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春季的腳步悄然而至,你換上春裝了嗎?下面小編為大家整理了從猴年火到雞年的時尚單品,擁有這些,足夠你分分鐘變身時尚女郎。 The daffodils are out, Vogue's April issue has landed and the evenings smell a bit like blossom. Spring has sprung. It's still chilly, mind, which makes getting dressed quite complicated. To help, here is a handy guide to the new season standing of the items you already have in your wardrobe.春天來了,水仙花開了,夜幕中散發著淡淡花香,《Vogue》四月刊也上架了。但要注意天氣仍然寒冷,這讓穿衣打扮變得麻煩。為了幫大家分憂解難,下面的便利指南列出了你衣櫥里在新一季仍然時尚的單品。 Tights緊身褲襪 Good news for those who enjoy warm legs: tights are a big deal this season. Not black opaques, obviously, but plain sheers of the kind worn by Melanie Griffith in Working Girl. The most 2017 way to wear them is styled awkwardly with little white ankle socks and trainers, or with strappy sandals in a contrasting colour. On the Céline catwalk, they were paired with mismatching sandals - one black, one white. It's a bold look, but fashion was never going to make the rehabilitation of tights simple.褲襪是這一季的大勢,對腿部需要保暖的人來說這是個好消息。今年流行的當然不是黑色的不透明材質,而是梅蘭尼•格里菲斯在《打工女郎》中穿的那種純色輕薄款。最潮的穿法是緊身褲襪配白色短襪和運動鞋的混搭,或是撞色的系帶涼鞋。在Céline的秀場上,模特們搭配的是一隻黑一隻白的涼鞋。這樣的造型非常大膽,但時尚不會讓褲襪的復興那麼單調。 Jeans牛仔褲 Don't shoot the messenger – this is just an unbiased report from the front line – but in style circles, right now, skinny jeans are about as popular with designers as Brexit is. The Vetements-inspired stepped-hem kick-flare crop is still riding high and the Martin Sheen in indigo worker jean is coming on strong. Bear in mind that with a new jeans shape comes a new silhouette: a baggier jean often requires a top that will tuck in. Basically, go to a shop and try some on, because this one is going to be complicated.別打小編,這只是一份客觀的前沿報告,如今在時尚圈,牛仔褲就和退歐一樣受到設計師們的追捧。Vetements風的梯邊闊腿牛仔褲仍然備受歡迎,而身穿靛藍色工裝牛仔褲的馬丁•辛也很有魅力。切記,牛仔褲的版型不同搭配也不同:寬鬆的牛仔褲需要搭配緊身上衣。挑選牛仔褲很複雜,所以一般來說你要去商店試穿。 White trainers白色運動鞋 Most records pinpoint the genesis of fashion's obsession with trainers at 6 March 2011, when Phoebe Philo took her post-show bow in a pair of Stan Smiths. We are well overdue something new. The new white trainer fashion types are into is the Reebok Club C85. Where Stan Smith was 70s tennis clubhouse, this is 80s aerobics class.很多記錄精確顯示,運動鞋於2011年3月6日開始在時尚界流行,當時菲比•菲洛在登台謝幕時穿了一雙Stan Smiths。已經很久沒有出現新款小白鞋了。最新的小白鞋流行款式是銳步C85。Stan Smiths是70年代網球俱樂部風,而銳步C85是健美操課風。 Jumpsuits連衣褲 Ascot recently announced that jumpsuits had become part of its official dress code, and, lo, a perfectly useful trend was jeopardised. With high heels, a blow-dry and a manicure, a jumpsuit feels a bit Ladies Day. Worn utility style with a battered pair of converse, you're basically Ripley in Alien, which is excellent.英國皇家愛斯科賽馬會日前宣布將連衣褲納入其官方著裝規範,看吧,要求著裝適宜的流行已經沒落了。搭配上高跟鞋、吹過的頭髮以及美甲,連衣褲有點女人味兒了。一身工裝風再配上一雙做舊的匡威鞋,你基本上就可以媲美《異形》里的雷普利了。 Cold shoulders露肩裝 Last spring/summer's mega-trend – the neckline that united Hillary Clinton, Kate Middleton and Millie Mackintosh – is still happening, but with an inclusive twist: rather than going bra-free, wearers are now flashing their bra straps.去年春夏季露肩裝爆紅,希拉里•柯林頓、凱特•米德爾和米莉•麥金托什都這麼穿過,而今年這一時尚將會延續,不過會有一些改變:比起不穿內衣,現在更流行穿露肩裝時亮出內衣肩帶。

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