3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

暑假在家刷劇打遊戲的小夥伴們注意啦每天只需幾分鐘開學以後輕鬆拿下四六級考試今天是第二期咯!錯過的請回看第一期英語四六級考試必備基礎詞(1)四六級考試基礎辭彙(2)suit vt. 合適;相稱 n. 一套衣服;起訴 Murphy brings a divorce suit against his wife and claims that marriage does not suit him. 墨菲向他的妻子提起了離婚訴訟,聲稱婚姻並不適合他。 tear n. 眼淚 v. 撕裂;疾駛 n. 破洞,裂口 Mary tore up the love letter from Jack with tears in her eyes. 瑪麗哭著把傑克給她的情書撕得稀巴爛。 trouble n. 麻煩;疾病;(常pl.)糾紛;工夫 v. 煩惱;麻煩 Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. 不要自找麻煩,除非麻煩找上你。 will aux.v. 將,會;要,願意 n. 意志;決心;遺囑 The old man's will will be written down in his will. 老人的意願將寫在遺囑里。 wound vt. 傷害 n. 創傷,傷口 He was seriously wounded in the arm recently,but fortunately the wound healed fast. 最近他的胳膊受了重傷,所幸傷口癒合得很快。 master n.(男)主人;能手;(M-)碩士 vt. 掌握;征服 a. 主要的;精通的,技術熟練的 Chris had already been a master painter before he got his Master's degree. 在取得碩士學位以前,克里斯已經是個技藝高超的畫家了。 mean v. 表示…的意思;打算;意味著a. 吝嗇的;卑鄙的;平均的 n. 平均值 He is a little mean,which doesn't mean he is a bad boy. 他有些小氣,但這並不意味著他是個壞孩子。 mind n. 頭腦,精神;注意力 v. 介意;注意 v. 照顧;關心 Would you mind minding my baby for a little while? 你介意幫我照看一下我的寶寶嗎? minute n. 分鐘;片刻 n. (pl.)會議記錄 a. 微小的 The stock market index has a minute improvement in a few minutes. 幾分鐘后,股指有了一點上漲。 monitor n. 班代;顯示器 vt. 監聽,監視;檢測 The patient was connected to the monitor so that the doctor could monitor his heartbeats. 病人被接上了監測器,這樣醫生可以監聽他的心跳。 puzzle v.(使)迷惑;苦思 n. 智力測驗,謎;難題 This puzzle is puzzling, but it doesn't puzzle me. 雖然這個智力拚圖很迷惑人,但並沒有把我難住。 race n. 比賽 v. 競賽;(使)高速運轉 n. 種族 People of all races can take part in these races. 不同種族的人都可以參加這些比賽。 raise vt. 舉起;增加;提出;養育,飼養;引起 n.(工資、薪金)提升,增加 We can't give you a raise until the prices of our products are raised. 除非我們產品的價格能夠提高,否則無法給你加薪。 reason n. 原因;理性v. 推斷;(with)評理 She is a girl of reason and can reason very clearly. 她是一個理性的女孩,能很清晰地思考問題。 room n. 房間 n. 空間;餘地 The wardrobe in your room takes up too much room. 你房間的衣櫃太佔地方了。 safe a. 安全的;可靠的 n. 保險箱 Make sure you keep the safe safe. 請確保保險箱的安全。 satisfaction n. 滿意 n. 補償(物) The satisfaction I got from the department store is not to my satisfaction. 我不滿意從百貨公司得到的賠償。 save vt. 救助;儲蓄;節省 prep. 除…之外 Jack has saved nearly all his income for the last decade, save the indispensable expense. 除了必要的開銷,在過去的10年裡,傑克幾乎省下了所有的錢。 score n. 分數;刻痕;二十 v. 得(分);打分;刻痕於 Scores of students scored perfect scores in the math exam. 很多學生數學考了滿分。 shore n. 濱,岸 vt.(up)支撐 The architects shored up a cabana with wooden beam near the shore. 建築師們在岸邊用木樑支起一座涼亭。 aim n. 目標;瞄準 v. 瞄準;致力 It's important that you should have some sort of aim to aim for. 有一個為之奮鬥的目標是很重要的。 air n. 空氣;天空 vt. 晾乾;使通風 You'd better not air your quilt in this humid air. 在這種潮濕的天氣里,最好不要曬被子。 arm n. 臂 n. (pl.)武器 vt. 以武器裝備;配備 The kidnapper almost fainted when he saw the arms in the policeman's arms. 看到警察手持武器時,綁匪差點暈過去了。 article n. 文章 n. 條款;商品;冠詞 This article tells us something about Article I of the Constitution. 這篇文章向我們介紹了憲法第一條的內容。 badly ad. 壞,拙劣地;嚴重地 ad. 非常 John was badly injured in the car accident and is badly in need of treatment now. 約翰在車禍中嚴重受傷,現在急需治療。 sound n. 聲音 v. 發音;聽起來 a. 合理的;健康的;充分的We can judge if you have a sound body from the sound of your heart. 我們能夠根據你的心跳聲判斷出你的身體是否健康。spare a. 多餘的 vt. 節約;讓給 a. 備用的 n. 備用品 My father spared 15 minutes to check the spare tires of his SUV. 我爸花了15分鐘去檢查他越野車的備用輪胎。 spring n. 春天;(源)泉 n. 跳,躍;彈簧 v. 跳躍;(up)湧現;突然提出 The little boy sprang out of bed when his mother told him that spring had gone. 當媽媽告訴小男孩春天已經過去時,他從床上跳了下來。 stamp n. 郵票 n. 印,圖章;標誌;跺腳 v. 跺腳;蓋印 There is no stamp on the stamp. 那張郵票上沒有蓋圖章。 succeed v. 成功 v. 接著發生;繼承 Johnson succeeded his father as the head of the company and succeeded in his business. 約翰遜繼承了他父親的職位,成為公司的領頭人,並在事業上取得了成功。每天堅持一點點,最後會有大進步的喲!

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