3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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河北雄安新區啟動區城市設計國際諮詢建議書徵詢公告International Consulting for The Urban Design of the Boot Area for the Xiongan New Area in Hebei ProvinceRFP (Request for Proposal) Announcement設立河北雄安新區是以習近平同志為核心的黨中央作出的一項重大的歷史性戰略選擇,是繼深圳經濟特區和上海浦東新區之後又一具有全國意義的新區,是千年大計、國家大事。新區的規劃編製要堅持「世界眼光、國際標準、特色、高點定位」,用最先進的理念和國際一流的水準進行城市設計。The establishment of the Xiongan New Area is a major historic and strategic choice that is made by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core. As a millennium plan and a project with national significance, it is another new area of national significance following in the footstep of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone and the Shanghai Pudong New Area. The compilation of the planning for the new area shall stick to the requirement of 「world view, international standards, Chinese characteristics and high-level positioning", putting forward the most advanced philosophies and internationally world-class standards for such urban design.河北省推進京津冀協同發展工作領導小組辦公室(以下簡稱河北省協同辦)、河北雄安新區管理委員會(以下簡稱雄安新區管委會)作為主辦單位,組織河北雄安新區啟動區城市設計國際諮詢活動。The Hebei Provincial Leading Group Office of Promoting Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Coordinated Development (hereinafter referred to as the "Hebei Provincial Office of Coordinated Development") and the Administration Committee for the Xiongan New Area in Hebei Province (hereinafter referred to as the "Administration Committee for the Xiongan New Area") as the Sponsor, shall organize the International Consulting for The Urban Design of the Boot Area of the Xiongan New Area in Hebei Province.本次活動將面向全球公開邀請具有相關規劃設計經驗的規劃設計機構參與,歡迎全球優秀的規劃設計機構遞交諮詢建議書。主辦單位將通過諮詢建議書的評審選取12個左右諮詢人參加此次國際諮詢活動。The activity will be open to and invite all the planning and design institutions with relevant planning and design experiences across the world to participate and all the outstanding planning and design institutions worldwide are welcome to submit their Consulting Application Proposals. The sponsor will select around 12 advisers by reviewing the Consulting Application Proposals to attend this international consulting activity. 項目名稱:河北雄安新區啟動區城市設計國際諮詢Project Name: International Consulting for The Urban Design of the Boot Area of the Xiongan New Area in Hebei Province項目地點:河北省雄安新區Project Venue: Xiongan New Area in Hebei Province諮詢任務:河北雄安新區起步區概念性總體城市設計(諮詢範圍約198平方公里),啟動區城市設計Consulting Task: The Master Concept Urban Design of the Starting Zone for the Xiongan New Area (Scope of Consulting is around 198 km2), Urban Design of the Boot Area諮詢方式:國際公開諮詢Consulting Method: internationally open諮詢工作時間安排:Work Schedule of Consulting:2017年7月15日-7月17日,第一次現場諮詢,進行現場踏勘和答疑,召開諮詢任務書研討會,現場諮詢由京津冀協同發展專家諮詢委員會委員李曉江擔任學術召集人並主持15-17 July 2017, First on-site consulting, including on-site survey and Q&A, Workshop of Consulting RFP, chaired by Li Xiaojiang, the academic convenor and the member of the Expert Advisory Committee of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Coordinated Development.2017年7月26日-7月30日,第二次現場諮詢,進行城市設計總體概念研討及啟動區城市設計交流,現場諮詢由京津冀協同發展專家諮詢委員會委員李曉江擔任學術召集人並主持26-30 July 2017, Second on-site consulting, including discussions and research of the master concept urban design and exchanges of the urban design for the boot area, chaired by Li Xiaojiang, the academic convenor and the member of the Expert Advisory Committee of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Coordinated Development.2017年8月20日提交城市設計方案20 August, 2017, submission of the proposals of the urban design.諮詢人數量:12個左右Number of Advisors: around 12獎項設置:設置優勝獎3名Prizes: 3 winning prizes主辦單位:河北省推進京津冀協同發展工作領導小組辦公室河北雄安新區管理委員會Sponsor: Hebei Provincial Leading Group Office of Promoting Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Coordinated DevelopmentThe Administration Committee for the Xiongan New Area in Hebei Province承辦單位:城市規劃學會Organizer: Urban Planning Society of China協辦單位:城市規劃設計研究院、北京科技園拍賣招標有限公司、石家莊廣思達文化傳媒有限公司Co-Organizer: China Academy of Urban Planning & Design, Beijing Science Park Auction & Tender Co., Ltd., Shijiazhuang Guangsida Culture Media Co.北京科技園拍賣招標有限公司Beijing Science Park Auction & Tender Co., Ltd.地 址:北京市海淀區萬泉庄萬柳光大西園6號樓Address: Building No.6, Guangdaxiyuan, Wanliu, Wanquanzhuang, Haidian District, Beijing郵政編碼:100089Zip Code: 100089聯 系 人:楊志遠、邢亞利Contacts: Mr. Yang Zhiyuan, Ms. Xing Yali聯繫電話:86-10-82575131/5731/5837/5137—264、238Tel: 86-10-82575131/5731/5837/5137 - 264, 238傳 真:86-10-82575840Fax: 86-10-82575840電子郵箱:xionganud@hbdrc.gov.cnE - mail:xionganud@hbdrc.gov.cn(1)申請人須為依法註冊的從事城市規劃、城市設計、建築設計、交通設計、園林景觀設計的法人實體或由法人實體組成的諮詢聯合體;(1) The Applicant shall be a legal entity that has been legally incorporated in accordance with laws or a consulting consortium comprising such legal entities; such Applicant shall be legal entities (entity) engaged in urban planning, urban design, architectural design, transport design and landscape design.(2)申請人應有與本諮詢項目功能性質相類似的城市規劃或城市設計經驗;(2) The Applicant shall have had urban planning or urban design experiences similar in functions and nature to this Consulting Project.(3)本項目接受聯合體報名。(3) The Consortium is accepted in the Project.有意向參加本次諮詢活動的申請人需先在北京科技園拍賣招標有限公司進行報名登記(報名表在北京科技園拍賣招標有限公司網站下載,填寫完成後E-mail至指定郵箱),報名時間為2017年6月26日至7月3日17:30(北京時間,下同)。北京科技園拍賣招標有限公司網站(www.bkpmzb.com)將於2017年6月26日上午9:00開通。The Applicant who intends to participate in the Consulting activity shall first register with the Beijing Science Park Auction & Tender Co., Ltd., (please download the Application Form from the website of Beijing Science Park Auction & Tender Co., Ltd., fill it out and email it to the designated mail box). The registration period starts from 26 June, 2017 to 17:30, 3 July, 2017 (Beijing Time, similarly hereinafter). The website of Beijing Science Park Auction & Tender Co., Ltd. (www.bkpmzb.com) will be open from 9:00 AM on 26 June, 2017.申請人報名表填寫后請以PDF和Word版本Email到郵箱xionganud@hbdrc.gov.cn,北京科技園拍賣招標有限公司收到報名表后,再將諮詢建議書徵詢大綱的電子版文件發送給申請人。After having completed the Application Form, the Applicant shall email it in format of PDF and Word to xionganud@hbdrc.gov.cn. Upon the receipt of the Application Form, the Beijing Science Park Auction & Tender Co., Ltd. will send the electronic copy of the Consulting RFP Outline to the Applicant. 申請人應按照諮詢建議書徵詢大綱的要求編製諮詢建議書,並在諮詢建議書遞交截止時間2017年7月7日中午12:00分之前將諮詢建議書的書面文件送達北京科技園拍賣招標有限公司或將全套諮詢建議書的電子掃描文件傳送至本次諮詢活動的指定聯繫郵箱(以郵件方式遞交的以上述指定郵箱的收件箱中收到諮詢建議書附件的郵件所顯示的時間(北京時間)為準),以郵件方式遞交諮詢建議書的申請人應在電子郵件發出后儘速將諮詢建議書的書面文件郵寄或專人遞送至北京科技園拍賣招標有限公司。The Applicant shall compile and prepare the Consulting Application Proposal as per the Consulting RFP Outline, and submit the written documents to the Beijing Science Park Auction & Tender Co., Ltd. before 12:00 PM at noon time on 7 July, 2017 Or submit the whole set of electronically scanned documents of the Consulting Application Proposal to the designated mail box for this consulting activity (the time (Beijing Time) shown in the received e-mail that includes the attachments of the Consulting Application Proposal in the Inbox of the aforementioned designated mail box shall prevail for the submission via e-mail) before 12:00 PM at noon time on 7 July, 2017. Those Applicants that submit the Consulting Application Proposal via e-mail shall As Soon As Possible express or have designated person(s) deliver the written documents of the Consulting Application Proposal to the Beijing Science Park Auction & Tender Co., Ltd. after the e-mail is sent out.諮詢建議書徵詢公告將在採購與招標網(www.chinabidding.com.cn)、政府採購網(www.ccgp.gov.cn)、城市規劃網(www.planning.org.cn)、建築學會網(www.chinaasc.org)、北京科技園拍賣招標有限公司網站(www.bkpmzb.com)同時發布。本公告的修改、補充以在上述媒體發布的內容為準。The Consulting RFP Announcement will be released on www.chinabidding.com.cn (website of procurement and bidding of the People』s Republic of China), www.ccgp.gov.cn (website of Chinese government procurement), www.planning.org.cn (website of Urban Planning Society of China), www.chinaasc.org (website of Architectural Society of China) and www.bkpmzb.com (website of Beijing Science Park Auction & Tender Co., Ltd.) at the same time. The amendment and supplement of the Announcement shall be subject to the contents released via the above media. 1.為了保證國際諮詢工作的順利推進,本次國際諮詢設置基本津貼和優勝獎。每個諮詢人的基本津貼為10萬美元(含稅)。本次諮詢活動將評選出3個優勝諮詢方案並授予其優勝獎,每個優勝獎的獎金數額為10萬美元(含稅)。在諮詢過程中給予諮詢人一定的差旅補助。1. In order to ensure the smooth process of the international consulting work, this International Consulting has set the basic allowances and the winning prizes. The basic allowance for each adviser is USD100,000 (tax-inclusive). In this consulting activity, 3 winning consulting proposals will be selected after review and will be awarded with the winning prizes, with the prize money of USD100,000 (tax-inclusive). In the process of consulting, some certain traveling allowance will be provided to the advisers.2.後續工作2. Follow-up Work主辦單位可以委託獲優勝獎的諮詢人提供啟動區內的重點區片或相關區域的城市設計諮詢服務,並授予合同。The Sponsor can entrust the winning advisors with the consulting services for the urban design for the key zones or relevant zones to the Boot Area, with a contract awarded.3.適用法律3. Governing Laws本次諮詢活動本身及與本次活動相關的文件所適用的法律和法規僅為中華人民共和國的法律和法規。The Consulting activity per se and any documents relating thereto shall be governed only by the laws and regulations of the People』s Republic of China.4.語言4. Languages本次諮詢活動使用的語言為中文和英文,在中、英文兩種語言的意思表達不一致時,應以中文為準。The languages used in the Consulting activity shall be both Chinese and English. In the event of any discrepancy, Chinese shall prevail.5.監督5. Supervision河北雄安新區啟動區城市設計國際諮詢項目將聘請公證機構對諮詢建議書的接收進行監督和公證。A notary organization will be engaged to supervise and notarize the receipt of the Consulting Application Proposals for the International Consulting for The Urban Design of the Boot Area of the Xiongan New Area.6.解釋權6. Power of Interpretation本次諮詢活動及相關文件的最終解釋權歸主辦單位。The Sponsor reserves the power of final interpretation in view of the Consulting activity and its relevant documents.

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