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2009年,詹姆斯•卡梅隆的《阿凡達》告訴觀眾什麼才是真正的3D電影,他所創造的「阿凡達效應」至今令人印象深刻。而備受期待的《阿凡達2》也將於今年秋季開拍。據外媒報道,《阿凡達2》將採用全新的裸眼3D技術,觀眾在觀影時不用再戴上3D眼鏡,就能體驗身臨其境的視效。 Filmmaker James Cameron, forever an advocate for the 3D format, has achieved his ambition of letting audiences watch his Avatar sequels in 3D without having to don a pair of glasses.作為一名3D技術的忠實擁護者,導演詹姆斯•卡梅隆已經實現了他的野心,觀眾欣賞他的3D版《阿凡達2》時可以不戴眼鏡了。 Last November, the director revealed his plans to further innovate the format, stating: "I'm still very bullish on 3D, but we need brighter projection, and ultimately I think it can happen - with no glasses. We'll get there."去年11月,卡梅隆透露他打算進一步創新3D電影,他說:「我仍然非常看好3D,但是我們需要亮度更高的投影,我認為不戴眼鏡觀看3D電影的技術最終是可以實現的。我們會做到的。」 The move will work wonders for Avatar 2, a sequel many felt a tad unnecessary considering it will arrive over ten years after the 2009 original - this 3D development will no doubt see film fans flocking to multiplexes to experience the innovation.此舉將為《阿凡達2》創造亮點。《阿凡達》續集與2009年第一部之間的間隔將超過10年,考慮到這點,很多人覺得它有點多餘。但這次3D創新無疑會讓影迷們蜂擁前往電影院體驗這種感覺。 Inquisitr reports that Cameron's production company Lightstorm Entertainment has extended its partnership with Christie Digital granting it access to the latter's new RGB laser projection system. It will result in a clearer picture, although there is currently no word on how many cinemas will show the sequel in the format.據Inquisitr網站報道,卡梅隆的製作公司光風暴娛樂公司已經和美國科視數字系統公司拓展合作,以獲得該公司的新RGB激光投影系統授權。這樣可以使電影畫面更清晰,但是目前還不清楚將有多少電影院以這種形式放映《阿凡達2》。 Until this point, glasses-free 3D has only been available on Nintendo 3DS.目前為止,僅有任天堂3DS遊戲機實現了裸眼3D技術。 Cameron's Avatar sequels are said to follow Jake (Sam Worthington) Neytiri (Zoe Saldana) and their children's "battle with humans." Cast additions have included Fear the Walking Dead star Cliff Curtis as well as Oona Chaplin (Game of Thrones, Black Mirror).據稱,卡梅隆的《阿凡達2》講述的是傑克(薩姆•沃辛頓飾)、妮特麗(佐伊•索爾達娜飾)以及他們的孩子與「人類之間的鬥爭」。新加入的演員包括《行屍之懼》中的克利夫•柯蒂斯,以及出演《權力的遊戲》和《黑鏡》的奧娜•卓別林。 英文來源:獨立報翻譯&編輯:董靜審校:丹妮

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