3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

Steamed rice with a topping of corn and strawberries, meat and eggs cooked in an orange skin: Chinese colleges are competing to offer the most bizarre items on their canteen menus, and the social media sphere has been going crazy over them.國內各大學食堂新出品的神菜可是接連不斷。最近,某食堂推出的玉米和草莓蓋飯以及在挖空的橙子皮里蒸肉和雞蛋等菜品在各大社交媒體上迅速走紅。A school canteen at Hunan University in south China recently served up a new dish consisting of hollowed-out oranges stuffed with meat and an egg, giving them a delicate orange scent after they are steamed, said one of the chefs on campus.湖南大學食堂最近推出了一道新菜,即在挖空的橙子皮中放入蛋和肉蒸熟。據該食堂的一位主廚表示,這樣做會使蒸出來的飯菜具有清新的橙香。Posted online, the unusual dish invited mixed reviews.這道菜的照片被發布到網上,網友們對此奇葩菜品也是評價不一。"It looks delicious to me," one netizen, @jiunian-only, commented.一位名為「只有舊年」的網友評論道:「我覺得看起來還不錯啊。」Another, @weilaixiaomian, was less convincend: "I want oranges only, not the meat part."另一位名為「未來小面」用戶的態度則沒有那麼樂觀,他評價道:「我只想吃橘子,不想吃裡面的肉。」A third envied the innovative menu: "It』s always good to be creative. The canteen menu in my school has remained exactly the same for four straight years," @chuanyuerenhai4 complained on Weibo.第三位名為「穿越人海4」用戶則對該大學充滿新意的菜單表示羨慕嫉妒,並在微博上對自己學校的食堂進行了抱怨:「我覺得這個創意十足的菜單非常好,我們學校的菜單四年來都是千篇一律,沒有啥變化。」Hunan University is not the only college to have tried experimental cooking. Netizens have been sharing similar combinations at their own university cafeterias, such as tomatoes with pineapple, fried pork with apples and dragonfruit with chicken.除了湖南大學,事實上早有其他大學也進行過這種嘗試。網友們也紛紛曬出自己大學類似的奇葩搭配菜譜,諸如:西紅柿炒鳳梨,蘋果炸豬肉以及火龍果炒雞肉等。A bizarre dish offered by Hubei University in central China, featuring celery, fresh strawberries and white rice, reportedly sold out in under 10 minutes last year.去年,湖北大學也曾推出西芹炒草莓蓋飯這道奇葩菜品,據傳當時這道菜在十分鐘之內就被搶購一空。Chinese universities have been competing in this way since 2014 and there is even an unofficial online ranking of institutions offering the most bizarre food – not only on daily menus, but also for special occasions like Halloween and other festivals.自2014年開始,國內各所大學好像一直在「黑暗料理」方面激烈競爭,甚至後來還衍生了非官方的各大學食堂菜品最奇葩的網路排行榜,評比內容不僅針對食堂日常菜單,還包括諸如萬聖節和其他節日等特殊場合推出的菜譜。While some have welcomed efforts to come up with new ideas of food, however, others have questioned whether the issue was not over-hyped and schools ought to focus more on the management of these canteens rather than these less practical novelties.儘管一些人對於這種在食物方面勇於創新的精神十分歡迎,但也有部分人質疑是否這一問題被過分炒作,並且認為學校應該注重食堂管理,不應嘩眾取寵搞這些不切實際的東西。?

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