3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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UniqueMe是美人製造機UniqueMe時尚推出<普通姑娘變美專欄>,此篇為總攬篇主要介紹用來定義美的維度有那些,並且在這些維度里我們再一一拓展細化。如果你問我該怎麼變得漂亮或更吸引人一些,我會告訴你,做好自己。「做自己」有一種靜默的張力,看起來讓人舒服。但是如果這一條在你身上不起效,那麼你需要做一個更好的自己。If you ask me how to look more attractive or beautiful, in all probability, the first thing you』d hear is to just be yourself, isn』t it?But is that really working for you? Being yourself is the easiest way to looking gorgeous. But if it』s not working for you so far, well, then you just need to be a better you!我們身邊都有一些外表普通的姑娘,但極具魅力,不論男女都會被其傾倒,更不乏眾多的追求者。外在美不僅僅只在於漂亮的臉蛋和勻稱的身材,更多是你與世界建立聯繫的一種方式。You may have come across several girls who you perceive as unattractive who still get a lot of attention and adoration from the opposite sex. External beauty isn』t all about a pretty face or a great body. It has more to do with how you feel within, and how you project yourself to the world.1. #一個狀態良好的面容(相由心生) 我們的臉是第一個被人注意到的地方,如果你想看起來美,就要全方位地拯救她。吃健康的食物,多喝水,多運動,妥善處理痘痘,會讓你的第一印象大大加分。A healthy faceIt』s been said that a person』s face is the mirror of their soul.Your face is almost always the first thing that people notice about you. So if you want to look beautiful, you need to learn to take care of it. Eat healthy, drink lots of water and work out, you』ll start to look a lot healthier and youthful within a matter of days. And if you have a few nagging issues like acne or stress lines, try to take care of it. It』ll definitely make a big difference to your appearance.2. #恰到好處的表情漂亮的臉蛋當然很好,但是表情會決定這張臉好看或無聊。你微笑的方式,全心全意地笑嘻嘻,眨眨眼,盯著人說話,這些看似微小的舉動可以區分出美與平庸。一個對自己的外表不太自信的姑娘,如果在表情和形體姿態上駕馭得不錯也是一個大美人。給大家一個陳舊但是有效的方法,站在鏡子面前嘗試一些如眨眼、微笑的表情(這些都是可以訓練到自己滿意為止)。即便,我們的喜怒哀樂會受到周遭的影響,也不妨礙嘗試我們更好地表達自己,順便美美噠。ExpressionsA pretty face looks good. But your expressions, well, that』s what makes a face beautiful or boring. The way you smile, laugh wholeheartedly, wink or stare at someone while talking to them can make the difference between a plain jane and a beautiful and charming girl.Even a girl who doesn』t believe she』s beautiful can transform herself into a gorgeous woman just by learning to play with her facial expressions and her gestures. As corny as it sounds, stand in front of the mirror and try a few expressions, be it a wink or a smile. After all, even our expressions are influenced by others around us. So why not try and express yourself better, and look prettier at the same time?3. #營造一個溫暖友好的氛圍你身上散發出來的氣質會一直包裹著你,這是你不能偽造的。你有沒有過這樣的體驗,只是安靜地坐在別人身旁,就覺得很尷尬不舒服,或是見到某人第一次的時候就不喜歡她。另一方面,有些人你在第一次見面時,就覺得相見恨晚,特別投緣。當你剛認識一些人時,無論你是否意識到,你的氣場和他的氣場都是相互交融的,消極的一方也會把負能量傳遞出去。以溫暖的、積極的和友好的態度豐盈你的思想,當你感覺到積極的時候,你的積極性會為你爭取更多時間。A warm and friendly auraYour aura is something that envelopes you all the time, and you can』t fake it. Have you ever sat next to someone only to feel really uncomfortable and awkward all of a sudden for no reason at all? Or have you disliked someone the very first time you spoke to them?On the other hand, did you feel really comfortable around someone as soon as you said hello for the first time? When you meet someone, whether you realize it or not, your aura intermingles with their aura that』s around them, and if one of you feel negative, it rubs on to the other person. Fill your mind and thoughts with warm positivity and a friendly attitude. When you feel positive, your positivity will draw others to you all the time.4. #得體的著裝你的穿著優雅高級,但也要顯得毫不費力。如果你找不到自己的方向,可以嘗試學習一些和自己身材結構相似的名人穿衣風格,畢竟人靠衣裝。你的穿著在形象上會給人很大的印象分。Clothing and attireDress appropriately without appearing like you』re trying too hard. If you』re lost and don』t know where to start, take a look at a celebrity who looks similar to you or has the same body structure.Or you can just follow UniqueMefashion .The way you dress plays a big part in the way you』re perceived by others. 5. #端正你的姿態走路說話舉止像個淑女,走路的時候抬頭挺胸收腹,會讓你看起來很優雅。無論你身在何處,你都會引起異性的注意和喜歡。人們發現女孩迷人,因為女孩與他們有很大的不同。用優雅方式把自己的女性氣質展現出來,平靜而驚艷。Your poiseWalk, talk and behave like a lady. If you stand tall, walk gracefully and look elegant wherever you are, you』ll definitely be noticed and liked by the opposite sex. Remember, guys find girls fascinating because girls are so different from them. Show off your femininity with grace, and you』ll sweep every guy off the floor with your beauty and poise.6. #選一款適合自己的香水女性化氣質濃烈的香水,可以讓從你身邊走過的男生回頭率高到爆表。作為兩腳獸,氣味在性吸引上扮演了很重要的角色,一個適合自己氣質的香水也會讓你整體形象大大加分,當你想讓與你約會的男生記住你的適合,你可以嘗試輕描淡寫地甩甩秀髮,用香氣撲倒他。FragrancesFeminine fragrances can make a guy』s neck involuntarily spin and crack in a second even as you just walk past him. As humans, smell plays a big part in the game of attraction, and if you smell wonderful and leave a waft of the perfect womanly silage behind you, it』s something no guy can forget, be it on a date or when you try to impress a guy as you walk past him!7. #髮型 髮型 髮型一個完美的髮型可以讓你的臉部輪廓變得更清晰,達到揚長避短的功效。要說什麼可以讓你馬上改頭換面,大概只有髮型了。嘗試和專業可靠的髮型師溝通,改變你的髮型,也可以看看那些和自己臉部輪廓、氣質差不多的名人髮型作為參考,一個完美的髮型是可以創造奇迹的,特別是當你想用一頭秀髮來吸引男神的時候。HairstyleA perfect haircut can accentuate your facial features and turn you into a glamorous doll in a few hours. Experiment with your hair, talk to your stylist or take a look at a few celebrity hairstyles for inspiration. You may assume it doesn』t play a big part, but you』ll be surprised at the difference it can make. A perfect cut can do wonders and make you look a lot more beautiful, especially after you learn to carelessly flick your hair when the guy you』re trying to impress is around!8. #減掉多餘的肉肉你的身體本來美呆了,但是多餘的脂肪會把你真實的樣子,隱藏在層層堆積的肉肉後面。太瘦是不會有吸引力的,應該儲備勻稱身材所需要的脂肪,讓你看起來驚艷,也可以完美展示你凹凸有致的曲線,還能顯年輕,一舉多得。Lose those excess poundsYour body looks best the way it』s been created, and all those excess calories you eat only hides the real you under several layers of fat. Being too skinny is definitely unattractive, but maintaining the perfect amount of body fat would make you look more beautiful, help you show off your curves in all the right places, and make you look several years younger too.9. #用心梳妝打扮在出門前可以多花點時間對著鏡子裝點下自己,這並不是一件浪費時間的事情,化點妝,塗點口紅,刷點腮紅,可以讓你看起來更迷人,當然你自己也會感覺的更自信。Glam upIt』s not silly to spend a while everyday to take care of your appearance before you step out. If it helps you feel more beautiful, use cosmetics and work with different brushes and colors. You』ll feel more glamorous, more confident and happier with yourself.10. #不要苛求完美,要開心覺得自己不夠好的想法很容易讓我們產生不安情緒,要接受我們每個人都有不完善之處的事實。如果有讓我們感覺不盡人意的事情,我們一定要儘快處理解決掉。畢竟,美是一種心態。如果你不覺得美麗,你怎麼能自信地向世界表達你的美? 同時也要快樂開朗,你的快樂會傳染給你周圍的世界,同時也讓你更加美麗和閃耀光芒。Don』t feel imperfectSo what makes you feel insecure or imperfect? All of us have our own little niggles that make us feel less than desirable. Have those issues fixed or get rid of it. After all, beauty is a state of mind. And if you don』t feel beautiful, how can you ever project your beauty with confidence to the rest of the world? Be happy and cheerful, and your infectious happiness will make you shine with beautiful radiance.11. #睡好美容覺八小時的睡眠對於很多人來說已經是一件付不起的奢侈品了。但是想變美的你還是嘗試多睡一些。睡眠不足會讓你感覺壓力很大並且脾氣暴躁、反應遲鈍,當然也不那麼美了。相反休息好了,容光煥發,精神滿面,看起來就對生活充滿熱情。Get your beauty sleepEight hours of sleep is a luxury that few can afford these days, but you need to try to make time for good sleep. Lack of sleep and stress makes you grumpy, sluggish and unattractive. On the other hand, you』d look a lot better and feel more energetic and enthusiastic about life when you』re well rested.12. #內在美與主流觀點的刻板印象不同的是,內在美並不是丑姑娘嘗試說服自己忽略容貌、讓自己更自信的安慰說法,她確實是存在的,並且可以區分出美與丑。正所謂所有注意力的吸引都是始於顏值,會在這裡暫停一秒鐘,接下來就是要看才華和內涵了。Inner beautyContrary to popular belief, inner beauty isn』t something ugly people talk about to convince themselves that they』re beautiful. Inner beauty exists, and it』s the only thing that makes a person beautiful or unattractive. An attractive face could catch a person』s attention for a second, but beyond that first second, it』s a person』s inner beauty that makes all the difference.所以,美是一種心態,毫無保留的把你的美都展現出來,不要隱藏你認為不吸引人的東西,即便臉上真的有不好看的傷痕也不要在意這樣的瑕疵,所以旁人也不會在意,這就是你和世界相處的方式,大方安靜而有張力。只要你相信你是美美噠,你就能一直感受自己的美。You see, beauty is a state of mind. Show yourself off, and don』t hide something that you perceive as unattractive even if it』s a scar right across your face. People don』t care about your imperfections, it』s the way you project yourself that makes you beautiful.It』s easy to feel gorgeous and look glamorous as long as you believe you』re all that and more. 往期雙語閱讀3分鐘教你挑一款舒適性感的內衣Bra Upgrade Within 16Styles|活好點(一)2那些簡單高效讓你變優雅的辦法 How to be Graceful and Elegant in 8 Easy Steps

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