3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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微信問題: 1,您覺得大熊貓吃屎嗎? 當然不能,大熊貓多可愛啊 可能吧,一切皆有可能 應該吃,誰不呢 Student In our reading assignment, we learned that because giant pandas still retain their carnivore-specific genes, they don』t obtain very much protein or energy from the bamboo they eat. If that』s true, how will they survive on such a diet? Professor That』s a really good point. Giant pandas actually digest the cellulose in bamboo using microbe bacteria in their gut. Pandas don』t produce these bacteria naturally, and instead get them from ingesting their mother』s feces. Even though they have acquired this unique adaptation, they have to constantly consume large quantities of bamboo. An average giant panda eats as much as 9 to 14 kilograms of bamboo shoots a day. They have this short and straight digestive tract that results in the plants passing rapidly through their body with very limited digestion. The low energy intake from eating bamboo is the reason why a giant panda is constantly eating and has little time for social interactions. It also means that they don』t digest most of what they eat and will defecate up to 40 times a day. There are other adaptations that help a giant panda survive. It has also a round face to accommodate the powerful jaw muscles that crush and grind the bamboo. Its large body is also an adaptation that allows it to maintain a low metabolic rate. 聽力學科辭彙補充: Giant panda:大熊貓 Carnivore:食肉動物 Bacteria:細菌 Feces:排泄物 Digestive tract:消化道 總結:大熊貓小的的時候,需要攝取大熊貓媽媽的排泄物中的細菌,這樣才能幫助熊貓爸爸消化食物。原來,大熊貓才是一把屎一把屎含辛茹苦地養大的哦! 微信問題: 1,您覺得大熊貓跟狗熊是親戚?還是浣熊是親戚?還都不是? 大熊貓當然是狗熊是親兄弟啦 大熊貓和浣熊都有萌萌噠的黑眼圈,一定是親戚 大熊貓和狗是兄弟,因為它們都有共同習慣 Student It seems like even with so many adaptations, the giant panda still resembles a bear or a raccoon. Professor Yes and no. And molecular studies utilizing DNA found that the giant panda is part of the Ursidae family. When the entire genome of a giant panda was sequenced in 2009 and compared with genomes of other animals, the closest resemblance was actually to that of a dog! 聽力學科辭彙補充: raccoon:浣熊 Ursidae:熊科 總結:大熊貓其實和狗才是親兄弟哈,DNA 真實高科技。TPO10講座第一篇,也是探索Whale鯨魚竟然來自陸地動物,但它的祖先是誰呢?趕緊去做題聽出答案哈! 若想獲取更多詳盡出國留學攻略以及托福培訓資訊,可以打開我們【上海新東方托福網】,涵蓋托福培訓,托福寫作、口語、聽力、閱讀以及留學名校介紹等。上海新東方托福網在這裡預祝各位考生學習順利,都能考取自己滿意的學校。

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