3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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2017年3月20日,金誠同達高級合伙人鄔國華律師憑藉其在併購領域的豐富經驗和傑出表現當選《亞洲法律雜誌》(ALB)2017年「十佳併購律師」。理事簡介鄔國華,與全球化智庫(CCG)理事,金誠同達高級合伙人。加入金誠同達以來,鄔國華律師作為首席法律顧問成功為眾多跨國公司,國有企業,民營企業和投資機構在併購業務中提供法律服務。鄔律師和她的團隊在為客戶服務的過程中,一貫秉承「STAR」的原則,其中S代表Solutions,T代表Teamwork,A代表Adding value,R代表Responsiveness。在「STAR」當中,最為重要的是Solutions。鄔律師認為,通常在交易當中總會遇到幾個看似無法解開的「死結」。優秀與卓越律師的最大區別在於後者可以在瞬息萬變的談判中,以敏銳的洞察力和判斷力,在最短時間內找到法律合規與商業解決方案之間的微妙平衡,促成交易。頂尖的併購律師不但需要具備紮實的法律功底和豐富的執業經驗,更需要保持清醒的頭腦並能夠為客戶提供創造性的解決方案。《亞洲法律雜誌》通過綜合候選者的過往交易經驗,過去12個月的重大交易及重要客戶,所獲獎項及榮譽,客戶推薦等多個維度,最終選定當今表現最為卓越的十位併購律師。《亞洲法律雜誌》是湯森路透旗下關注亞太及中東地區法律發展的頂尖法律媒體。「十佳併購律師」名單已發布在《亞洲法律雜誌》版2017年3月刊中。JT&N』s Guohua (Annie) Wu Earns ALB 「2017 China Top10 M&A Lawyer」 RankingBy John Bolin Henry WangOn March 20, 2017, Asian Legal Business(ALB) published the 2017 list of 「China Top 10 M&A Lawyers,」 selecting Jincheng Tongda & Neal (JT&N) Senior Partner, Guohua (Annie) Wu, as a recipient of this elite recognition.Since joining JT&N, Ms. Wu, serving as lead counsel, has led her team to act for multinational corporations, Chinese state-owned and private-owned companies, and investment institutions in high-profile M&A transactions. Ms.Wu and her team adhere to a 「STAR」 philosophy, where 「S」 represents「Solutions,」 「T」 represents 「Teamwork,」 「A」 represents 「Adding value,」 and 「R」represents 「Responsiveness,」 with 「Solutions」 being the most important among the four values. In Ms. Wu』s experience,during the course of a transaction a few seemingly unsolvable 「dead ends」 will typically arise. 「What makes a lawyer outstanding or merely good is that an outstanding lawyer is able to find, with keen insight and judgment, a delicate balance between legal compliance and business solutions in the shortest possible time during rapidly changing negotiations to facilitate the successful conclusion of the transaction.」According to ALB, top M&A lawyers need to have not only a solid foundation of knowledge and rich practical experience, but also clear ideas and creative solutions. ALB』s 「China Top 10 M&A Lawyers」 survey sought to identify such talented individuals through law firm recommendations, lawyer achievements and other factors. Of the many nominations collected, ALB selected winners based on such important criteria as representative career deals, major transactions within the past 12 months key clients, awards and accolades, and client recommendations, ultimately delivering a listing of some of the most impressive M&A practitioners in China today.ALB, owned by Thomson Reuters, is a leading legal industry publication which focuses on developments in the Asia-Pacific and Mideast regions. The list of the China Top 10 M&A Lawyers is published in ALB China』s March issue.文章選自金誠同達律所,2017年3月24日CCG 縱覽《全球智庫報告2016》發布 CCG 在多項榜單中位列智庫第一

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