3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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英國王室公布了2016年收到的禮物清單,從腌香腸、辣椒、石榴到杯子、靠墊套、襪子,可謂五花八門、應有盡有。給王室送禮的確是件難辦的事兒,送的太貴重或者太廉價都不太合適,似乎也只能想一些「另類」的招數了。下面來看看去年英國王室都收哪些令人啼笑皆非的禮物吧。 The weird, wonderful, and occasionally mundane gifts showered upon the Royal Family have been revealed in an official list published today - and Prince Charles and Camilla received their fair share as they undertook three official tours in 2016.英國王室收到的官方禮物清單今日被公之於眾,這些禮物有的奇葩、有的精美,還有個別平淡無奇。查爾斯王子和卡米拉王妃去年進行了三次正式訪問,因此收到了不少禮物。 Some of the most unusual presents they received included cushion covers, swords, socks, goblets, cured sausage meats, and even ergonomic crayons.他們收到的最不尋常的禮物包括墊子套、劍、襪子、酒杯、腌香腸,甚至還有人體工程學蠟筆。 King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa and his family are far from strangers to the British royals.巴林國王哈馬德及其家人和英國王室相熟已久。 In 2012, critics denounced Sophie Wessex, Prince Andrew's wife, for accepting two sets of jewels from the Arabian royals.2012年,批評人士譴責安德烈王子的妻子蘇菲•威塞克斯接受了巴林王室贈予的兩套珠寶。 The Bahraini government has strongly denied these claims but controversy continues to surround the royals' relationship.巴林政府強烈否認這些說法,但圍繞王室關係的爭議仍在繼續。 Official gifts, declared annually in a list, can be worn and used, but are not considered the royals' personal property and they do not pay tax on them.官方禮品清單每年都會公之於眾,這些禮品可以佩戴和使用,但不能視為王室的私人財產而王室不需要為此納稅。 They cannot be sold or exchanged and eventually become part of the Royal Collection, which is held in trust by the Queen for her successors and the nation.王室不能出售或交換禮物,最終將成為皇家藏品的一部分。皇家藏品是女王為其繼承者和國家所託管的藏品。 GIFTS RECEIVED ON TOUR OF OMAN, UAE AND BAHRAIN出訪阿曼、阿聯酋和巴林收到的禮物 Chess set and a watch for Charles from HM King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa of Bahrain巴林國王哈馬德贈予查爾斯王子國際象棋和一塊手錶 Watch for Camilla from HM King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa of Bahrain巴林國王哈馬德贈予卡米拉王妃手錶 Photograph frame with a black and white photograph of HRH The Prince of Wales and HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa from HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince of Bahrain巴林王儲薩爾曼贈送的相框內含一張威爾士親王和薩爾曼王子的黑白照 Pair of pedestal dishes with pastries and sweetmeats from HRH Princess Sabeeka Bin Ibrahim Al Khalifa莎比卡公主贈送了一對盛著糕點和糖果的高腳盤。 Cushion cover and a basket of sweetmeats from the Supreme Council for Women最高婦女委員會贈送了靠墊套和一籃子糖果 Wooden model of a boat from an individual in Bahrain巴林私人贈送的木質船模 12 baskets of pomegranates from HM Qaboos bin Said al Said, Sultan of Oman阿曼蘇丹卡布斯•本•賽義德贈送了12筐石榴 Sword from an individual in Oman阿曼私人贈送的劍 Two pairs of Bedouin socks from an individual in Oman阿曼私人贈送的兩雙貝都因人襪子 Magazine from a member of the public in UAE阿聯酋一位市民贈送的雜誌 ....AND THE BEST OF THE REST FROM 2016其他2016年最佳禮物 Cured sausage meat from an individual in Croatia克羅埃西亞私人贈送的腌制香腸肉 Goblet from an individual in Croatia克羅埃西亞私人贈送的高腳杯 Ergonomic crayons from an individual in Croatia克羅埃西亞私人贈送的人體工程學蠟筆 Two bags of paprika from a member of the public in Croatia克羅埃西亞一位公民贈送的兩袋辣椒 Sword from the Mayor of Dakovo in Croatia克羅埃西亞達科他市市長贈送的劍 Ceramic model of a boot from a member of the public in Croatia克羅埃西亞一位公民贈送的陶瓷靴子模型 Straw model of a deer from a member of the public in Croatia克羅埃西亞一位公民贈送的稻草製作的鹿模型 An apron from an individual in Serbia塞爾維亞私人贈送的圍裙 A pocket square from TRH's Crown Prince Alexander Karadjordjevic and Crown Princess Katherine of Serbia塞爾維亞亞歷山大王儲和王儲妃凱瑟琳贈送的口袋方巾 'Make-Your-Own Doll' kit from an individual in Serbia塞爾維亞私人贈送的「製作屬於你的娃娃」玩具套裝 Glasses cleaner from a member of the public in Serbia塞爾維亞一位公民贈送的眼鏡清潔劑 Two decorated gingerbread biscuits from a member of the public in Serbia塞爾維亞一位公民贈送的兩袋特別裝飾的薑餅餅乾 Plaque in the shape of a double headed eagle from an individual in Kosovo科索沃私人贈送的一隻雙頭鷹形狀的紀念章 A bar of soap from a member of the public in Kosovo科索沃一位公民贈送的一塊肥皂 Bottle of whiskey from an individual in the Republic of Ireland愛爾蘭共和國私人贈送的一瓶威士忌 Toy dolls from an individual in the Republic of Ireland愛爾蘭共和國私人贈送的玩具娃娃 Box of toiletries from a member of the public in the Republic of Ireland愛爾蘭共和國一位公民贈送的一盒洗漱用具 Three packets of seeds from an individual in the Republic of Ireland愛爾蘭共和國私人贈送的三包種子 Vocabulary goblet: 高腳酒杯ergonomic: 人類工程學的pomegranate: 石榴apron: 圍裙plaque: 紀念匾toiletries: 洗漱用品 英文來源:每日郵報翻譯&編輯:董靜審校:yaning

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