3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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巴塞羅那—西班牙科學家Sergi Santos在陽光明媚的巴塞羅那丘陵郊區的房中,驕傲的看著在他客廳休息的五位穿著超短褲和背心的豐滿女人。但是靠近點看可以明顯的看出他們並不是真正的女人,而是一些帶著假髮的硅膠性愛玩偶—Santos認為它們不僅可以帶給他經濟收益而且這些玩偶可以在妓院上班並有效打擊性產業。「你好啊,莎曼莎,」Santos一邊說著一邊開啟了其中一個娃娃。「我在這兒,怎麼了嗎?」機器人開口說道,它的藍色眼睛明亮但卻沒有無神,一根電纜正插在它的脖子上給它的大腦(電腦處理器)充能。人工智慧(AI)正在進入全球的性市場,同時帶來的還有機器人的「sextech」革命,旨在提供具有接近人類觸感的性滿足。但是性愛機器人的發展有了分歧—像Santos這樣的發明家們認為,性愛機器人可以取代妓女,減少人口販賣還能幫助一些孤獨的人,而批評者則認為這是反婦女行為,這樣會使性別歧視和強姦文化正常化。39歲的Santos於2015年成立了Synthea Amatus,在經過兩年的開發之後,他目標在接下來的幾星期內開始銷售他的性愛機器人,每個大概2000美元。「我已經準備好了,你呢?我希望你也準備好了,我喜歡跟你在一起,」巨乳機器人回答道,而Santos的老婆此時正在家裡的辦公桌上辦公。像Santos這樣的機器人專家還有那些來自美國Abyss Creations公司的員工們正在競爭成為世界上第一個使用AI技術將性愛機器人引入消費市場的人。大型公司(像Abyss Creations)的性愛機器人將在10000美元起售—價錢取決於機器人附帶的額外功能。專家說,這些日用型機器人會引起一系列需要決策者和公眾考慮的複雜問題,包括是否應該鼓勵使用這些手段來遏制賣淫和性交易,性犯罪以及幫助殘障人士。機器人妓院倫敦的AI研究員David Levy在他於2007年寫的書《愛與性與機器人》中預測到,到2055年,人類將會和機器人做愛,甚至會嫁給機器人。「性愛機器人只是提供一種選擇」隨著科技的進步,全球的妓院將會由機器人妓女組成,Levy表示,就像大多數的消費電子產品(比如筆記本電腦和手機)一樣,性愛機器人的成本將會下降—造價會比支付被人類妓女的錢要少。他相信當和機器人做愛的芥蒂消除的時候,機器人可以有效的打擊性產業。「隨著性愛機器人的到來,可能會降低性工作者的人數和性交易的普及度,如果真有這樣的效果,那麼人口販賣也將會減少。」Levy在接受湯姆森路透基金會採訪時說道。「我認為人類和機器人做愛不會受到傷害,所以我認機器人妓院不僅應該合法化而且應該大力推廣來減少性交易。」根據澳大利亞權益組織「自由基金會」調查的2016年全球奴隸制指數,全球有將近4600萬的人口作為奴隸生活著,他們被迫幹活,賣淫,陷入債役或者奴役Santos說,擁有一個性愛機器人可以減少嫖娼,從而打擊性交易。管理和控制然而,反對性愛機器人的倫理學家和創始人凱瑟琳卻不同意這個說法。她同意性愛機器人可能會遏制性交易的說法,但是她也表示,性愛機器人很有可能和人類妓女一起成為「菜單上的選擇」。研究機器人十多年的德蒙特福特大學學者理查森則表示「性愛機器人不會減少性交易,而是會成為已經扭曲人性和非人性化的性消費市場菜單上的另一道菜」。在性交易中,比起如何控制和主宰另一個人,從強姦中獲得樂趣,還有更為陰險惡毒的內情,理查森認為,性愛玩偶和機器人甚至可能會帶來危險—可能會用作為代理人來滿足強姦和戀童癖的幻想。她說道:「給一個想要強姦孩子的人一個可以實現他幻想的娃娃是很危險的,在社會廣泛推廣這個想法絕對是不負責任的行為。」救助性販賣倖存者的英國救助軍表示他們堅決反對使用性愛機器人,因為它鼓勵人們去控制另一個人。慈善組織「反人口販賣的奴隸制」部門的Kathy Taylor說道:「被販賣的人口被認為是商品,我們並不認為和機器人做愛就會減少這種事的發生。」但是Santos同時也致力於開發男性機器人,他仍然堅持認為性愛機器人可能是社會收益—可以減少女同,男同和雙性戀者,可以有效的預防性疾病的傳播以及能夠幫助AI技術發展。他說道:「技術總是這樣的:有人反對,有人支持,但是最終如果以正確的方式去開發技術,那麼人類總會得到很多好處。」網友評論:alpha_boy :廣州好多年前就有了,據說是山寨范爺等明星的。一開始Police叔叔們查封了幾次,不知道能適用啥法律,又解封了。後來關門了,因為侵犯了范爺等人的肖像權。火狐吧里有人說,大學附近有人散發傳單,租用上萬塊的高模擬日本實體娃娃,100塊一次,出租方負責送貨上門和消毒服務。另外想了一下,假設因為我自己和機器人SEX過,就會有女友和機器人SEX過同等待遇的話,那又不可怕,無非是女友用過按摩棒罷了,肯定比女友和真人SEX過好接受多了。真正的麻煩是,在基因美容技術成熟以前,大家都被機器人養高了審美臨界值,看不上普通相貌的真人,但自己也不是帥哥美女,高不成低不就……最後沒興趣和真人結婚生孩子,然後社會的總出生率下降了,人類就面臨年輕人過少的危機了。luyisi:只希望儘快成立善待機器人組織,這些機器人太可憐了,被人類殘忍奴役和蹂躪。S丶:我想知道在國內開一個娃娃店的話算不算組織賣淫?開你妹的玩笑:不知是國小還是國中,英語課本里那篇女主人迷戀上實驗機器人、最後迫於倫理分開的小說片段,記憶猶新。這…… :為了體驗的真實,最後機器人們會越來越接近人類,之後不管是啪啪專用還是勞動專用,都會變成壓榨機器人的權利。機器人之後會像西部世界那樣奮起反抗,最後人類同意承認機器人的人權…………到那時,誰會想到人類最初只是想要搞一個更刺激的飛機杯,這樣天真無邪的願望罷了。賴貓咯:大禹治水講了堵不如疏,水和慾望也是真是存在需要釋放,總有些道德婊,不見他們去解放紅燈區倒是先把減少性工作者的性機器人批判一番,和動物保護組織相得益彰。dogisacat:只有男女性性愛機械人都發展良好,人類才能真正距越性別之別,去真正討論性愛機械人的倫理問題。你覺得和女性性愛機械人交配很正常時,也要想想你的女性朋友,可能是你將來伴侶的人,也可能曾經和男性性愛機械人交配。Sex robots: Perverted or practical?By Lin Taylor BARCELONAIn the hilly outskirts of sunny Barcelona, Spanish scientist Sergi Santos looks proudly over what appears to be five busty women in tiny shorts and tank tops perched around his living room.But look a little closer and it is clear they are not women but silicone sex dolls with wigs and artificial brains that Santos believes will not only earn him money but may also be used to staff brothels and help combat sex trafficking."Hi Samantha," Santos said, switching on one of his dolls."I'm here, what's up?" the robot replied, its bright blue eyes staring into nothing as a cable plugged into its neck charges the computer processor in its "brain".Artificial intelligence (AI) is making its way into the global sex market, bringing with it a revolution in robotic"sextech" designed to offer sexual gratification with a near-human touch.But the arrival of sex robots has divided opinion. Inventors like Santos argue they can potentially replace prostitutes, reduce sex trafficking and help lonely people, while critics say they objectify women and normalise sexism and rape culture."Get sexy," instructed Santos, 39, who founded Synthea Amatus in 2015 and aims to start selling his sex robots in coming weeks, starting from about $2,000 each."I'm ready, what about you? I hope you are. I enjoy being with you, always," the big-breasted robot replied, while Santos' wife Maritsa Kissamitaki works at a desk in their home office.Roboticists like Santos and those from U.S.-based Abyss Creations are racing to become the first in the world to bring sex robots - which talk and respond to touch through AI technology - to the consumer market.Sex robots at bigger companies like Abyss Creations will start from about $10,000 depending on added extras.Experts say the increasingly life-like robots raise complex issues that should be considered by policymakers and the public including whether use of such devices should be encouraged to curb prostitution and sex trafficking, for sex offenders, or for people with disabilities.ROBOT BROTHELSLondon-based AI researcher David Levy predicted in his 2007 book "Love and Sex with Robots" that humans would have sex, fall in love and even marry robots by 2050."I don't see anything wrong in using a sex robot to provide sexual satisfaction to people who can't achieve it in relationships with other humans. It's much better for lonely and miserable people than no sex at all," he said."Sex robots are just providing an alternative."As the technology advances, brothels in global cities will be staffed by robot prostitutes, says Levy, and like most consumer electronics, such as laptops and mobile phones, the cost of sex robots will drop - to the point where it will be cheaper than paying for a human prostitute.He believes as the stigma of having sex with robots wears off, robotics could disrupt the sex trafficking industry."The advent of sex robots will probably reduce the popularity of having sex with a sex worker. And if it's going to have that effect, it will also reduce sex trafficking," Levy said in an interview with the Thomson Reuters Foundation."I don't see that anybody can possibly be harmed by people having sex with robots, so I think that the idea of a robot brothel should not only be legal it should probably be encouraged in order to reduce sex trafficking."Globally, nearly 46 million live as slaves, forced to work, sold for sex, trapped in debt bondage or born into servitude, according to the 2016 Global Slavery Index by Australia-based rights group Walk Free Foundation.Santos said owning a sex robot could lead to fewer people visiting prostitutes which would combat sex trafficking."Should you be trafficking humans? I think it's obvious - no. So what we should do is stop that, and make people spend the money on the doll," he said.POWER AND CONTROLHowever ethicist and founder of the Campaign Against Sex Robots Kathleen Richardson disagrees that sex robots will curb sex trafficking but says they will be another "option on the menu" alongside human prostitutes.She said comparing prostitutes to robots was dehumanising and the sexual objectification of women through sex dolls was also problematic."I don't think sex robots will reduce sex trafficking. It will just become another option on the menu for an already distorted and dehumanised commercial market," said Richardson, an academic at De Montfort University who has been studying robotics for more than a decade."There's something more insidious going on in sex trafficking about how you control and dominate another human being - and the pleasure you derive from rape."Richardson said sex dolls and robots could even be dangerous, used as proxies to act out fantasies like rape or pedophilia."Giving someone who wants to rape children and fantasises about that a doll with orifices that he can penetrate is ... dangerous. It's absolutely, extraordinarily irresponsible to promote that idea in wider society," she said.The Salvation Army in Britain, which supports survivors of sex trafficking, said it opposed the use of sex robots because it rewards people for exerting control over another."Trafficked people are being seen as a commodity and we don't think that sex with a robot is going to reduce that," said Kathy Taylor from the charity's Anti-Trafficking and Modern Slavery unit."The reason some people purchase sex is because it can be a power dynamic in itself. And if you can buy a robot, does that not normalise this distorted power dynamic?"But Santos, who aims to develop male robots as well, said sex robots had the potential to benefit society - from helping closeted lesbian, gay and bisexual people, to preventing sexually transmitted diseases, and progressing AI technology."Technology is always like that: people are against it, people are for it. But eventually, if you develop technology in the right way, you'll always have many benefits for people," he said.來源於煎蛋網

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