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社會不斷發展,人們的愛情觀婚姻觀也在不斷變化。如果要一個人過一生,你會想到什麼?是放浪形骸,瀟洒不羈愛自由?還是煢煢孑立,孤獨終老?外國知乎Quora提出了一個問題Is it hard to live as a bachelor your whole life?(打一輩子光棍難嗎?),咱們一起來看看老外們是怎麼看待這件事的吧。悲觀派:From Aman Bathla:It is incredibly tough! 單身生活真的太艱難了!Having a soul-mate to share everything with, is something every person on earth longs for. It is as if the creator has ingeniously planted an unbreakable code into each one of us that keeps us craving for an everlasting friend, who we can concede all our worries and troubles to.有一個靈魂伴侶能夠與你分享每一件事是每個人的終極追求目標。就好像造物者在我們的體內植入了一個無法被破解的代碼,讓我們不懈地追求著一個永恆的朋友,一個我們能與之分享煩惱的朋友。From Jay Bazzinotti:Yes it is and sucks more and more as you get older.很難,而且年紀越大,單身就越難。Now, it's relatively easy to find anyone to marry but it's not just as easy as grabbing the first available woman who will have you and tying the knot.當然,現在是很容易就可以找到人結婚,但是想要吸引一個願意和你結婚的未婚女子卻沒有那麼容易。I don't regret the good times I had or the adventures or the exciting romantic rendezvous but I think all those things pale in comparison to sharing consistent, cohesive moments with someone you build a future with and plan to grow old with.我並不後悔在冒險或令人興奮的浪漫約會上花費的美好時光,但是我覺得,和找到一個共度一生的人分享持久而和諧的團聚時刻相比,那些事顯得太過蒼白無力。In addition, the silence of being alone is deafening.除此之外,獨自一人時的寂靜太過難受。You can fill your hours with activities, reading, volunteering and more but coming home to an empty house and wondering who will find you if you die alone in the middle of the night, and who will even care, is one of the most pathetic fears of an aging bachelor's life.你可以用活動、閱讀、當志願者和其它事情充實自己的生活,但是回家之後,面對著空無一人的屋子,你會想,如果你在深夜孤獨死去,有誰會來找你、有誰會在乎你?對於一個日漸老去的單身漢來說,這是生活中最悲哀可怕的事情之一。樂觀派:From Anirudh Anupama:Nope. I have an uncle who is 65 and has been divorced and single since past 35 years.不難。我有一個65歲的叔叔,他從離婚開始已經單身35年了。He enjoys his life to the full extent. He has been an X- Ray technician in a cancer hospital for whole of his life and is working after retirement too.他完全是在享受生活。他一輩子都在一家腫瘤醫院做X光技術員,在退休以後也仍在工作。He earns decent amount to fund his regular visits to nearby pilgrimage places.他的收入相當充裕,足夠他定期去附近的朝聖地轉轉。He has told me one thing which has motivated me the most, "If you can enjoy your own company, then you need no one else to entertain you all the time."他告訴我一件非常鼓舞我的事:「如果你能夠享受自己一個人的生活,那麼你就沒必要讓另一個人來一直取悅你。」From Steven Clarke:No. I'm 56 and have never been married. I have no children. 不難。我今年56歲,從沒結過婚,也沒有孩子。I've had my ups and downs, but so have my married friends.我經歷了人生中的高低起伏,但是我那些已婚朋友們也同樣經歷了那些。Being married doesn't guarantee happiness. Being single doesn't condemn one to misery. 結婚並不能保證幸福,單身也不意味著不幸。There are many paths through life, all are complicated and most have their share of joy and misery.人生之路有很多條,每一天都很複雜,都有其快樂與不幸。Staring longingly at an idealized picture of someone else's path will only result in missing out on the joy and richness of experience on your own path.用渴望的目光看著別人那條理想化的路途,只會讓你錯失了自己人生之路上的歡樂與豐富經歷。Vocabulary:bachelor 英 ['bætʃələ] 美 ['bætʃəlɚ] 單身漢ingeniously [ɪn'dʒinjəsli] adv. 賢明地;有才能地tie the knot 結婚rendezvous 英 ['rɒndɪvuː; -deɪvuː] 美 ['rɑndevʊ] n. 約會deafening 英 ['defnɪŋ] 美 ['dɛfnɪŋ] adj. 震耳欲聾的;極喧鬧的pathetic 英 [pə'θetɪk] 美 [pə'θɛtɪk] adj. 可憐的,悲哀的pilgrimage 英 ['pɪlgrɪmɪdʒ] 美 ['pɪlɡrɪmɪdʒ] n. 漫遊;朝聖之行看了這兩派不同的觀點后你有什麼想法?你如何看待單身一輩子?歡迎留言哦。

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