3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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《我的前半生》雖然是部情感劇,但這部劇里的職場戲卻非常精彩。賀涵、唐晶在諮詢行業摸爬滾打多年,積累了豐富的職場經驗和感悟。1. 在職場,如何有效利用時間?很多成功人士的經驗表明,你工作之外休息時間如何利用的,就能決定一個人的未來高度。賀涵:我認為,即使是吃飯時間,那麼也要有效地利用起來,去做點什麼或者學點什麼。賀涵:一天三個小時,一周算起來, 你就比別人多出一天的時間。還有睡覺,研究表明, 睡覺之前, 如果你一直在聚精會神地思考一個問題。職場人士,聽完這話是不會覺得又莫名浪費了很多時間呢?下次吃飯的時候,可以試試看用這種「一心二用」的節奏哦。用最少的時間賺最多的錢,這就是高效。The so-called high efficiency is to make the most money from the smallest possible investment of time.」2. 如何和同事相處?關於和同事相處,賀老師也有很多見解。一旦你開始工作了,就相當於開啟了闖關遊戲的大門。遇到問題、面對問題,並且要學會處理問題,否則, 你就會被別人打死, 要從頭再來。Once you start to work, you have opened the door of the game. When facing problems, you need to tackle them,otherwise, you will be beaten to death,and start from scratch again.」02你來工作是來賺錢的,不是來交朋友的,如果能交到朋友那是驚喜,交不到朋友那才是正常的You are here to make money, no to make friends.If you can make some friends, that』s a surprise; if you can』t make any friends, that』s normal.」03你要去找到你的同伴,同伴你可以信任他,但是不能依賴他,因為你的同伴很有可能會先被調離或者跳槽。You can trust the partner you find in your work, but you can』t rely on him/her because your partner may be dismissed or job hop earlier than you.」3. 如何處理和客戶的關係?拿人錢財,與人消災嘛,我們要時刻心繫客戶,體驗他們的悲觀和快樂情緒,並且與他們站在同一條戰線上。If you take your clients' money, you should help eliminate their ill fortune and sympathize with them, trying to feel their happiness and pessimism,and stand side by side with them.」02我們不是天使,我們唯一感興趣的就是他們的錢包。We are not angels. All interests us is our clients' purses.」03生意是生意,交情是交情Trade is trade, friendship is friendship.」4. 職場實戰,如何成長?01首先要做到可以取代任何人,然後再考慮做到任何人都不可以取代你。 In the workplace, firstly, you should be able to replace anyone, and then make sure no one can replace you.」在職場中,如何為自己搶了別人的項目而自圓其說呢:你手上的案子不是我一個人在搶,我能搶走,說明你還沒有做到滴水不漏,死的明白,才能避免重蹈覆轍。In the work place, how to justify yourself for snatching others' cases? You have to understand many people are snatching your case. If I can snatch it, it only proves that you are not perfect yet. You have to understand your failure in order to avoid the same mistake in the future.」03說過的話,就不能收回,不能讓步,否則你就是一個可以被討價還價的人,後患無窮You can't take back or yield to what you have said before, otherwise people will bargain with you again and again.」04首先最重要的就是你的工作經驗,其次態度。Working experience is of greatest importance, while attitude is secondary.5. 如何看待工作,如何選擇公司?01在職場中,我們找工作都希望進入一家好公司,何為好公司:我不管什麼大公司,小公司,給我錢多的就是好公司。In the workplace, we are all longing to join a good company. But what's the definition of a good company? I don't care about its scale, whether it's big or small. In my mind, a good company is the one that offers me the handsomest compensation package.」在職場中,員工離職不外乎兩個原因,心受委屈了或者錢沒給到位:我們是來賺錢的,不是來效忠的。In the workplace, you quit only out of two reasons, either because you suffer from injustice or you feel underpaid. We are here to make money, not to pledge loyalty to the company.」最後,一起來談談你對《我的前半生》中的職場金句怎麼看!為什麼學了這麼多年英語卻仍開不了口?是不夠努力?還是無法堅持?...如何跟老外流暢交流?也許你更需要系統的學習方法!點原文申請試聽直播學習課了解更多課程詳情!

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