3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

今天給大家帶來的是一份閱讀材料——隨著《我是歌手》的熱播,台下觀眾的戲份也可謂越來越足,日常大家眼中那些鼓掌和大笑的鏡頭究竟是怎麼一回事呢?Li Mu, a 19-year-old student, laughed and applauded loudly when the host told a joke during a recording of a variety show in Beijing. She is not an ordinary spectator, but one of the professional audience members tasked with drumming up enthusiasm during the show. Li gets paid to clap and cheer on cue, which means that when a joke is told she has to find it funny.19 歲的學生李木最近在參加北京一檔真人秀的節目錄製,當主持人講到一個笑話時自己特別配合地大聲鼓掌。實際上,李木並不是一個普通觀眾,而是作為一名職業觀 眾在現場專門活躍氣氛,在指定流程內進行鼓掌和喝彩等動作,以此獲得相應酬勞。所以,當主持人講笑話時,她必須自行發現笑點。A freshman at a university in Beijing, Li has been making a small income as a "professional audience member" for nearly a year.作為北京某大學的大一新生,李木在這一年以來僅僅憑藉擔任「職業觀眾」就已經小有收入。"It was pure curiosity that got me started," Li said, adding that she was not paid the first time but had gotten "a little thank-you present."「剛開始我也就是單純好奇,」李木表示道,並補充道自己第一次當職業觀眾並沒有獲得金錢方面的酬勞,只收到了一份聊表感謝的小禮品。According to an April 10 report from New Weekly magazine, the term "professional audience" rose to popularity at the same time as Chinese reality show I Am a Singer』s rose to fame. The show』s professional spectators became well-known by viewers because they were good at shedding tears and had active facial expressions, sometimes even attracting more attention than the singers on stage.據《新周刊》雜誌4月10號報道,隨著節目《我是歌手》在國內一舉成名,「職業觀眾」這個名詞的熱度也與此同時暴漲起來。該節目中的職業觀眾憑藉動人的眼淚和生動的面部表情被廣大電視觀眾所熟知,有些台下觀眾甚至搶戲過度,蓋過了舞台上歌手的風頭。In China, the practice has always been associated with big performance events that involve skit actors and cross talk.在,一般是諸如相聲小品等大型演出活動會涉及招攬職業觀眾的行為。In recent times, as more and more reality shows spring up, TV stations are turning to paid professionals to drum up the right amount of emotion on their shows.最近一段時間,隨著真人秀節目的大肆盛行,電視台紛紛招聘一些職業觀眾,以此來為節目增加相應的情感效果。In Beijing, there are tons of registered companies that are dedicated to recruiting professional applauders for TV programs.北京有許多這類註冊公司,專門致力於招聘參加電視節目錄製的「職業觀眾」。Li said being a professional spectator is a good extracurricular activity for her because it helps her make some pocket money and gives her a chance to see stars.李木表示自己很喜歡在課下擔任「職業觀眾」,不僅掙了零花錢,自己還可以趁此機會見一見明星。"I can make about 100 yuan ($14.5) in one afternoon, and I can also be on TV," she said.李木說道:「一個下午就可以掙一百塊錢(合14.5美元),還可以上電視,何樂而不為呢?」Recruitment advertisements offering a daily wage of between 100 and 800 yuan and the words, "it is best if you are good at crying and making a fuss" are all over her campus, she said.李木表示自己的學校里到處都是關於職業觀眾的招聘廣告,廣告上一般會提到將提供100-800元不等的日工資,旁邊還會附上相應的宣傳標語:「如果你擅長哭戲,並能夠活躍氣氛,你將是我們的不二人選。」It is also easy to find recruitment agencies online by just doing a keyword search with the words "audience" and "TV programs."同時,在網路上輸入「觀眾」和「電視節目」這類關鍵詞,你也可以輕輕鬆鬆搜索到相關的招聘機構。It is easy to get a job as a professional spectator through QQ online chat groups, according to Lin Hui (pseudonym), a student in Beijing who also has experience in the field.北京市一位名為林慧(化名)的學生表示,據其自身經驗來看,通過QQ群也很容易能夠找到職業觀眾的相關兼職。"If you want to be recruited as a professional spectator, all you need to do is to send your name, phone number and occupation to the head of the group and wait for a response," said Lin.林慧提到:「如果你想應聘職業觀眾,你只需要向群主發送你的姓名、電話號碼以及所從事的職業等信息,然後坐等回復就可以了。」"It is hard for us directors to find dozens of spectators even with the help of all our friends, but those specialized companies can get hundreds quite easily," said Sun, a director of a variety show.孫導是國內某檔真人秀的導演,對此他表示:「對於導演來說,就算動用關係也很難找到這麼多觀眾,但是對於那些專門的公司來說就比較容易了,幾百個也不在話下。」He said TV stations would generally include professional applauders in their budget for TV programs and then tell the recruiters the age and number of people they need.孫導表示電視台一般也將這些職業帶頭鼓掌觀眾的酬勞算到節目預算裡面,同時也將通知應聘者要按照相應年齡段和數量來招聘符合要求的觀眾。"There will be many editing points when programs are being edited, and the professional spectators can help connect those points," he said.「節目在後期製作過程中會有很多需要編輯的點,這些職業觀眾可以更好地幫助我們剪輯師把這些點串起來。」孫導說道。Although Li likes being a professional spectator, she said the job can be very exhausting.雖然李木表示自己非常願意擔任職業觀眾,但她也坦言這份工作實在太耗時耗力。"People think that we simply get paid for one scene of clapping our hands, laughing or crying, but we need to laugh, cry and applaud enthusiastically for the entire show no matter how long it is," she said.「人們都覺得我們只要完成一個鼓掌、大笑或流淚的鏡頭就能輕鬆掙到錢了,其實我們需要在整場節目中一直保持大笑、流淚或鼓掌等這種非常投入的狀態,通常來說這個時間是非常長的。」李木說道。看完文章,普特君對職業觀眾也好感興趣啊,碼字好累,嚶嚶嚶......

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