3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

朝鮮半島問題:問:朝鮮方面稱昨天成功試射洲際彈道導彈,而且可以搭載核彈頭。中方是否認可這種說法?對此有何回應?Q: The DPRK said that the intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) it launched yesterday could carry a nuclear warhead. Does China believe that its claim is accurate? What is China's response to the claim? 答:昨天我已經作了回應。中方注意到有關報道。我們正在收集情況,跟蹤形勢,進行研判。聯合國安理會有關決議對朝鮮利用彈道導彈技術進行發射活動有明確規定。中方反對朝方違反安理會決議進行有關發射活動,敦促朝方不要再採取有違聯合國安理會決議的行為。A: I gave my reply yesterday. The Chinese side has noted relevant reports. We are trying to get more information, following the developments of the situation and making the assessment. Relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council have explicit stipulations on launches conducted by the DPRK using ballistic missile technology. The Chinese side opposes launches by the DPRK in violation of relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council, and urges the DPRK not to violate relevant Security Council resolutions any more. 此外,中俄兩國外交部昨天發表了關於朝鮮半島問題的聯合聲明,兩國對朝方的有關發射活動表示了嚴重關切。In addition, the Chinese and Russian foreign ministries issued a joint statement on the Korean Peninsula issue yesterday in which the two sides expressed grave concern about the missile launch. 問:關於中俄外交部昨天發表的聯合聲明,其中呼籲朝核問題有關國家避免挑釁行動和好戰言論,體現無條件對話意願。但據報道,朝鮮最高領導人金正恩說,昨天試射的導彈是送給美國的國慶禮物,還說只要美國不更改對朝敵對政策,朝鮮就不會把核導作為談判條件。中方是否認為朝鮮半島局勢可能失控?是否有比勸和促談更能減緩緊張的辦法?Q: The joint statement by the Chinese and Russian foreign ministries yesterday called upon relevant parties of the Korean nuclear issue to avoid provocative actions and belligerent remarks and demonstrate their will for dialogue without conditions. Yet according to media reports, supreme leader of the DPRK Kim Jong-un said, the launch yesterday was a gift sent to the US on the July 4 anniversary, and the DPRK will not take the nuclear and missile programs as conditions for negotiation if the US does not change the hostile policy towards it. Does China think the situation on the Korean Peninsula may go out of control? Is there any way more effective in easing the tensions than peace talks? 答:我們多次說過,當前半島局勢依然複雜敏感,希望有關各方都能夠保持冷靜克制,不要採取可能進一步加劇半島緊張的言行,共同為緩解緊張局勢作出努力,儘快將半島核問題重新納入通過對話協商和平解決的正確軌道。A: We said many times that the situation on the Korean Peninsula remains highly sensitive and complex. We hope all relevant parties can stay calm and exercise restraint refrain from words and deeds that may heighten tensions, make joint efforts to ease tensions and bring the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue back to the right track of peaceful talks as soon as possible. 關於中俄兩國外交部就半島問題發表的聯合聲明,我這裡想再補充幾句,聯合聲明體現了國際社會在半島問題上要緩和不要緊張,要對話不要對抗的呼聲,體現了中俄雙方對半島問題的共同立場和關切。聯合聲明以中方提出的「雙軌并行」思路和「雙暫停」倡議和俄方分步走設想為基礎,提出了雙方共同倡議,旨在標本兼治,綜合施策解決問題。這是客觀公正、合情合理、現實可行的方案。希望所有有關各方都能予以積極呼應,為解決半島問題開闢現實途徑。I would like to say something more about the joint statement by the Chinese and Russian foreign ministries on the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue. The statement gives voice to the international community's aspiration for calm and dialogue instead of tension and confrontation on the Korean Peninsula issue, and reflects the common position and concern of China and Russia on the Korean Peninsula issue. Based on the "dual-track approach" and the "suspension for suspension" initiative proposed by China and the step-by-step conception by Russia, the statement sets forth a joint initiative of the two sides, which aims at solving the issue by addressing both the symptoms and root causes with a multi-pronged, comprehensive approach. It is objective, fair, reasonable and practical. We hope all relevant parties can make positive response to it and create a practical path for the settlement of the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue. 問:中方是否認為美國總統川普就任以來的一些政策和言論是造成目前半島局勢緊張的原因?川普總統在他的「推特」中提到應該採取更多措施穩定朝鮮。中方是否認為川普總統這些話是「一廂情願」?是否有實質的建設性?Q: Does China think the policies and remarks of President Donald Trump since he took office are to blame for the current tensions on the Korean Peninsula? President Trump said in Twitter that China should take more measures to stabilize the DPRK. Does China think what he said is just his wishful thinking or is it constructive in real terms? 答:我剛才已經說過了,當前半島局勢複雜敏感,我們敦促所有有關方面保持冷靜克制,不要採取可能加劇半島緊張局勢的言行。希望各方能共同努力,推動半島核問題早日回到通過對話協商和平解決的正確軌道。A: Just as I said, the situation on the Korean Peninsula remains highly sensitive and complex. We hope all relevant parties can stay calm and exercise restraint, refrain from words and deeds that may heighten tensions, make joint efforts to bring the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue back to the right track of peaceful settlement through dialogue and consultation as soon as possible. 為解決朝核問題,中方的努力有目共睹,中方的作用不可或缺。與此同時,我們希望所有有關各方能夠相向而行,同中方一道推動半島核問題回到對話協商和平解決的軌道,這需要大家的集體努力。In a bid to solve the issue, China's contributions are there for all to see and its role is indispensable. Meanwhile, we hope that various parties can work for the shared goal and jointly bring the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue back to the right track of peaceful settlement through dialogue and negotiation. This requires our concerted efforts. 問:韓國和美國今天舉行了攔截彈道導彈訓練。中方對此有何評論?今天晚些時候聯合國安理會將召開緊急會議,中方將作何表態?Q: The ROK and the US carried out ballistic missile interception drills today. How do you comment on that? Does China have anything to convey at the Security Council emergency session to be held later today? 答:剛才我說過了,當前半島局勢依然複雜敏感,我們敦促所有有關方面保持冷靜克制,不要採取可能導致半島局勢進一步緊張升級的言行。這個態度非常明確,有關各方也非常清楚。A: Just as I said, the situation on the Korean Peninsula remains highly sensitive and complex. We hope all relevant parties can stay calm and exercise restraint, and refrain from any actions that may escalate tensions. All relevant parties know well the clear-cut position of us. 至於你提到的聯合國安理會將舉行緊急會議,作為聯合國安理會常任理事國,中方將以負責任的態度參與有關討論。同時,我們也希望安理會的有關討論能夠推動朝核問題朝著通過對話協商以和平方式解決的方向發展。As for the emergency session you mentioned, China will participate in the discussion in a responsible manner as a permanent member of the Security Council. At the same time, we also hope the relevant discussion will help resolve the Korean nuclear issue in a peaceful manner through dialogue and negotiation.-南亞關係問題:問:你之前提到印度方面曾經多次明確承認中印邊界錫金段已經劃定。除了印度總理尼赫魯給周恩來總理的信件內容外,是否還有其他證據?Q: Previously you mentioned that the Indian side explicitly recognized on many occasions that the Sikkim section of the China-India boundary had been delimited. Do you have additional evidence apart from Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru's letter to Premier Zhou Enlai? 答:印軍非法越界事件發生以來,我們已經多次表明中方的嚴正立場。事實是,中印邊界錫金段已由1890年《中英會議藏印條約》劃定,印度獨立后,印度政府多次對1890年條約已經劃定中印邊界錫金段這一事實予以確認。A: Since the trespass by the Indian troops, we have stated China's stern stance many times. The fact is that the Sikkim section of the China-India boundary had been delimited by the Convention Between Great Britain and China Relating to Sikkim and Tibet (1890). Since the independence of India, the Indian government has repeatedly confirmed this fact. 既然你問到是否還有其他證據,我可以向你作進一步介紹:1960年2月12日,印度駐華大使館在給外交部的照會中指出,「印度政府歡迎照會中對於錫金和不丹為一方和西藏為另一方之間的邊界的解釋。照會說,錫金和西藏地方之間的邊界早經正式劃定,在地圖畫法上既沒有任何分歧,在實踐中也沒有任何爭論。印度政府願意補充說明,這條邊界在地面上也已標定了。」以上是印度照會內容,白紙黑字赫然在目。Since you asked for additional evidence, I can offer you more: In the note it sent to the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs on February 12, 1960, the Indian Embassy in China said, "the Government of India welcomes the explanation given in the Chinese note relating to the boundary with Sikkim and Bhutan on the one side and Tibet on the other. The note states that the boundary between Sikkim and Tibet of China has long been formally delimited, and that there is neither any discrepancy on the maps nor dispute in practice. The Government of India would like to add that this boundary has also been demarcated on the ground." These contents in that note were all written down in black and white. 我想指出的是,印度的有關行為違背了《聯合國憲章》的宗旨和原則,是對國際法和國際關係準則的踐踏。大家都知道,上世紀50年代,和印度、緬甸共同倡導「互相尊重主權和領土完整、互不侵犯、互不干涉內政、平等互利、和平共處」的和平共處五項原則。但令國際社會大跌眼鏡的是,印方此次用非法越界進入他國領土的行徑踐踏了自己倡導的國際關係基本準則。如果印方不及時糾正錯誤,如何取信於周邊鄰國?如何在國際事務中發揮更大作用?What I want to point out is that the relevant actions of the Indian side has violated the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and trampled on international law and the norms governing international relations. It is known to all that in the 1950s, China, India and Myanmar jointly initiated the Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence of "mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, non-interference in each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful co-existence". But to the astonishment of the international community, by illegally crossing into other's territory, India this time trampled the basic norms governing international relations championed by itself. If it fails to correct its mistake in a timely manner, how is it supposed to win the trust of its neighbors or play a bigger role in international affairs? 我們再次敦促印方遵守邊界條約規定,尊重的領土主權,立即將非法越界的印邊防部隊撤回邊界線印方一側,儘快妥善解決此次事件。We once again urge the Indian side to abide by the provisions of the boundary convention, respect China's territorial sovereignty, immediately pull all of the troops that have crossed the boundary back to its own side and properly settle this incident as soon as possible. 問:政府是否會向在印度生活和工作的公民發布安全提醒?Q: Will the Chinese government issue any security alert to Chinese citizens who work and live in India? 答:政府高度重視海外公民的安全與合法權益,會根據有關國家安全形勢狀況決定是否發布有關安全提醒。A: The Chinese government highly values the security and legal interests and rights of the overseas Chinese nationals. We will issue relevant security alert in accordance with the security situation in relevant country. 問:你提到尼赫魯總理在1959年致周恩來總理的信中承認1890年邊界條約。在同一封信中,尼赫魯總理還提到地圖把相當大塊的不丹地區劃作西藏的一部分。他還說,修改地圖上有關不丹和西藏邊界的錯誤一事,需要印中加以討論。中方對此有何評論?此外,不丹方面就洞朗問題向中方提出抗議,中不雙方是否就此進行討論?Q: You referred to the letter from Prime Minister Nehru in 1959 endorsing the 1890 convention. In the same letter, Prime Minister Nehru also wrote that the Chinese maps show sizable areas of Bhutan as part of Tibet. He said the ratification of errors in Chinese maps regarding the boundary of Bhutan and Tibet has to be discussed between China and India. What is China's comment on that? In addition, Bhutan has also lodged a protest with China about Doklam area. Are there any talks going on between China and Bhutan in this regard? 答:關於你提到的有關信件中的具體內容我不了解,需要進行核實。A: I am not aware of the specifics you mentioned about that particular letter and I need to verify them. 關於中不之間開展邊界談判的問題,中方多次強調,洞朗地區歷來屬於,一直在中方有效管轄之下,不存在爭議。和不丹於上個世紀八十年代開始邊界談判,迄今舉行了24輪。兩國雖然尚未正式劃界,但雙方對邊境地區的實際情況和邊界線走向存在基本共識。對於洞朗屬於這一點,中不雙方不存在分歧。As to the boundary negotiation between China and Bhutan, we have repeatedly stated that Doklam has always been part of China's territory and under China's effective jurisdiction without disputes. China and Bhutan have held 24 rounds of boundary negotiations since they launched such talks in the 1980s. Though the boundary is yet to be demarcated officially, the two sides have basic consensus on the situation on the ground in the border areas and the boundary alignment. There is no disagreement on the fact that Doklam belongs to China. 中方一直嚴格遵守中不之間的相關協定,洞朗地區邊界的現狀是清晰的,該地一直在中方有效管轄之下。中方在該地有關活動不存在違反協定、破壞現狀的情況,不方對此也是了解的。China has strictly observed the agreement between the two sides all along. The status quo of the boundary in the Doklam area is clear-cut, and the area has always been under China's effective jurisdiction. There is no breach of agreement or damage to status quo by the Chinese side, which I believe is clear to the Bhutanese side. 中方願同不方共同努力,在不受外來干涉的情況下,通過友好協商解決邊界問題,維護邊境的和平與安寧。China stands ready to work with the Bhutanese side to settle the boundary question through friendly negotiation without external interference and uphold peace and tranquility in the border areas. 問:駐印度大使接受印度媒體採訪時表示,印邊防部隊只有無條件撤軍,才能實現和平解決。中方對此有何評論?Q: When giving an interview to the Indian media, the Chinese ambassador to India said that peaceful settlement is only possible when the Indian troops withdraw unconditionally. What's your comment on this? 答:中方要求印方立即將越界的邊防部隊撤回邊界線印方一側,為恢復有關地區的和平安寧創造必要條件。駐印度大使羅照輝的表態明確體現了中方的立場和要求。A: We demand that the Indian side pull back the troops that crossed the boundary and created necessary conditions for the recovery of peace and tranquility in relevant areas. Chinese Ambassador to India Luo Zhaohui has explicitly expressed China's stance and requirement.問:近日有印度媒體報道印度陸軍發言人發表聲明稱,此次對峙並非中印自1962年以來對峙時間最長的一次。印中兩國兩軍關係管理得非常好。此外,上個月印度總理莫迪曾經表示,中印兩國之間儘管有邊界問題,但40年來未發一槍一彈。中方對此有何評論?是否認為此次事件會對中印關係造成嚴重影響?Q:The Indian army spokesperson was cited by the Indian media as saying that the stand-off this time is not the longest since 1962. The Chinese and Indian militaries manage their relations very well. Moreover, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said last month that not a single bullet has been fired in 40 years despite the Sino-Indian border disputes. How do you comment on that? Do you think the incident this time will have a serious bearing on China-India relations? 答:對於印方的有關表態,我想指出的是,解決邊界問題符合中印兩國根本利益,是雙方一直在努力實現的戰略目標。事實上,中印之間一直通過邊界問題特別代表會晤機制探討邊界問題的解決辦法,同時也共同採取措施,維護了邊境地區的和平與安寧。A: On relevant remarks by the Indian side, I would like to point out that the settlement of the boundary question serves the fundamental interests of the two countries and is the strategic goal the two sides have been striving for. In fact, China and India have been exploring means to settle the boundary question through the mechanism of special representatives, while jointly taking measures to uphold peace and tranquility in the border areas. 但此次印軍非法進入中印邊界錫金段已定邊界中方一側,性質非常嚴重。中方通過外交和邊防會晤渠道向印方提出嚴正交涉。目前,印軍仍停留在領土上,事態仍未解決。中方再次重申,印方應立即將所有越界邊防部隊撤回邊界線印方一側,這是解決當前事件的前提和基礎,以避免發生更加嚴重的事態,造成更加嚴重的後果。This time the Indian troops illegally crossed the delimited Sikkim section of the China-India boundary into the Chinese side. It is very serious in nature. China has lodged stern representations with the Indian side through diplomatic and border defense meeting channels. By far, the Indian troops still stay on China's territory, and the incident is yet to be resolved. China reiterates again that India should immediately pull all of the troops that have crossed the boundary back to its own side. It is the precondition and basis to settle the current incident before it gets worse and has more serious consequences. 印方此前曾多次表示高度重視中印關係,願擴大雙方共同利益,妥善處理分歧。我們要求印方立即將非法越界的邊防部隊撤回邊界線印方一側,以實際行動糾正錯誤,以體現對解決兩國邊界問題的誠意,體現對發展中印關係的誠意,為兩國關係的正常發展創造必要的氣氛和條件。We have noted that the Indian side stated many times previously that it highly values China-India relations and wishes to enlarge our mutual benefits and properly handle differences. We demand that the Indian side pull all of the troops that have illegally crossed the boundary back to its own side and correct its mistake with concrete actions, with a view to demonstrating sincerity for resolving the boundary question and developing China-India relations, and creating necessary atmosphere and conditions for the normal development of the bilateral relations. 問:中印邊界談判是在1962年中印邊境戰爭之後,或者更準確地說是在1988年印度總理甘地訪華之後。你是否掌握在1962年之後能夠證明印方承認洞朗地區是領土的文件?Q: The boundary talks between India and China commenced after the 1962 war at the China-India border, or more exactly, after Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi's visit to China in 1988. Do you have any post-1962 document which proves that India recognizes Doklam as part of China's territory? 答:中方已經多次說過,1890年《中英會議藏印條約》已經對中印邊界錫金段作了明確劃分,這是雙方都承認的條約,錫金段的邊界是已定邊界。印方此次是越過了中印邊界錫金段已定邊界,性質非常嚴重。A: We have repeatedly said that the Sikkim section of the China-India boundary has been clearly delimited by the Convention Between Great Britain and China Relating to Sikkim and Tibet (1890). This convention is recognized by both China and India, and the boundary at the Sikkim section has been delimited. This time the Indian side crossed the delimited boundary at the Sikkim section, which is a very serious incident in nature. 中印雙方一直通過邊界問題特別代表會晤機制,在就解決邊界問題進行接觸。但此次事件與雙方邊界問題特別代表會晤機制所堅持的精神是違背的,與雙方此前作出的努力也是不符的。我們再次敦促印方立即將邊防人員撤回到邊界線印方一側,以實際行動體現對解決兩國邊界問題和發展中印關係的誠意。China has been in contact with India for the settlement of the boundary question through the meeting mechanism of the special representatives. But what happened this time goes against the spirit upheld by the mechanism and is inconsistent with the previous efforts the two sides have made. We again urge India to withdraw the border troops to the Indian side of the boundary and demonstrate the sincerity to resolve the boundary question and develop China-India relations with concrete actions. 問:在印方承認中方對洞朗地區主權的文件中是否特別提到了三國交界點?洞朗地區是否位於三國交界點?Q: Is there any specific mention of the tri-junction in the document in which India recognizes China's sovereign over the Doklam area? Is the Doklam area located in the tri-junction? 答:關於三國交界點,1890年《中英會議藏印條約》規定,中印邊界錫金段的東起點是吉姆馬珍雪山。此次印軍非法越界的地點位於中印邊界錫金段的邊界線上,距離吉姆馬珍雪山約有兩千多米遠,與三國交界點問題沒有關係。印方無視邊界條約的規定,把整個洞朗地區說成是三國交界點的範圍,這顯然是別有用心,企圖混淆視聽。A: On the tri-junction, the 1890 Convention stipulates that the Sikkim section of the China-India boundary commences at Mount Gipmochi in the east. The illegal trespass by the Indian troops took place at the Sikkim section of the China-India boundary over 2000 meters away from Mount Gipmochi and has nothing to do with the tri-junction. The Indian side, in disregard of the boundary convention, takes the whole Doklam area as part of the tri-junction. This is obviously an attempt to confuse the public out of ulterior motives.註:外交部四月、五月和六月例行記者會內容,可查看首頁」翻譯學習「的「翻碩&CATTI」欄目。翻吧

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