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轉載聲明本文為燈塔大數據原創內容,歡迎個人轉載至朋友圈,其他機構轉載請在文章開頭標註:「轉自:燈塔大數據;」導讀:本文將給大家介紹讓你成為優秀數據科學家的42個步驟。深入掌握數據準備,機器學習,SQL數據科學等。相關文章鏈接獲取,查看下方備註(文末更多往期譯文推薦)如果你對各種數據類的科學課題感興趣,你就來對地方了。本文將給大家介紹讓你成為優秀數據科學家的42個步驟。本文將這42步驟分為六個部分, 前三個部分主要講述從數據準備到初步完成機器學習的學習過程,其中包括對理論知識的掌握和Python庫的實現。第四部分主要是從如何理解的角度講解深入學習的方法。最後兩部分則是關於SQL數據科學和NoSQL資料庫。接下來讓我們走進這42步進階學習。7步掌握數據準備(Python)數據準備、清洗、預處理、凈化、篩選。這些技術適用於在機器學習、數據挖掘和數據社區的一系列數據活動和不同的數據階段的學習中使用。同時,這篇文章涵蓋了一組完全不同於我們常規的數據預處理的方法。基於需求,技術可能會被運用在一個指定的情景下。你會發現這一系列方法既適用於正規途徑,也適用於一般方法。7步掌握Python的機器學習(1)這篇文章主要講述了七大步驟,包括基本 Python 技能,機器學習基礎技巧,科學計算Python 軟體包概述,使用 Python 學習機器學習,Python 實現機器學習的基本演算法,Python 實現進階機器學習演算法,Python 深度學習。 這篇文章的主要目的是幫助你了解關於機器學習的眾多方法。可以肯定的是,好的方法確實有很多,但哪個才是最好最適合的?方法使用的先後次序是什麼?7步掌握Python的機器學習(2)上一篇文章主要是關於機器學習的基礎知識講解,本文將重點關注機器學習任務的部分。如果你已經學習了該系列的上篇,那麼應該達到了令人滿意的學習速度和熟練技能;如果沒有的話,你也許應該回顧一下上篇,具體花費多少時間,取決於你當前的理解水平。由於安全地跳過了一些基礎模塊——Python 基礎、機器學習基礎等等——我們可以直接進入到不同的機器學習演算法之中。這次我們可以根據功能更好地分類教程。7步理解深度學習這部分教程的目的是為深層神經網路新人而準備,如何從機器學習這個龐大而複雜的課題中找到並獲取優質知識。這七個步驟分別是:第一步:介紹深度學習;第二步:學習技術;第三步:反向傳播和梯度下降;第四步:實踐;第五步:卷積神經網路和計算機視覺;第六步:遞歸網和語言處理;第七步:更深入的課題。7步掌握SQL數據科學顯然,SQL是數據科學的中比較重要的部分。因此,這篇文章旨在幫助讀者使他通過免費的在線資源從SQL新手在短時間內成長為熟練的實踐者。在互聯網上存在大量的資源,但從開始到結束映射出的路徑,使用互相補足的工具,並不是像看起來那樣的的那麼簡單。希望這篇文章能以這種方式給予你們幫助。7步了解NoSQL資料庫NoSQL是無模式、非關係型數據存儲方案的代名詞。NoSQL是一個總稱,它涵蓋了一些不同的技術。這些技術,甚至不一定和NoSQL具有強關聯性;而同時,近年來結構化查詢語言(SQL)已經和關係資料庫管理系統進行了融合。備註:相關文章鏈接,在對話框中關鍵詞回復「數據科學」,即可獲取,下期燈塔將繼續翻譯本期其餘的的優秀文章與大家分享,敬請期待。英文原文42 Steps to Mastering Data ScienceIf you are interested in meta-tutorials on a variety of data science topics, you have come to the right place.Of the six 7-step tutorials included herein, the first 3 tutorials cover, in order, the machine learning process from data preparation through to several different types of machine learning tasks, including both theoretical understanding and practical implementation using Python libraries.The fourth tutorial covers deep learning, mainly from an "understanding" perspective, while the final 2 cover database topics: SQL for data science, and understanding NoSQL databases.And so with a nod to Douglas Adams, andthe answer to life, universe, and everything, let's have a look at 42 steps to mastering data science.7 Steps to Mastering Data Preparation with PythonData preparation, cleaning, pre-processing, cleansing, wrangling. Whatever term you choose, they refer to a roughly related set of pre-modeling data activities in the machine learning, data mining, and data science communities.Keep in mind, however, that this article covers one particular set of data preparation techniques, and additional, or completely different, techniques may be used in a given circumstance, based on requirements. You should find that the prescription held herein is one which is both orthodox and general in approach.7 Steps to Mastering Machine Learning With PythonThis post aims to take a newcomer from minimal knowledge of machine learning in Python all the way to knowledgeable practitioner in 7 steps, all while using freely available materials and resources along the way. The prime objective of this outline is to help you wade through the numerous free options that are available; there are many, to be sure, but which are the best? Which complement one another? What is the best order in which to use selected resources?7 More Steps to Mastering Machine Learning With PythonAfter a quick review -- and a few options for a fresh perspective -- this post will focus more categorically on several sets of related machine learning tasks. Since we can safely skip the foundational modules this time around -- Python basics, machine learning basics, etc. -- we will jump right into the various machine learning algorithms. We can also categorize our tutorials better along functional lines this time.7 Steps to Understanding Deep LearningThis collection of reading materials and tutorials aims to provide a path for a deep neural networks newcomer to gain some understanding of this vast and complex topic. Though I do not assume any real understanding of neural networks or deep learning, I will assume your familiarity with general machine learning theory and practice to some degree. To overcome any deficiency you may have in the general areas of machine learning theory or practice you can consult the recent KDnuggets post7 Steps to Mastering Machine Learning With Python. Since we will also see examples implemented in Python, some familiarity with the language will be useful. Introductory and review resources are also available in the previously mentioned post.7 Steps to Mastering SQL for Data ScienceClearly, SQL is important in data science. As such, this post aims to take a reader from SQL newbie to competent practitioner in a short time, using freely-available online resources. Lots of such resources exist on the internet, but mapping out a path from start to finish, using items which complement each other, is not always as straightforward as it may seem. Hopefully this post can be of assistance in this manner.7 Steps to Understanding NoSQL DatabasesThe term NoSQL has come to be synonymous with schema-less, non-relational data storage schemes. NoSQL is an umbrella term, one which encompasses a number of different technologies. These different technologies aren't even necessarily related in any way beyond the single defining characteristic of NoSQL: they are not relational in nature; for right or wrong, Structured Query Language (SQL) has become conflated with relational database management systems over the years.往期譯文推薦:原創譯文 | 區塊鏈:未來將不存在公司,只有信用!(區塊鏈將重塑企業發展)原創譯文 | AI正在突破世界性的難題:流浪者、恐怖主義和物種滅絕原創譯文 | 大數據顯示好萊塢從沒使用過一樣的劇情(真實的數據分析研究案例)原創譯文 | 三星第二季度營業利潤上漲73%,儲存晶元成首要功臣原創譯文 | 大數據分析:最難的不是分析,而是大數據原創譯文 | 一家銀行用區塊鏈取代了傳真機,這值得嗎?原創譯文 | 最新頂尖數據分析師必用的15大Python庫(下)原創譯文 | 最新頂尖數據分析師必用的15大Python庫(上)原創譯文|2017年大數據年中盤點——預測的趨勢現況如何原創譯文|你應該知道的18個大數據工具【燈塔大數據】微信公眾號介紹:電信北京研究院通過整合電信自有數據、互聯網數據和線下數據,創建了業內領先的「燈塔」大數據行業應用平台,致力於與行業合作夥伴共同打造大數據行業應用生態圈。目前我們面向市場研究、廣告、汽車、金融、人力資源等諸多行業領域,提供零售研究、消費者研究、店鋪選址、精準營銷、泛義徵信等服務,助力企業在大數據時代楊帆遠航。】關鍵字信息:【人工智慧】獲取人工智慧時代的發展思考 ppt【半月刊】下載大數據瞭望半月刊【網路安全】獲取國民網路安全報告全文【23個理由】下載《大數據讓你興奮的23個理由》電子書【思維導圖】下載12種工具的獲取方式【 燈塔 】 查看更多關鍵字回復

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