3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

Before I thought that I would never tell a girl 『I love you forever』 even though I really love her. Because for me the promise with the word 『forever』 is considered irresponsible. Actually this opinion is taken too seriously. Some promises are made not to ensure something, just purely for the reason that you want to say them out at that time. I believe many people truly love each other when falling in love, even though they break up later.「以前覺得自己就算愛一個人,也絕不會對她說『我永遠愛你』。因為覺得帶有『永遠』這個字眼的承諾,是不負責任。 其實這個觀點過於較真,有些承諾說出來,並不是為了保證什麼,只是單純的因為當時很想說出來。我相信很多人在愛的時候是真愛,哪怕後來不愛。」

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