3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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"2017年聯考英語衝刺:閱讀迷惑選項分析"一文由育路編輯整理,更多精選內容請關注育路網!俗話說「知己知彼,百戰不殆。」聯考這個戰場的「彼」就是出題者了。大部分同學在做閱讀時,讀文章、審題干、看選項這個過程,全部的心思和精力都是在找正確選項A(假設是A)。而我們的「敵人」出題者呢?大家都知道聯考閱讀的文章是現成的,而耳熟能詳的幾大題型對於出題專家們更是輕車熟路,而正確選項A也是來源於原文的,所以文章、題干、正確選項都沒有耗費出題者太多精力。真正體現出題者水平的是迷惑選項BCD!迷惑選項的特點是:1不能第一眼就看出來錯的;2看起來還很像對的;3最終還真得是錯的,錯得毫無疑問。這才是真正有「技術含量」的部分,才是體現一個出題者水平的地方,才是每個出題者挖空心思的地方!今天我在這裡,以05年重慶卷的一篇文章為例,就迷惑選項的製造規則,做一些探討:1) My parents were in a huge argument, 2) and I was really upset about it. 3) I didn』t know who I should talk with about how I was feeling. 4) So I asked Mom to allow me to stay the night at my best friend』s house. Though I knew 5) I wouldn』t tell her about my parents』 situation, 6) I was looking forward to getting out of the house. 7) I was in the middle of packing up my things when suddenly the power went out in the neighborhood. 8) Mom came to tell me that I should stay with my grandpa until the power came back on.1) I was really disappointed because 2) I felt that we did not have much to talk about. But I knew 3) he would be frightened alone in the dark. 4) I went to his room and told him that I』d stay with him until the power was restored. 5) He was quite happy 6) and said, 「Great opportunity.」「What is?」 I asked.「To talk, you and I.」 he said. 「To 7) hold a private little meeting about what we』re going to do with your mom and dad, and what we』re going to do with ourselves now that we』re in the situation we are in.」把第一段劃分成一個個小的信息段:1爸媽吵架2我不高興3不知跟誰傾訴4要去好友家過夜5不會給好友講6想離開家7正在收拾東西時停電了8被要求待在家陪爺爺。平時大家覺得題乾和選項看著眼熟,又不是很熟就是因為「同意替換」:同樣的意思從原文中拿出來就變了個樣子:56題干中look forward to à wish to,A選項中upset à angry, argument à quarrel,B選項中didn』t know who à found nobody, talk with à share,C選項中look forward to à want to, get out of à escape from,D選項中my parents』 situation à my trouble,發現選項與信息段的對應關係56. I wished to get out of the house because.A. I was angry about my parents』 quarrelB. I found nobody to share my feelings withC. I wanted to escape from the dark houseD. I planned to tell my friend about my trouble56題問的是為什麼6?A 講的是1和2。B 講的是3。C 講的是6 + dark。D 講的是5 - not。迷惑選項規則1:a選項帶有部分原文的信息(56題CD),看著眼熟,其實加了其它成分。b選項就是原文的信息,自身看不出哪裡錯,但其實並不是符合題乾的答案(56題B)。用同樣的方法將第二至四段劃分成小的信息段:1. 我很沮喪, 2. 因為認為跟爺爺沒什麼語言, 3.他一個人怕黑, 4. 我去了他那兒告訴他要陪他, 5. 他很高興, 6. 說到好機會,7. 談談爸媽和他們自己的情況。57. Grandpa was happy to see me because.A. he could discuss the problem with meB. he had not seen me for a long timeC. he was afraid of darknessD. he felt quite lonely57題問的是為什麼5?A 講的是7B 講的是x(他很久沒見我了)C 講的是3D 講的是y(他很孤獨)迷惑選項規則2:根據文章另外提出一些看似有道理、有聯繫的信息,它們往往是一些人之常情或社會常識,主觀上易接受,並容易憑經驗推出(老人家……),但其實不是正確答案(57題BD)。上面總結的兩個規則廣泛運用於全國各地的聯考卷,各位同學在以後做題評講之後,養成習慣把剩下的三個選項是規一還是規二給標記出來。久而久之就會對迷惑選項的規律產生感覺,從而達到對其免疫的效果。特別說明:由於各省份聯考政策等信息的不斷調整與變化,育路聯考網所提供的所有考試信息僅供考生及家長參考,敬請考生及家長以權威部門公布的正式信息為準。

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