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季後賽結束,各隊夏季引援又一次成為球市的焦點。被火箭選中的周琦,以預計二輪秀的地位,目前相當被火箭球迷看好,看看美國火密是怎麼評價周琦大魔王的:多數球迷認為,現在nba的身體對抗程度下架,周琦有機會立足,周琦的模版是波爾津斯基,未來有成為內線鐵閘,貢獻穩定的得分和蓋帽:16/10 2 blocks. 71% from the line and 35% from 3場均16+10+2蓋帽,罰球命中率71%,三分命中率35%Chow Key needs to get on the Maury and Keith Jones dietTriple cheese burgers, large fries etc周琦需要莫胖子和瓊斯的食譜,三層芝士漢堡加大薯這些高熱量食品His numbers have continued to improve, and the guy's still only 21. There's plenty of time for him to come over if he wants a shot at the NBA. I'm not saying he'll have a good NBA career, or that he'll ever even crack the rotation with the Rockets. But his skill set is unique, and the long-term center position on this team is hardly a lock at this point.數據持續進步,而且他僅僅21歲。還有大把的時間為NBA做好準備。我不是說他一定會有著出色的NBA生涯或者一定能在我火輪換佔有一席之地。但他的技能包是獨特的,我火中鋒的未來也尚無定論。His length is insane. 7'1 without shoes, 7'8 wingspan, 9'4 standing reach. Combine his length, jumping ability, agility, shot blocking instincts,and you have your self a prospect with very interesting potential. Dudes only 21 too.他的身高天賦不可思議。裸足7尺1,7尺8的臂展,站立摸高9尺4.在他身體天賦基礎上,他還有彈跳,敏捷度,出色的蓋帽嗅覺,讓人不禁對他的潛力和未來很期待。His ultimate upside comparison to me would be Porzingis, obviously Qi's offensive skill set and overall athleticism is likely nowhere near KP's, but that being said similar thin frames very similar length/height, both good shot blockers, both (likely) mediocre rebounders.If he can be half of Porzingis, he'd be a hell of a pickup for a 2nd.他的終極上限模板就是波爾津吉斯,顯然周琦的進攻能力和運動天賦遠不如鉑金,但他們都相似的瘦弱,相似的身高體重。都是出色的蓋帽手,稍顯平庸的籃板手。如果他能打出鉑金一半的表現,對於一個二輪秀就是血賺。Oh he will. Book it. Houston wants a leg in that matket again....its not like we are depending on him like we did Yao....... hes averaging two blocks per game. He wont need to do much but set screens, block shots and rebound.他一定會進NBA,一定的。休斯頓想再次打入市場...我們對周琦的使用並不會像依賴姚明那樣...他場均能有2次蓋帽,他不需要做太多,只要好好擋拆,保護好籃板,請對手吃火鍋就好了。He was a potential lottery pick in several mock drafts and the Rockets took him early in the second round. I think there's an expectation that he'll come over here like D-Mo did. Just being able to block shots and hit 3s makes him a desirable center in today's NBA.在去年選秀前的幾次模擬選秀中他是樂透秀,而我們只用二輪中段就選到了他。我希望他能像莫泰一樣,能夠蓋帽投進三分就會讓他變成理想的NBA現代中鋒。也有球迷對周琦的力量表示擔心。。:Man, feed this man some Texas bbq!!! I don't doubt his skill potential. But you have to have some weight on you to at the very least avoid injury.兄弟們,請他吃點德州烤肉吧。我不懷疑他的天賦潛力,但你至少要增重來避免傷病吧。I hope James takes this guy to the Drew this summer......希望登哥夏天帶他去德魯聯賽......I hope he buys him a $30,000 chain希望登哥給他買一套30000刀的大金鏈部分理性技術流球迷表示,周琦足夠硬朗,也見識過准NBA級別的對抗:I like how the kid showed no fear and was ready to go at it.我喜歡這孩子不懼哈達迪,準備強硬反擊的表現It's not like Zhou never seen NBA bigs . most teams in the CBA hire ex-NBA bigs and most of them were certainly not "too small for NBA" types. even if they're older it's not like dudes lose significant strength in the mid to later 30s. 周琦並不是沒對抗過NBA級別大個子。CBA大部分球隊都會使用前NBA內線,而他們大多數都擁有NBA標準的身體。即使他們老了,30歲之後身體素質也不會明顯下降。he makes Carlos Boozer look very short. also, these sort of BS foul drawing he does a lot, so that's one aspect I'm more comfortable with him as a prospect, he certainly has NBA tricks in the bag already, especially on offense his skill set is pretty diverse even if he doesn't really use it all that much.周琦讓布夆爾看起來那麼嬌小。同時,他經常性這樣造犯規讓我對他更期待,因為他已經學會了一些NBA小技巧,尤其是在進攻端,他的技能包十分全面,儘管他並不太使用它們。可見大多數美國火箭球迷對周琦都很看好,實際上力量是問題,卻不用急著解決。阿杜濃眉戈貝爾字母哥進聯盟都是竹竿,往近了說太陽四號秀本德爾天賦就讓人忽視了體重。周琦天賦為了成為合格輪換,現在最需要的不止力量體重,還有適當的體能和大量的投籃強化訓練。美國火密都比我們更加看好周琦,我們應該多鼓勵,少點兒尖酸刻簙。

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