3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

面試現場的自我介紹,其實就是談談自己,是面試官考量面試者的溝通和語言表達能力。今天我以一個面試者的角度,教你準備一份完美的英文自我介紹,以供參考。 背景:辦公室文員、工作經驗五年、女性、英文專業、上午參加面試英文自我介紹:-Would you please introduce yourself briefly?-Well, ok. Good morning! My name is XX. My English name is XX. I am XX years old, I comes from XX. (這一段介紹自己的名字/英文名字/年齡/來自哪裡)I graduated from university since year XXXX. From year XXXX to XXXX I learned XX major in XX, and gathered experiences during internship. (這一段介紹自己的教育背景/實習經歷)I have 3 periods working experiences. First I worked as an PMC in an foreign-capital company which is producing snowboard and ski. My job was to follow up the production and give feedback to my foreign co-workers. My second working experience was working as an international trade sale. To sell the small home appliances like ice cream maker, noodle maker, juicer etc. to different countries. The third one was an office clerk. It more tends to the department assistant. This job itself is nothing about English, but I did parts power bank and USB disk translation work for official website. In general, all my three working periods were related to English. Good English speaking, writing and listening ability is my best and effective tool to finish work and to make my career achievement. (這一部分介紹自己的工作經歷,強調自己的技能強項。) Moreover, I moved out recently and at present I am living alone. I jog a lot, read literature books, and write summary in my spare time. Thank you. (這一段可以介紹自己的家庭/興趣愛好/未來計劃等,酌情自選介紹)以上是基本的三段式,分別簡要表達你自己是誰、做過什麼、能做什麼。按照這個流程下來,其實就完成了英文面試的自我介紹環節了。 謹以此文獻給即將參加英文面試的你,祝你阡陌至極(ShineMost)。ShineMost is the place you never step in, it is the world you never know.

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