3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

2018考研複習進行時,考研英語閱讀真題中的文章,多摘自英美主流外刊,有時候你認識所有單詞、搞清全部語法還不夠,還需要了解英美文化,掌握他們的表達方式,這就是閱讀的潛台詞。下面新東方在線考研整理《2018考研英語雙語閱讀精選》,速來學習吧!Tsinghua University to move mountains to help Gansu disabled high scorer清華大學專門給這位考生寫了一封信:人生實苦,但請你足夠相信Tsinghua University, one of the top academic institutions in China, has promised to make every possible effort to help Wei Xiang, a 19-year-old severely disabled high scorer from Dingxi, northwestern China』s Gansu province, according to a highly shared article on social media recently, Youth.cn reported on June 27.《青年報》6月27日報道,一篇文章在社交媒體上引起了廣泛的分享。文章的主角魏祥是一位來自西北甘肅省定西的19歲男孩,身患重度殘疾的他在聯考中取得了優異的成績,著名學府清華大學承諾將竭盡全力為他提供幫助。Wei achieved 648 points in this year』s China』s national college entrance examination held on June 7-8.魏祥在今年6月7日至6月8日舉行的聯考中取得了648分的高分。Wei and his mother have lived a hard life for many years. His father passed away early in 2005, and his mother had to take care of him, as he has been suffering from complete loss of muscle function in both legs and incontinence since he was born.多年來,魏祥和母親過著艱苦的生活。早在2005年,魏祥的父親就不幸去世,留下母親一人照顧雙下肢運動功能喪失,大小便失禁的魏祥。His mother has always been there for him, helping him overcome his disability. In June 2008, Wei』s mother carried him to seek specialized treatment in Beijing, his third surgical treatment. But his physical condition had not been improved, despite several major operations.魏祥的媽媽一直陪伴著他,並幫助他努力克服殘疾。2008年6月,媽媽帶著魏祥來到北京接受第三次專業的手術治療。然而,幾次重大手術都未能改善魏祥的身體狀況。His hard work earned him a spot in one of China』s most prestigious universities, and on June 26, he sent out a letter, telling his academic journey and hoping for a separate room for him and his mother at the university. The letter has touched many people.魏祥的刻苦努力換來了報考名校清華大學的回報。6月26日,魏祥給清華大學寫了一封信,講述了自己的求學之路,並表達了希望能為自己和母親提供一間「陋室」的願望。這封信感動了成千上萬的人。Wei said that because of his disability, no matter where he goes, he cannot be separated from his mother, as she she takes care of his basic necessities. His mother must accompany him to school, but in order to do that, she must give up work, which means the family』s only economic source will cut off.魏祥在信中寫道:「由於我的身體原因,無論我走到哪裡,這輩子都離不開親人的隨身陪護,以照顧我的衣食住行,生活起居,媽媽為了陪我上學無奈放棄工作,僅有的經濟來源將要斬斷。」"We contacted Wei Xiang to offer him financial support. Tsinghua will not let any excellent student drop out of school because of economic difficulties," said Liu Zhen, director of the university』s enrollment office. He added that the support will follow once the admission is confirmed.「我校老師已與魏祥同學取得聯繫,為他提供經濟支持。清華大學不會讓任何一位優秀的學生因為經濟困難而輟學,」清華大學招生辦主任劉震說道。他還表示,確認錄取后將立刻開始資助魏祥同學。A reporter got in touch with Wei』s mother. On the phone, the mother expressed her happiness. She said years of hard work have paid off after getting the results of the college entrance examination.記者與魏祥的母親取得了聯繫,她在電話中表達了自己的喜悅。她說,聯考分數出來之後,兒子多年來的努力終於取得了回報。

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