歡的書單。3.The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt唐娜·塔特的《金翅雀》「Love her writing. Can』t put it down.」「喜歡她的作品,讓我愛不釋手。」While critics didn't think much of Tartt's 860-page novel, she won a Pulitzer Prize and the admiration of Stephen King. The story is seen through the eyes of a traumatized teenage boy in charge of a priceless painting; Theo Decker escapes from an exploded gallery, and takes the advice of a dying man who gives him a contact for restoration and a signet ring. In the aftermath, readers are assured of the transcendence of art set against the fragility and brokenness of humans trying to piece their lives back together.即使評論家們對塔特860頁的小說並不買賬,她還是獲得了普利策獎以及史蒂芬金的欣賞。故事是從以一個持有天價名畫的男孩的角度來講述的。西奧·德克爾從一個爆炸的美術館逃出,並接受了一個瀕死的人的囑託,得到了聯繫方式和一枚圖章戒指。最後,讀者會感受到,藝術能夠克服人類的脆弱不堪,從而將生命的碎片修復。4.「Change Your Thoughts-Change Your Life: Living the Wisdom of the Tao」 by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer韋恩W. 戴爾博士的《思想改變人生:學習道家的智慧》「The title says it all. 」「書名就說明了一切。」As a motivational speaker, Dyer adds on 『spiritual guru』 to his list of accomplishments with his explanation of 81 verses by Lao-Tzu the Chinese philosopher. The balance of morality and goodness on The Way are meant to be digested slowly, day by day; some of the exercises, such as giving away unnecessary gadgets or avoiding gossip and slander, can be especially helpful in our modern lives. Readers may not want to read this book in the spirit of strict accuracy to historical or Buddhist texts, because the value lies in the general application of overall principles.作為一名理智演講家,戴爾在解釋哲學家老子的81首詩時,加入了「精神領袖」一詞來列舉老子的成就。道家中道德和美德的平衡需要我們一天天地慢慢品味,一些行為,例如放棄不必要的東西,或者避免閑言碎語、誹謗中傷,在我們的現代生活中尤其有益。讀者們可能不會帶著對歷史或佛教文獻嚴苛的要求來閱讀此書,因為真正的價值蘊藏在原則的一般運用中。5.「Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close」 by Jonathan Safran Foer喬納森·薩夫蘭·福爾的《特別響,非常近》「I love the book Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by my friend Jonathan Safran Foer. Jonathan is one of my favorite authors, and this book is absolutely incredible. The book is about a brilliant 9 year old boy named Oskar who』s father died on September 11th. Oskar is an inventor with an incredible imagination who tries to find the lock that belongs to a mysterious key he finds in his father closet. It』s a beautiful book that both hilarious and incredibly moving. I hope you』ll read it.」 [/en]「我喜歡《特別響,非常近》這本書,寫這本書的喬納森•薩夫蘭•福爾是我的朋友。喬納森是我最喜愛的作者之一,這本書絕對能帶給你不可思議的感覺。它講述的是一個名叫奧斯卡的九歲聰明男孩,他的父親死於911事件。奧斯卡是一名充滿想象力的發明家,他在父親的密室中找到了一枚神秘的鑰匙,因此他試圖找到和要是相配的鎖。這是一本很棒的書,既能帶來歡樂,也能帶來感動。我希望你能讀一讀。」 [en]Also recommended by Anderson Cooper 安德森·庫伯推薦This Holocaust-era novel has ended up on New York Times book lists frequently, perhaps because of the pathos of the nine-year-old protagonist. Having lost his father in the World Trade Center bombing, Oskar becomes a street urchin playing a tambourine. Critics in the New York Times claimed that Oskar was a conglomeration character, made up of equal parts of Holden Caulfield and Herzog. Fans such as Salman Rushdie and the L.A. Times claim that the novel is explosively moving, and Oprah made it an addition to her reading list, saying that the page breaks of blankness forces the senses awake. The book is truly explosive - Oskar's life seems to center around violent actions such as bombings. (His grandparents survived a bombing of Dresden in World War II.)這篇以災難年代為背景的小說屢次打破紐約時報的暢銷書記錄,也許是因為它講述了九歲主人公的悲傷。在世貿中心爆炸事件中失去了父親后,奧斯卡淪為一名以賣藝維生的流浪兒。紐約時報的批評家認為,奧斯卡是一個混合型人物,是霍爾頓·考爾菲德和赫爾佐克的結合體。而支持方薩爾曼拉什迪和洛杉磯時報則認為,該小說非常感人,奧普拉將其列入了自己的書單中,並表示只有分頁符的空白處才能使自己清醒過來。本書卻是極具爆發力——奧斯卡的人生似乎以暴力事件,例如爆炸為中心(他的祖父母曾經在二戰中德累斯頓爆炸中倖存下來)。

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