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Have you ever thought about what it means to 『put your thinking cap on』?你是否思考過「帶上思想帽」的真正含義?How is it possible to『pass with flying colors』?顏色跟考試又有什麼關聯呢?This blog will help you decipher some of the confusing idioms surrounding school and education. With regular practice, you might just be able to use them in everyday speech yourself, and not 『draw a blank』 when you hear someone else use them!本文將介紹一些容易讓人迷惑的習語,這些習語與學校、教育相關。經過練習,也許你便能在平時生活中運用這些習語啦,更不會在聽到時感覺「一頭霧水」。Just remember, although these idioms derive from terminology surrounding school and education, they can be used in everyday situations.需要注意的是,這些習語雖然與學校、教育相關,但同樣適用於日常交流。1. PUT / GET YOUR THINKING CAP ON1.開動腦筋To engage your mind and think in a serious manner.令大腦和思維保持在思考狀態。Right, we need to figure out how we』re going to solve this problem before mum and dad get back, so let』s put our thinking caps on!好吧,我們必須在父母回家前想出解決問題的辦法,那就讓我們開動腦筋!2. DRAW A BLANK2.一無所獲/大腦一片空白To get no response from someone when they are asked a question.面對提問毫無反應。I asked him about his plans for Christmas, butI just drew a blank. He didn』t seem to understand what I was asking him!我問過他的聖誕計劃,但是一無所獲。他好像根本不明白我在問什麼!3. BACK TO BASICS3.回複本原An approach that uses traditional ideas and methods which have been successful in the past.一種在過去有所成效的傳統理念和方法。They seem to prefer having everything back to basics in their office. They have minimal use of advanced technology, but apparently find everything simpler and easier to manage.看上去他們更喜歡傳統的辦公方式。雖然他們鮮用先進技術,但是一切變得似乎更簡單、更易於管理。4. AS EASY AS ABC4.不費吹灰之力Something that is very simple or easy.某事不值一提、非常簡單。That jigsaw puzzle is as easy as ABC, I don』t understand why you』ve been struggling with it for so long.七巧板遊戲如此簡單,你怎麼花這麼久的時間還沒搞定?5. COPYCAT5.模仿者Used to describe someone who copies another person』s work.描述模仿、抄襲他人作品者。I don』t like talking to her about my wedding plans because she』s such a copycat! I know she』ll steal my ideas and use them for her own wedding.我不想跟她談論我的婚禮計劃,她是個地地道道的模仿者!她知道了,一定會在自己婚禮上盜用我的創意。6. COVER A LOT OF GROUND6.許多事情需要完成When a lot of work needs to be completed. If there is a lot of research to be done, or material to get through.大量的工作、研究項目急需完成或材料等待審核。Our team have done so well over the past two weeks, we』ve managed to cover so much ground that I feel this programmer may be ready by the end of this month!過去兩周,我們小組進展迅速,處理了不少事情,也許這個項目月底就能完成!We have to complete our research within the next month. We still have a lot of ground to coverand I fear we may not get everything done in time.我們必須在下月底完成這項研究。可是現在仍有很多工作沒有完成,恐怕不能及時完成任務了。7. COUNT NOSES7.清點人數To count the number of people around you (generally used on a school trip, to check for missing students).用於清點人數(常見於郊遊時清點學生以防遺漏)。My grandmother was constantly counting noses at the birthday party. I think she felt responsible for all the children there!外祖母常在生日聚會上清點人數。她一定認為自己對在場的每個孩子都有責任!8. EAGER BEAVER8.做事勤奮的人Someone who works hard and is very enthusiastic.做事勤奮、幹勁十足的人。Mary is such an eager beaver, she always the first one to do whatever the boss asks. I think she』s hoping for a promotion!瑪麗做事勤奮,無論老闆提出什麼要求,總是第一個衝鋒陷陣。她一定是想得到提拔!9. DROP OUT OF SCHOOL (phrasal verb) / DROPOUT (noun)9.輟學(動詞片語)/輟學生(名詞)To stop attending school completely (leave without graduating).完全不上學(尚未畢業便離校)。She dropped out of school at the age of 14 to help her sick grandmother at home, but now she runs her own successful nursing home for the elderly!雖然她十四歲便輟學在家照顧生病的祖母,但是如今她成功經營了一家養老院。He』s adropout,I can』t see him being anything successful with his current reputation.他是名輟學生,就現在而言,我看不出他能有什麼出息。10. SHOW OF HANDS10.舉手表決Raising hands to vote about something.對某事進行表決。With a show of hands, who would prefer to have longer working days but a shorter working week?舉手表決,有誰支持延長工作日但縮短工作周期?

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