3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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為了幫助大家熟悉2017年5月6日托福口語考試內容,新東方在線托福網為大家帶來新托福口語Task1解析:宿舍改造一文,希望對大家托福備考有所幫助。更多精彩盡請關注2017年5月6日托福考情回顧總結!新托福口語Task1題目.The university decides to remodel the dormitory and add a new space to it. Which space do you recommend to add in your dormitory ?1. Cafe2. Study room3. Game room新托福口語Task1參考範文一Well ,I will definitely choose the café bar. First, it offers a great social place for us to unwind and blow off steam. Everyday we have to deal with a substantial amount of academic work, so a nice café bar would allow us to socialize and have some light talks with our friends there to release pressure and enhance our relationship; second, it provides us with timely refreshment when we are tired or hungry. Like, we could go there anytime to grab some coffee or snacks after a long time reading in the dorm, and when we get back, we will be more efficient in learning.新托福口語Task1參考範文二.Personally, I would say the dorm should add a café. First off, it's a great place to study, students can read a book, or bring their laptop computers and work on a paper for class, actually it is very noisy in the dorm since students might be on the phone, watching movies or playing on-line games. Thus, a café can be a great place for students to study. Additionally, a café can offer lots of healthy foods and snacks, so students can have some refreshments so they will have enough energy for their study.

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