3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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在英語語法中,情態動詞"can't"通常用來描述缺乏某種能力,而在疑問句中,則用於徵得同意,它也常常和一些動詞連用,從而產生了多種形式的變化。今天我們一起來總結一下情態動詞can't最常用的幾個表達吧!1.can't...too... "不可能把某事做過頭;決不會…太",與can never…too同義.例:One can't be too careful.越小心越好。2.can't but do something/can't help but do something/can't help doing something以上三個短語在意義上基本相同,都表示"禁不住,不由得,不得不,不能不"的意思.其中「can't help doing」是最規範的用法,最為常見。例:I can't help admiring the picture whenever I look at it.不管什麼時候看到這幅畫,我都禁不住要讚賞它。"can't but do something"主要用於美國英語,用法不大規範。例:When the country calls you for help,you can't but go.當國家需要你的時候,你不能不挺身而出。"can't help but do something",這種用法多見於非正式文體。例:You can't help but respect them.你禁不住會尊敬他們。3.can't have done/could not have done表示以現在的眼光看來,"過去還可能發生的事".例:They can't/ could not have gone out because the light is on! 他們不可能已經走了,因為燈還亮著。但could not have done 還可以表示從過去某個時間點看來,"以前還可能發生的事.例:Her husband could have told her, but he did not choose to. 她丈夫本來可以告訴她 的,但他不想這樣做。 4.can't think straight不能集中例:I am so tired that I can't think straight.我太累了,注意力無法集中。 5.can't win生活艱辛例:Sometimes no matter what you do in life,you can't win.有時候無論你做什麼,生活都是一樣的艱辛。 6.can't be bothered對某事沒興趣例:I couldn't be bothered to make dinner last night because I had to work overtime. 昨晚要加班,所以我沒興趣做飯了。7.can't take my eyes off someone被某人吸引例:You're just too good to be true. can't take my eyes off you.你真是太完美了,我都沒法將我的視線從你身上移開。 8.can't take it不能忍受某事例:I can't take it any more. I've had enough. 我再也不能承受那樣的事了。我受夠了 最後還有來自小編的獨家珍藏,那就是9.can't see the forest for the trees看不到全局;只見樹木,不見森林Meaning: If you can't see the forest for the trees, you can't see the whole situation clearly because you're looking too closely at small details, or because you're too closely involved也就是說,如果你不能夠學會從全局來看問題,那麼你就無法看清整個局勢,可能因為你太在意小細節,也可能因為你太深陷其中了。所以大家一定要學會做一個「智者」啊。好了,今天就和大家分享到這裡。我們下次再見啦。

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