3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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McDonald』s Shake Boat 麥當勞的擺船Unique boat promoted Shamrock green shakes during March to celebrate St. Patrick』s Day.用來推銷三葉草綠色奶昔的奇特小船,在三月期間慶祝聖帕特里克節。Perth Zoo Tiger Bus 珀斯動物園的老虎大巴Come to the zoo before the zoo comes to you.在動物園來找你之前先主動去參觀吧。Honda Cereal Box 本田汽車麥片盒Giant cereal box was placed in Vancouver to reveal 2012 Honda Civic.擺放在溫哥華的巨型麥片盒,用來揭幕2012款的本田思域(汽車)。Bubble Gum Balloon 泡泡糖氣球Creative air balloon promotes Big Bloom gum.推銷Big Bloom 泡泡糖的創意氣球。Sea Life Rain Campaign 海洋生物的雨天廣告Every time it rains the image of an octopus appears on the street.每當下雨,一隻花枝的圖像就會大街上浮現。Oldtimer Restaurants Tunnel Oldtimer餐館隧道Creative ad for Oldtimer, a big Austrian chain of motorway rest stops.Oldtimer的創意廣告,Oldtimer是奧地利高速公路休息站的一家大型連鎖餐館。FedEx Always First 聯邦快遞總是第一FedEx trucks advertise that they are faster than the competition.聯邦快遞的卡車廣告宣稱他們比競爭對手更快。Crashed Nike Ball 衝撞的耐克足球Large Nike soccer ball was smashed into the side of a building.巨大的耐克足球猛撞進了一棟建築的側面。Coca-Cola Straw Poster 可口可樂吸管海報Brilliant ad reminds you to refresh on the Coca-Cola side of life.相當有才的廣告,提醒你享受擁有可口可樂的生活。Interbest Outdoor Ads Interbest戶外廣告Dutch advertising company used an overweight male stripper to build awareness of their billboard visibility.荷蘭的廣告公司利用一個超重的男士脫衣舞者來提升他們的廣告知名度。World』s Biggest Shave 世界上最大的剃鬚刀Precision grooming on a grand scale from Gillette. Check out the world』s largest 5 o』clock shadow on Major League Baseball』s Derek Jeter.由吉列公司以一個宏大的比例進行的精密修飾。以職業棒球大聯盟的Derek Jeter的形象展現了世界上最大的「五點鐘陰影」(指早上剛剃下午又新長出的鬍鬚茬)。出品:黑狐文化雅士讀物商務聯繫官方微博:安陽聽電話 :400 9697 936投稿郵箱 :373408051@qq.com黑狐微刊ID:heihugg黑狐微刊

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