3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

During Plant Week, my Kindergarten students learn all about the importance of plants in our lives, the different kinds of plants in our area, and (their favorite) how plants grow. Each student got their very own little terra cotta planter and were shown how to fill them with dirt, plant seeds, and water them. 時值種植周,幼稚園的學生們學習了植物在我們生活中的重要性、我們所生活的區域生長的各種植物,他們最感興趣的部分便是,植物是如何生長的。每個學生都發有一個小的陶土種植盆,用來教他們裝土,播種,澆水。So we did our activity in the classroom, they filled them up with dirt, they had so much putting the seeds in, and the next step was to take them just outside of classroom and water each of them before we went to recess. 我們在教室里進行了一項活動,他們把自己的小盆里放滿土,然後播種,接下來我們就要出教室來逐個盆澆水然後再休息。One student in particular, bless his heart, was still a little behind on his motor skills, and pretty much flooded his planter when trying to water it. 其中有個學生,勞作技能相比其他同學稍顯遜色,因為他澆水過量,他暗暗地祈禱自己的植物能正常的發芽。His classmates snickered, of course, which really upset him, and I had to intervene and assure him that he would be able to redo his flower pot when we came back from recess. Well, little did we all know that his pot was going to have an unexpected sprout.當然,其他同學都偷偷嘲笑他,這讓他很難過。我不得不介入並安慰了他,然後向他保證休息時間過後,讓他重新播種。然而,我們都不知道他的花盆出乎意料的「發芽」了。Of course, being late spring in Mississippi, it was an especially hot afternoon. So as we were approaching our door from recess, which takes us right past their flower pots, I hear this thrilled "Miss Welch, Miss Welch!! Look what's coming out of my flower pot!!"...

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