3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

臨近2017年英語四級考試,新方在線英語四級頻道為四級考生們預測了一寫翻譯考題並附答案,僅供考生參考。請將下面這段話翻譯成英文:人的姓名通常姓(family name)在前,名(givenname)在後。有10多億個名字,所以人們即便在隨意場合也可能會連名帶姓地介紹自己,這是很尋常的。歷史上,人名的受歡迎稈度會隨著時事而變化。例如,文化大革命(Cultural Rcvolution)期間,「紅」頗受歡迎,因其代表「革命」。20世紀80年代改革開放時期,「致富」成為一個名字,因其意為「變得富有」。翻譯:In China the family name is usually in front of thegiven name. It isn't unusual for a man to introducehimself by his family name with given name even incasual situations because there are more than abillion given names. The Chinese given name has ahistory of changing with popularity depending on what events were going on. For instance,during the Cultural Revolution Hong (the color red) was very popular as it presentsrevolution. During the reform and opening up in the 1980s, Zhifu became one given name asit means 「getting rich」.模擬試卷新東方2017.6英語四級考試模擬試卷及答案(5.25)英語四級考試模擬試卷及答案(5.24)四級考試模擬試卷(5.31)2017年6月英語四級考試模擬試卷及答案

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