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We all use toothpaste daily to make sure our teeth stay sparkling white but it has plenty more uses than simply cleaning our mouths。為了保持牙齒雪白,我們每天都會用牙膏刷牙,但是除了清潔口腔外牙膏其實還有許多其他用途。From relieving bug bites, sores and blisters to removing nail polish stains and brightening your car headlights, these tips might have you reaching for a toothpaste tube more than just twice daily。從緩解蟲子叮咬、皮膚傷口疼痛和水腫,到清除指甲油污漬和讓車燈更加明亮,這些小技巧可能會讓你每日不止兩次使用牙膏。ZIT ZAPPING1、祛痘。It』s an old wives tale but a good old dollop of toothpaste really can beat blemishes。 It helps to dry them out and reduce the inflammation around the area。儘管這是一個很古老的用法,但是真的很有效——牙膏可以祛痘。牙膏有助於青春痘乾燥,並減輕痘痘周圍的炎症。Simply dab on your toothpaste after you』ve finished cleaning your teeth, leave to dry and then wash off。刷牙過後抹一點牙膏在痘痘處,等它干后洗掉就可以了。NAIL POLISH STAINS2、洗掉指甲油污漬。Nail polish can sometimes leave unsightly stains on your nails but instead of risking weakening your nails with lots of polish remover, try applying some whitening toothpaste to your nails and then brushing off。指甲油有時會在你指甲上留下難看的污漬,但是不要用指甲油去污劑清洗,因為那可能會讓你的指甲變得脆弱,相反你應該在指甲上擠一點美白牙膏,然後刷掉就行了。RELIEVING BUG BITES, SORES AND BLISTERS3、緩解蟲子叮咬、皮膚傷口疼痛和水腫。Using toothpaste on a bite can help to stop the itching and decrease swelling。 Try putting on just a smidgen of cooling gel toothpaste。在蟲子叮咬的地方抹一點牙膏可以止癢消痛。只要擠少量牙膏就可以了。SOOTHE A MINOR BURN4、緩解輕微燙傷。If you accidentally burn yourself with your straighteners then don』t fear。 Simply apply a little bit of toothpaste to the area to deliver a temporary and immediate cooling effect。如果你不小心用直發器把自己燙傷了,不要擔心。擠一點牙膏在患處就可以起到臨時冷卻的作用,見效顯著。GET RID OF FOOD SMELLS FROM HANDS5、洗掉手上的食物味道。If you』ve been in the kitchen cooking and your hands smell like garlic, try scrubbing your hands with a little toothpaste and it will help to both clean your hands and remove all traces of the strong odours。如果你一直在廚房做飯,手上聞起來一股大蒜味,洗手的時候試著擠點牙膏在手上,那會幫你清潔雙手、去除一切難聞的味道。MAKE SILVER JEWELLERY SPARKLE6、讓銀首飾重放光彩。To get your jewellery looking clean, put a tiny amount of toothpaste on an old toothbrush and gently buff away the dirt。 Wash afterwards and wipe clean with a cloth。如果想要清潔你的首飾,你可以擠一點點牙膏在牙刷上,然後輕輕地刷掉首飾表面的髒東西。然後洗掉牙膏、用一塊布擦乾淨就可以了。BRIGHTEN HEADLIGHTS7、讓你的車燈變得更亮。There are lots of different uses for your toothpaste that you might not have known about and brightening your car headlights is one of them。牙膏的很多不同用法你也許都不知道,而其中之一就是可以讓你的車燈更亮。Rub the toothpaste on with a damp paper towel and buff in a circular motion。把牙膏擠在車燈上,用一塊濕紙巾繞圈擦拭即可。

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