3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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「北京國中生」公眾號,隸屬於三好網,這裡每天為您提供最新的北京中考資訊、最專業的報考指南和最全面的學習指導。中考是無情的戰爭,我們將為您保駕護航!中考倒計時50天中考君說:從5月3日開始,海淀區進入了初三一模考試的時間,許多學校都會根據初三一模成績排名,提前聯繫學生簽約,可見一模考試的含金量。話不多說,預祝要考試的各位同學,考出自己理想的成績!下面是最新的2017年海淀區一模英語試卷及答案,趕緊來看看吧!2017海淀一模英語試題(點擊可放大)海淀區九年級第二學期期中練習英語參考答案2017.5聽力理解一、聽對話,選圖。1. B 2. C 3.C 4.B 5.A 二、聽對話或獨白,選擇答案。6. B 7. A 8.B 9. A 10. A 11.C 12. C 13.B 14. C 15. A三、聽對話,記錄關鍵信息。16. Kate 17. May 18. River 19. 5621 20. plants評分標準:16、17、18、20題大小寫錯誤每兩個扣0.5分; 一處大小寫錯誤不扣分知識運用四、單項填空21. A 22. C 23. B 24. D 25. C 26.A 27.B 28.C 29.D 30.B 五、完形填空31. B 32. A 33. D 34. C 35. A 36. C 37. B 38.B 39. C 40. A 閱讀理解六、閱讀短文,選擇最佳選項。41.C 42.A 43.A 44.C 45. D 46.D 47.B 48.C 49. B 50.A 51.A 52.D 53. B 54. D 55. C七、閱讀短文,還原信息。 56. A 57. C 58. B 59. D 60. E 八、閱讀短文,回答問題。61. Gabriel Whaley.62. More than 16,000 pounds.63. To get food donations. (能表達出相關的意思且語言無嚴重錯誤即可得分)64. It is more important to enjoy playing soccer than to win games.65. Its start, development, influence, and reasons for its success. 或Who started it/how it was started/Why it was started, how it developed, what it has done, and why it is successful. (能寫出兩項即可以得2分;能表達出相關的意思且語言無嚴重錯誤即可得分)九、文段表達檔次分數描述第一檔15~13分完全符合題目要求,觀點正確, 要點齊全。句式多樣,辭彙豐富。語言準確,語意連貫,表達清楚,具有邏輯性。第二檔12~9分基本符合題目要求,觀點正確, 要點齊全。語法結構和辭彙基本滿足文章需要。語言基本通順,語意基本連貫,表達基本清楚。雖然有少量語言錯誤,但不影響整體理解。第三檔8~5分部分內容符合題目要求,要點不齊全。語法結構和辭彙錯誤較多,語言不通順,表達不夠清楚,影響整體理解。第四檔4~0分與題目有關內容不多,只是簡單拼湊詞語,所寫內容難以理解。A possible version:① The Reading Salon will take place at 10:30 next Monday in our classroom. It will be a fun activity where you will hear people talking about the latest books. Besides, you can share your favorite book with the class. I believe it will be fun!Please make sure to arrive on time and bring your favorite book with you. When you introduce your book, speak slowly and wear a smile. I will bring a camera and take pictures for you. Let me know if you will come. ②As you know, it is important to build a Green Beijing because it is home to ourselves. It is our duty to protect our city and our health, too.In this activity, I reduced the amount of trash I produced each day. Furthermore, I picked up garbage in our community and posted signs that showed people how to reuse things.I feel extremely proud of the things I did. I believe if everyone pays attention to environmental protection, our city will be more beautiful and comfortable to live in. 聽力文稿一、聽對話,從下面各題所給的A、B、C三幅圖片中選擇與對話內容相符的圖片。每段對話你將聽兩遍。 Number 1W: Look! It』s raining.M: Oh, No! Rainy days make me sad.Number 2W: What』s your favorite animal?M: Well, I like elephants best. They are very smart. Number 3W: Hi, Jason. How do you go to school every day?M: By bus. Number 4W: I really want to buy a new sofa, but I am not sure where I can buy one.M: Well, I know a good place to buy sofas.Number 5W: Peter, are you going to join the art club?M: Of course. I love painting pictures.二、聽對話或獨白,根據對話或獨白的內容,從下面各題所給的A、B、C三個選項中選擇最佳選項。每段對話或獨白你將聽兩遍。請聽一段對話,完成第6至第7小題。 W: Good morning. What can I do for you?M: I』d like a large hamburger, please.W: Beef or chicken?M: Beef, please.W: OK. Would you like something to drink?M: Well, a cup of coffee.M: Here you are. 請聽一段對話,完成第8至第9小題。 W: Bob, you look pale. What happened?M: Oh, Cathy. I just stayed up late last night working on my Chinese.W: For the coming exam? I』ve found a new way to learn Chinese and it works very well.M: Really? What is it?W: I』m learning Chinese by singing songs. I can actually sing some of them very well now.M: That』s great! I do want to have a try, too.W: Why not? I downloaded a beautiful song the other day. We can learn it together now.M: Great! 請聽一段對話,完成第10至第11小題。 W: Our earth is so polluted. We have to do something!M: I totally agree, but how?W: Well, there are many things we can do. I』ve just come up with an idea, Frank!M: What is it, Mary?W: I』m going to give a speech about environmental protection at our school meeting to encourage everyone to take action.M: Great idea! You are always giving great speeches, Mary.W: Thanks. How about you?M: Umm…I think I can make signs about the small things we can do in our daily life.W: That』s nice. You are good at designing.M: If I need help, I can ask our teacher Mrs. Green for help.W: Perfect! Let』s get started! 請聽一段對話,完成第12至第13小題。 W: I heard you got a part-time job.M: Yes. But the problem is that my father won』t allow me to do any part-time job.I』m afraid he will say no again.W: Why? It』s a great chance. You can learn a lot from it.M: He says a part-time job takes too much time. And I won』t have enough time for my study.W: That may be true. But I』m sure you』re able to manage your time well. Why not have a try?M: I』ve given up quite a few chances before. But I』m old enough now. I don』t want to miss the chance this time.W: I agree with you. I think you really need to talk to your father.M: I』ll try, but I』m afraid…W: Just let him know that the experience will be amazing and valuable. And more importantly, show him you can manage.M: Do you think it will work?W: Sure. Don』t give up so easily. Just try.M: OK. I』ll do that. Thank you.W: You』re welcome. Good luck! 請聽一段獨白,完成第14至第15小題。 Good morning, students from Greenville Middle School. I want all of you to pay special attention to community service. It is an important part of our education here. We encourage all of you to volunteer every term. We have a new community program called 「One On One」. It offers the opportunity to teach the primary school students. You can choose to help a child with math, English or both. You just need to volunteer ten hours for one term. Half-hour lessons are fine. It is quite a chance, isn』t it? Mr. Smith is our advisor. And he will help you with lesson plans or offer suggestions. His office hour is every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. You can sign up for the program with him and begin teaching next week. I』m sure you will enjoy your valuable experience with children, and most importantly, you will care more about your community. If you』d like to sign up, or if you have any questions, stop by Mr. Smith』s office this week. 三、 聽對話或獨白,記錄關鍵信息。對話或獨白你將聽兩遍。請根據所聽到的對話內容和提示詞語,將所缺的關鍵信息填寫在答題卡的相應位置上。 W: Good afternoon. I』d like to borrow some books.M: Well, we need to fill in the application form first. I』ll just ask you a few questions.W: Right.M: What』s your name?W: Kate Jones.M: Could you spell it, please?W: I was born on May 22nd, 2003.M: OK. What』s your address?W: Apartment 104, River Street, Highbridge. M: Apartment 104, River Street, Highbridge. That』s just around the corner, isn』t it?W: Yes.M: Mm. And your telephone number?W: It』s 983-5621.M: 983-5621. Is that right?W: Yes.M: And what kind of books do you prefer?W: Well, I love books about nature and life. I especially like books about the great outdoors, such as plants and animals. I read a wonderful book on flowers last week. It was amazing.M: Nice. Now I need you to sign here.W: OK.M: All done. You can borrow books now, if you like, but your membership card won』t be ready until next week.W: That』s OK. Thanks.M: You are welcome.北京國中生ID:bjczs99請輸入正文想進國中生家長交流群的加我微信哈!熱門推薦閱讀文章回復【100】或【1000】查看「家庭教育類」文章回復【200】可查看熱門「學習經驗類」文章回復【300】或【3000】查看「學習資料類」文章回復【400】可查看熱門「政策諮詢類」文章

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