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BLUE IDIOMS藍色習語18。 Out of the blue18。出乎意料To appear out of nowhere without any warning, to happen quite suddenly沒有任何徵兆的出現,突然發生Greg has decided to quit his job out of the blue, and go travelling for a year!格雷格突然辭了工作,外出旅行了!19。 Blue pencil19。藍鉛筆To censor something, or limit the information that is shared對分享的內容審查或刪節The reports about how soldiers were being treated abroad had been blue-penciled by the authorities。當局對士兵在國外所受待遇的報告進行了審查。20。 A blue-eyed boy20。寵兒,紅人A critical description of a boy or young man who is always picked for special favors by someone in a position of higher authority(貶義)出於一些原因,特別受上級中意的孩子或年輕男子He is such a blue-eyed boy! I don』t like that the manager always treats him as if he is special, it is not fair on the rest of us!他可真是個寵兒!經理總對他搞特殊,一點也不公平,真讓人討厭!21。 A bolt from the blue21。晴天霹靂When some unexpected bad news is received壞消息不期而至It was a complete bolt from the blue for us, we had no idea that they were having problems, let alone getting divorced!我們完全沒想到他倆有問題,更不用說離婚了,這真是個晴天霹靂!22。 Blue blood22。貴族血統Used to describe someone from a noble and wealthy family描述某人出身高貴,家庭富裕Many of the blue bloods in our town were invited to the royal wedding。鎮上的貴族都收到了皇室婚禮的邀請。23。 Blue ribbon23。藍綬帶To be of superior quality or distinction, the best of a group品質最佳或最高榮譽,最優秀的群體Blue ribbon panels of experts were invited to investigate the extraordinary remains。權威專家小組受邀調查這些不尋常的遺體。24。 Talk a blue streak24。滔滔不絕地講話When someone talks very much and very rapidly某人話多,語速還快The woman in the hospital bed next to me talked a blue streak all day。臨床那位女士整日滔滔不絕連珠炮似地跟我講話。25。 Feel blue25。情緒低落When someone looks or feels depressed or discontented描述某人情緒不佳或不滿意What』s that the matter with you today? You seem really blue。 Is there something you』d like to talk about?你看起來不太開心呀,怎麼了?願意跟我聊聊嗎?26。 Blue in the face26。筋疲力盡To try really hard to win someone』s agreement, but usually end unsuccessfully努力勸說某人,但往往無勞而返I kept trying to convince him that it was a good idea until I was blue in the face, but he』s so stubborn, he just kept disagreeing with me!我不停告訴他這是個好主意,可是直到我說的面紅耳赤,他還是固執己見,不聽我的!27。 once in a blue moon27。千載難逢To occur extremely rarely, or only once in a lifetime極少發生或一輩子才能遇見一次的事My sister is working in Africa, she hardly ever has the time to call us。 My parents only hear from her once in a blue moon。姐姐在非洲工作,幾乎沒時間聯繫我們。父母也很少接到她的電話。28。 Men/boys in blue28。警察Used to describe the police, because of the color of their uniforms由於警服是藍色的,因此用此代指警察I saw the boys in blue outside our neighbors』 house last night。 I hope everything is okay。昨天在鄰居家門口看見警察了,希望沒出什麼事。29。 Blue collar29。藍領Used to describe men used as laborers, or factory workers從事勞動工作的僱員或工人They got rid of a lot of the blue-collar workers during the recession。大蕭條期間,他們解僱了大批工人。BROWN IDIOMS棕色習語30。 Browned off30。 感到厭煩To be bored or annoyed with someone or something對某人或某物感到厭煩I』m always browned off when he comes to visit。 He doesn』t like doing anything, and he hardly ever talks to anyone!他一來我就煩。來了什麼都不做,也不怎麼說話!責任編輯:陳熙

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