3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

近日翻拍自人氣日劇的美食劇《深夜食堂》因為劇情背景場景照搬原版,和的「深夜飲食」文化相去甚遠,引來了不少吐槽和差評。那麼什麼才能稱得上是真正的深夜美食呢?人夜宵最喜歡吃什麼?來看看夜宵美食的7大代表。 1. Spicy crayfish 麻辣小龍蝦 Spicy crayfish has become a sensational evening snack across China in recent years, originating from central and eastern parts of China, including Hunan, Hubei and Jiangsu provinces. 近年來麻辣小龍蝦可謂是紅遍大江南北,這道菜起源於中東部,包括湖南、湖北和江蘇。 The crustaceans, also known as "little lobsters" in China, have a nickname in Chinese, ma xiao (spicy little lobsters), as they are often served in hot and spicy chili sauce. 小龍蝦俗名「麻小」,因為小龍蝦通常都要澆上滾燙麻辣的辣椒醬。 Beer is a favored beverage to pair with the delicacy. 啤酒是小龍蝦的最佳拍檔。 China's crayfish market is worth more than 140 billion yuan ($20 billion), according to media reports. Nearly 18,000 restaurants focused on serving crayfish as of August 2016, three times the number of KFCs in the country. 據媒體報道,的小龍蝦市場價值超過1400億元人民幣(合200億美元)。截至2016年8月,全國有近1.8萬家小龍蝦餐館,數量是國內肯德基的三倍。 2. Barbecue 燒烤 From lamb, fish and pork to mushrooms, cabbage and corn… almost all foods can be barbecued on grills at late night snack stalls across China. 從羊肉、魚肉、豬肉到蘑菇、捲心菜、玉米——幾乎所有的食物都可以放到深夜的燒烤攤的烤架上去,這種燒烤攤在各地都有。 A wide choice of sauces is offered to add flavor to the barbecued delicacies, no matter if you are a chili lover or a fan of cumin powder. 無論你是愛吃辣還是喜好孜然口味,這裡有多種多樣的醬料供你挑選,給你的燒烤美食提味。 3. Hot pot 火鍋 Born in Southwest China's Sichuan and Chongqing provinces, hot pot is now almost everywhere in China. 火鍋誕生於西南的四川和重慶,但如今在已是遍地開花。 With plates of meat, vegetables, and whatever raw foods that consumers choose served on tables, the strongly-flavored, oily but mouthwatering dish easily cheers people up at late night gatherings regardless of the season. 食客選好的肉、蔬菜和生食一盤盤地擺在桌上,等待被倒入味道濃烈、熱油滾滾的火鍋湯底中,變成讓人垂涎欲滴的美食。無論春夏秋冬,火鍋都能在夜深人靜時讓人暖胃暖心。 4. Stir-fried rice noodles with beef 牛肉炒麵 Stir-fried rice noodles with beef is a favored dish in Cantonese cuisine and a popular night meal especially in South China's Guangdong province. 牛肉炒麵在粵菜中人氣很高,通常被當作夜宵,在廣東尤其受歡迎。 5. Grilled cold noodles 烤冷麵 Known as kaolengmian in Chinese, the grilled cold noodles were originally a quick street snack in Northeast China, which has now spread to many other places. In the capital city of Beijing, for example, it's not rare to encounter a cart or a street stand selling the noodles. 烤冷麵最初是東北的一種街頭快餐小吃,現在許多其他地方也有了。以首都北京為例,賣烤冷麵的快餐車和街頭小攤隨處可見。 The cooking process is simple. A thin, pre-made sheet of dough is placed on a sizzling flat skillet before an egg is cracked and spread over it. It's then sprinkled with scallions, chopped onions and cilantro. 做烤冷麵的方法很簡單。一張事先做好的薄麵皮放在嘶嘶作響的平面煎鍋上,打上一個雞蛋,將雞蛋均勻地攤到麵皮上。然後撒上蔥花、剁碎的洋蔥和香菜。 6. Hunan rice noodles 湖南米粉 Hunan rice noodles are among the favorites for late night food seekers especially in Central China's Hunan and Hubei provinces. There are usually two types of rice noodles, round and flat, served fried or in soup. Various flavors and toppings are available to add: pork ribs, beef, mushrooms and different spices. 在中部的湖南和湖北,湖南米粉是深夜食客的最愛。通常有兩種米粉,圓的和扁的,分炒食和湯食兩種吃法。米粉上可加入各種調味料和澆頭:有豬排、牛肉、蘑菇和不同辣醬。 7. Malatang 麻辣燙 Malatang literally means numb, spicy and hot in Chinese. In malatang restaurants, or stalls, skewers of meat, vegetables, bean curd products and many other foods are put on shelves to be chosen by consumers. The selected ones are then cooked in boiling soup with fiery sauce. [Photo/VCG] 麻辣燙,顧名思義,又麻又辣又燙。在麻辣燙館子或小攤上,一串串的肉、蔬菜、豆腐製品和許多其他食物擺在架子上供食客挑選。選好的肉菜放入味道濃烈的滾湯里煮。 英文來源:日報網翻譯&編輯:丹妮

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