3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

walk tall: 'walk tall' means to be brave and confident in your abilities. 短語'walk tall' 可不是站得高,踩高蹺,而是形象的表示『昂首闊步』, 對自己充滿信心的樣子。 例句:I can walk tall because I really am proud of my job as a nurse. I believe I can make a difference. 我如此的自信是因為我真心覺得護士這個職業讓我引以為豪。我相信我會大有所為。 up to your neck: up to your neck means you are really busy with it or involved in it. 水要淹沒脖子了。『up to your neck』 很形象的表示你被某事深深的纏住無法脫身, 或指忙得不可開交。 例句:I'm really up to neck in work. It's the end of the financial year and I have so many accounts to finish. 我的工作忙的不可開交,財政年底,我還有賬要做。 second wind: When someone has got 'a second wind', it means they have a new vigour or determination to do something some time after starting it. 第二陣風,也就是說『恢復了精力,再次崛起或繼續做什麼事情』。 例如: I usually feel a bit tired after lunch but get a second wind around 4 pm. 午飯後我有些累,下午四點左右又恢復了過來。

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