3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

感謝您關注高中英語公眾號,如您尚未關注,請點擊上方藍字「高中英語」關注我們,獲取更多知識方法。每日更新,與您不見不散!這篇文章彙集了邀請信、建議信、口頭通知、申請信、投訴信和道歉信的篇章布局和首段、中段、尾段涉及到的重要句型,對你的聯考英語寫作會有直接的幫助。一. 邀請信【篇首句】介紹自己,簡要說明活動,並邀請對方。1. I』m Wang Ming from YuWen School,the president of the Student Union.我是來自育文學校的王明,學生會主席。2. An English speaking contest of our school will be held on August 6.我們學校有一場英語演講比賽將在8月6號舉行。3. There will be a party in my garden on Sunday.周日,在我的花園裡會舉行一場聚會。4. I』d like to invite you to judge it.我想邀請你做它的裁判。5. I』m writing to invite you to...我寫信是邀請你......6. I wonder if you can come to...我想知道你是否能來......7. We sincerely hope you can attend it.我們真誠希望你能夠參加。8. It』s my pleasure/a great honour for me to invite you to...我很榮幸的邀請你......9. It』s a pity that you have to go back to America soon. So a farewell party for you will be held in the Sun Club this Saturday evening. Could you come at 6:00 pm?很遺憾你不久就要回美國了。所以,這周六,在陽光俱樂部我們會為你舉行一個歡送會。下午六點你能來嗎?【篇中句】介紹活動具體內容,並說明受邀人參加理由。1. It will begin at 2:00 pm and last two hours, during which time 15 well-prepared contestants will deliver their speeches.它將於下午兩點鐘開始,四點鐘結束,在此期間將會有十五位準備充分的參賽者發表演講。2. We will start at 8:00 am and arrive there at 9:00.我們將會在上午八點出發,九點到達那裡。3. During the afternoon, we』ll...together.下午,我們會一起......4. Remember to take water and lunch with you.記得帶上水和午餐。5. By the way, you may take Bus No. 322 in front of your apartment and it will take you directly to the club.順便說一下,你可以乘坐你家公寓前的322路公車,它會直接把你帶到俱樂部。6. I know you are a native speaker of English and an English teacher, and I, on behalf of our school, sincerely invite you to be part of the contest.我知道你的母語是英語,還是一個英語老師。我,代表我們學校,真誠的邀請你來比賽現場。7. Since you are so eager to improve your English, it will prove to be a great chance.既然你如此渴望提高英語,這會是一個很好的機會。8. I』m sure that you will enjoy yourself there.我保證你在那裡會過得很愉快。【篇尾句】期待對方接受邀請,並期待對方儘快回復。1. Will you be available during that time? Please contact me at 1234567 at your earliest convenience.那期間你有空嗎?請方便時儘快給我打電話1234567。2. Would you please let me know as soon as possible if you can accept my invitation?請儘快告訴我你能否接受我的邀請好嗎?3. We will feel much honored if you could come.如果你能來,我們會非常榮幸。4. We are looking forward to your coming.我們期待著你的到來。5. I am longing to see you soon.我期待著儘早見到你。二. 建議信【篇首句】說明寫信目的。1. I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble fitting in your new school. Such problems are quite normal. Perhaps the following suggestions are helpful.很遺憾聽說你在適應新學校方面有困難。這樣的問題是很正常的。可能下面的建議會有一些幫助。2. I have received your letter saying you plan to play a visit to China for ten days next month. Perhaps the following suggestions are helpful to you.我已經收到了你的來信。信上說你打算下個月來參觀十天。可能下面的建議對你是有幫助的。3. I'm writing to you to present what I think on the further improvement of our hotel so as to attract more clients(顧客).我給你寫信是想說明一下我對於進一步改善我們旅館的一些想法,以吸引更多顧客。4. You have asked me for my advice with regard to how to learn Chinese , and I will try to make some suggestions here.你關於如何學習漢語詢問我的建議,那麼我就在這裡給出一些建議。5. I'm very glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to fit in the new school life. Here are a few suggestions.很高興收到你的來信,信上詢問我關於如何適應新的學校生活。下面是我的一些建議。6. I'm very glad to have received your e-mail. Now I'm writing to give you some advice on how to learn English well in high school.很高興收到你的電子郵件。現在,關於如何在高中學好英語,我寫信給你一些建議。【篇中句】介紹詳情、提出具體建議。1. I'd like to suggest that...我想要建議......2. In my opinion,...在我看來,......3. If I were you, I would...如果我是你,我會......4. You'd better do.../not do...你最好/最好不......5. It's necessary for you to read some books about these places before you come to see them with your own eyes. With more knowledge about these places, you will have a better understanding of Chinese history and culture.在你來親眼看到這些地方之前,你 有必要讀一些關於這些地方的書。有了關於這些地方更多的知識,你將會更好的理解的歷史和文化。6. First of all, you should listen to the teacher carefully and take notes in class so that you can go over your lessons as soon as you can after class.首先,你應該認真聽老師講課。上課做好筆記,以便下課後可以及時複習。7. As is known to all,vocabulary is of great importance. You should spend half an hour in the morning reciting words and reading texts aloud.眾所周知,辭彙是非常重要的。你應該早上花半個小時的時間背單詞和朗讀課文。8. What』s more, try to communicate with your classmates in English out of class. Only in this way can you improve your listening and spoken English quickly. 還有,試著在課外用英語和同學交流。只有這樣,你才能夠很快的提高英語聽力和口語。9. Last but not least, you should develop the habit of keeping a diary, which helps improve your written English and helps you go over/review the words and expressions that you have learnt. 最後但也是很重要的一點是,你應該養成記日記的習慣,這會幫助你提高英語寫作,也會幫助你複習學過的單詞和短語。【篇尾句】提出希望採納建議,並祝福。1. I hope these suggestions will be of use to you. Remember: where there is a will, there is a way(有志者事竟成).我希望這些建議會對你有用。記住:有志者事竟成。2. I hope these suggestions will be of use to you. Remember: The man who has made up his mind to win will never say 「impossible」(一個決心要成功的人從來不說「不可能」).我希望這些建議會對你有用。記住:一個決心要成功的人從來不說「不可能」。3. Best wishes!(給你)最美好的祝願!4. I hope that my suggestions are helpful for you anyway. I would be more than happy to see improvement.無論如何,我希望這些建議對你有所幫助。我會非常高興看到情況改善。5. I believe that you will take my suggestions into serious account. Whatever you decide to do, good luck with your studies/work!我相信你會認真考慮我的建議。無論你決定做什麼,祝你學習/工作好運。6. I sincerely hope my advice will be some help for you. If there is more I can do to help, please let me know.我真誠的希望我的建議對你有一些幫助。如果有更多我可以幫忙的,請告訴我。7. I hope you can take good consideration of my advice. I would be ready to discuss about this matter with you to further details.我希望你可以好好考慮我的建議。我準備好和你進一步討論這件事情。8. I sincerely hope my advice will be some help for you. I'm eager to see you soon in Beijing. Wish you in advance a pleasant trip to Beijing.我真誠的希望我的建議對你有一些幫助。很希望早點在北京見到你。提前祝你來北京之行愉快。三. 口頭通知【篇首句】引起注意。1. Hello, everybody/everyone.2. Ladies and gentlemen.3. May I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make.請注意,好嗎?我要通知一件事情。4. Attention, please! I have something important to tell you.請注意!我有重要的事情要告訴你們。(此步句型雖少,但都是精華哦!)【篇中句】主要內容。1. There will be a party/speech/contest held by the English Department in the hall of the library on Saturday evening.周六晚上,在圖書館大廳,英語系將會舉行一場聚會/演講/比賽。2. In order to welcome our friends from the United States, the Student Union will organize a party in the school hall on Saturday evening, August 15.為了歡迎我們來自美國的朋友,學生會將會在8月15號星期六晚上組織一場聚會。3. Our school has decided to hold an activity to climb Xiangshan Hill this Sunday.我們學校決定這周六組織去爬香山。4. It will begin at 5 pm and last about two hours.它將在下午5點開始,持續大約2個小時。5. The school will arrange several buses to take us there. 學校會安排幾輛公車帶我們去那裡。6. There will colourful activities then, such as singing, dancing, exchanging gifts with one another and so on.到時會有豐富多彩的活動,比如唱歌、跳舞、互換禮物等等。7. All the teachers and students are required to attend it. Please take your notebooks and make notes. Please listen carefully and we』ll have a discussion in groups. 所有的老師和學生都被要求參加。請帶上筆記本做筆記。請認真聆聽,之後我們會有分組討論。【篇尾句】要求/邀請參加+注意事項。1. Those who are interested in the activity are welcom.歡迎對此活動感興趣的人參加。2. Those who want to take part in it please sign up at the Student Union.想要參加的人請在學生會報名。3. Please come and join in it. Everyone is welcom to attend it. 請來參加。每個人都是受歡迎的。4. Remember to take your hats and gloves.記得帶上你的帽子和手套。5. Remember that we are required hats and water.記得我們被要求帶帽子和水。6. Please come on time and don』t be late. 請準時到來,不要遲到。7. You might as well take a camera in case you want to take some photos of the beautiful scenery. 你不妨帶個相機以防你想要給美麗的風景拍照。8. Please pass on this message to those who are not here today.請把這個消息告訴不在場的人。9. I hope that you will have a nice time there.我希望你在那裡過得愉快。10. I am sure you will have a good time there/then.我保證你在那裡/到時會過得愉快。11. I believe you will have a wonderful time then.我相信到時你會過得非常愉快。12. I think you will enjoy it very much. 我想你會非常喜歡它的。13. There's sure to be a lot of fun. Everyone is welcome.一定會有很多的樂趣。大家都是受歡迎的。14. Good luck.祝好運。15. That's all. Thank you.我說完了。謝謝!四. 申請信【篇首句】介紹自己,簡要說明信息來源,並提出申請。1. I'm Li Hua, from Class One, Senior Two.我是李華,來自高二一班。2. I have read in the newspaper that a secretary is wanted in your company.我在報紙上看到你們公司在招聘一名秘書。3. I read the announcement of the Experience Life that you have posted on the Internet and I am interested in it.我在網上看到你們發布的體驗生活的消息,我對此很感興趣。4. I am extremly pleased to see your advertisement for an English tutor(家庭教師/助教)in the newspaper.我很高興在報紙上看到你們招聘家庭教師/助教的廣告。5. I am writing to apply for the summer camp in your school.我寫信是想申請加入你們學校的夏令營。6. I am writing to tell you that I'm suitable for the job you are advertising.我寫信是想告訴你,我適合做你們在廣告上刊登的這份工作。7. I am writing to inquire about the possibility of the job.我寫信是詢問(我得到)這份工作的可能性。8. I am writing to join the program.我寫信是想加入這個項目。9. I would like to apply for it during the summer vacation.我想要暑假申請它。【篇中句】突出自己特點,具體說明勝任理由。1. I think I'm qualified for the position. 我認為對於這個職位我是有資格的。2. In the first place, I have strong written and spoken communication skills.首先,我有很好的寫作和交流技巧。3. What's more, I am well acquainted with the western culture.(be acquainted with 熟悉)而且,我非常熟悉西方文化。4. Last but not the least, I have good personality, and I am independent in life.最後但也是很重要的一點是,我有很好的性格,並且在生活中很獨立。5. I think it's of great use to me. For one thing, I can gain some experience for my future job; for another, I can make more friends.我認為它對我是有好處的。一則,我能夠為未來的工作獲得經驗;二則,我可以交到更多的朋友。6. I am sure I can do my best in the job.我保證在工作中會盡最大努力。7. That's why I am applying for the position.那就是我申請這個職位的原因。8. I hope I can join you. 我希望我能夠加入你們。【篇尾句】請求給予機會,期望儘快回復。1. I will be much grateful if you can give me the opportunity.如果你能給我這個機會,我會非常感激。2. I hope you can offer me the opportunity.我希望你能提供給我這個機會。3. I hope I can be accepted as a member of your summer camp.我希望我能夠成為你們夏令營的一員。4. If you need to know more about me, please contact me at 189......如果你需要了解我更多,請給我打電話189......5. I am looking forward to your early reply.期待你的早日恢復。6. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.期待早日收到你的來信。五. 投訴信【篇首句】介紹自己,說明寫作目的:投訴。1. I』m Li Hua. I feel bad to trouble you but I』m afraid that I have to make a complaint about your restaurant.我是李華。很不想給你添麻煩。但是,恐怕我不得不對你們餐館進行投訴。2. I』m writing to you to complain about...我寫信是投訴......3. I want to express my dissatisfaction about the woolen scarf I bought from your company.我想要表達我對從你們公司買的羊毛圍巾的不滿。【篇中句】說明投訴問題、後果,並提出合理建議。1. In the first place, the food is too salty and the water isn't served in time. In addition, the music you broadcast is too noisy. Under these circumstances, I find it hard to sit here having dinner quietly.首先,食物太咸,水沒有及時端上來。而且,你們播放的音樂太吵了。在這樣的環境下,我很難安靜的坐在這裡吃飯。2. While I was on holiday in Hong Kong about a week ago, I bought a green shirt for 300 HK dollars in your shop, but there seems to be something wrong with it. When it's washed, it fades in colour. Now I can't wear it.大概一周前我在香港度假的時候,我在你們店裡花300港元買了一件綠色襯衫,但是看上去似乎有一些狀況。當被洗的時候,它會掉色。現在,我不能穿了。3. It arrived on time the day before yesterday. But when I checked it, I found a hole in the middle. I was astonished because the hole was obvious and I didn't think you should neglect this deficiency(缺陷).它是前天按時到的。但是當我檢查時,我發現中間有個洞。我很震驚,因為這個洞和明顯,我認為你們不應該忽略這個缺陷。4. I have dialed your service number for several times but it was always busy.我多次撥打你們的服務電話,但它總是佔線。5. Now this problem keeps worrying me.現在這個問題一直在困擾我。6. To improve the situation, you can take the following measures.為了改善狀況,你們可以採取下面的措施。7. Can you change a new one for me as soon as possible?你們可以儘快給我換件新的嗎?8. I insist you change a new one for me or give me a refund(退款).我堅持你們給我換件新的或者給我退款。9. How shall I send this scarf back to you?我怎麼把這條圍巾寄還給你?【篇尾句】希望給予考慮,並期待對方儘快回復。1. Thanks for your consideration.感謝你的考慮。2. I hope you will give due attention to this matter.我希望你給予此事應有的重視。3. I believe you will take my complaint seriously.我相信你會認真考慮我的投訴。4. I』ll appreciate it if my demand is met. 如果我的要求被滿足,我會非常感激。5. I』m looking forward to your early reply.期待著你早日答覆。六. 道歉信1. 道歉信結構道歉信通常包括三部分內容:1.表示歉意,道歉的原由;2.出現差錯的原因,提出彌補措施;3.請求原諒。語言要誠摯,解釋的理由要真實。好的道歉信不僅會取得對方的諒解,還會增進彼此的感情。2. 道歉信模板Dear ______,①I am truly sorry that ______(道歉的原因).②The reason is that ______(介紹原因). ③Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused. ④Hope you can accept my appologies and understand my situation.Yours sincerely,Li Ming3. 道歉信中開頭段常用句式和套話I am writing this letter to express my regret…我寫這封信是想表達我的遺憾......I am writing to apologize for…我寫信是為......道歉。I would like to give you my apology for…我想為......向你道歉。I am very sorry to say that…我很抱歉......I must apologize about (not) doing sth…對於做了/沒做......,我必須道歉。Please accept my sincere apology for…請接受我對於......的真誠道歉。I am writing to say sorry for…我寫信是想對......說抱歉。I am terribly sorry, but…我很抱歉,但是......4. 道歉信中結尾段常用句式和套話Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.我對於所造成的任何不便再次道歉。Please allow me to say sorry again.請允許我再一次說抱歉。Hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation.希望你們能夠接受我的道歉,理解我的處境。I sincerely hope that you will be able to think in my position and accept my apologies.我真誠的希望你能夠站在我的位置想一想,並且接受我的道歉。I want to let you know how regretful I am feeling now.我想讓你知道我現在感覺多麼的遺憾。I am sorry that I can』t… but trust that you will be able to understand.很抱歉我不能......,但我相信,你會理解的。高中英語隸屬於三好網,是全國最具影響力的高中英語學習服務平台,每天提供最精準知識總結、最有效學習技巧、最新聯考英語資訊,以及學習娛樂兩不誤的經典英文歌曲、電影等。有關高中英語學習的一切精彩,等你來關注!

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