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[導讀:據路透社消息,2017年9月6日(本周三),歐盟最高法院——「歐洲法院」(ECJ)對英特爾壟斷上訴案作出了裁決,要求下級法院重新審理此案。其在相關聲明中稱:「下級法院應該重視英特爾為自己辯護時所提出的觀點,即它給予客戶回扣並不屬於反競爭行為」。這一裁決對歐盟反壟斷監管機構而言,堪稱一記重拳。2009年,歐盟委員會以英特爾通過給戴爾、惠普、NEC和聯想等PC製造商回扣的方式,引誘對方從其處採購所需的大部分計算機晶元,以打擊競爭對手Advanced Micro Devices(AMD)為由,對其處以10.6億歐元的反壟斷罰款。對此,英特爾始終堅持認為自己的行為合法,且沒有損害競爭,故向法院提起上訴。可以預期的是,此次裁決將使歐盟委員會在查處類似壟斷案件時面臨更大的阻力。而正受到類似指控的高通和谷歌,則為此次裁決而頗感振奮。(本文源自路透社官方網站。導讀系本公眾號原創,轉載請註明文字出自本公眾號。)]Europe』s top judges dealt a rare blow to European Union antitrust regulators on Wednesday by sending their case against U.S. chipmaker Intel Corp (INTC.O) back to court for an appeal. In a move that may have ramifications for EU cases against Qualcomm (QCOM.O) and Google (GOOGL.O), the EU Court of Justice (ECJ) said a court which upheld a 1 billion euro ($1.3 billion) fine against Intel should re-examine the company』s appeal. 「The case is referred back to the General Court in order for it to examine the arguments put forward by Intel concerning the capacity of the rebates at issue to restrict competition,」 the ECJ said in a statement. The Commission handed down the fine in 2009, a record at the time, saying Intel had tried to block rival Advanced Micro Devices (AMD.O) by giving rebates to computer makers Dell [DI.UL], Hewlett-Packard Co (HPE.N), NEC (6701.T) and Lenovo (0992.HK) for buying most of their chips from Intel. Regulators have generally frowned upon rebates, especially those offered by dominant companies, on the theory they are anti-competitive in nature. Companies say regulators must prove rebates have anti-competitive effects before sanctioning them. 「This is a setback for the Commission as it will be more closely scrutinized by the courts in the future. There is now a clear obligation to look at effects-based arguments,」 said Foad Hoseinian at law firm Freshfields. 「Companies will be more confident when they go to the Commission and more corporations will have the appetite to take the Commission to court on effects-based arguments,」 he said. The Commission said it would study the judgment carefully and that it was up to the General Court to review its decision.Intel said: 「We have always believed that our actions were lawful and did not harm competition.」 The decade-long case could drag on for several more years as Intel could appeal the General Court』s judgment following the re-examination, if it goes against the company. The ruling raises the bar for regulators when it comes to proving wrongdoing, said Rein Wesseling, a partner at law firm Stibbe. 「It forces the Commission to be as economic in its approach in other cases as it did in Intel. This is encouraging for Qualcomm and Google,」 he said. 我們致力於提供反壟斷法最新資訊,包括法規速遞、執法機關動態、行政執法、民事訴訟、中外反壟斷法交流、學術研究等。提供案例解析、理論介紹、律師實務操作指南,以及原創反壟斷法評論和文章,部分內容為中英文雙語。歡迎您的關注。

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