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Hello everyone! This is Sallie from SayClass! 大家好!我是隨時隨課的老師 SallieNOTES: 本文來自summaryQingming Festival, known as Tomb-Sweeping Day, is a traditional Chinese holiday that usually takes place on the 4th or 5th Day of April. 清明節是的傳統節日,它通常是在四月四日或五日。For a culture that focuses heavily on tradition, Tomb-Sweeping Day is an important time for the Chinese people to pray to their ancestors by visiting their burial grounds. 是一個非常注重傳統的國家,清明節時人們通常會去墓地祭祖。We have something similar in the U.S. Memorial Day, observed on the last Monday of May, is a national holiday for remembering the people who died while serving in the country』s armed forces; and Veterans Day is observed on November 11, which honors military veterans. 在美國也有類似的節日,如陣亡將士紀念日。它是在五月的最後一個星期一,作為國家法定假日,以緬懷那些為國捐軀的戰士。而退伍老兵紀念日則是在每年的十一月十一日,主要是紀念為國服務的退伍老兵。朗讀班朗讀材料Tomb-Sweeping Day is an important time for the Chinese people to pray to their ancestors by visiting their burial grounds. 清明節是一個重要的日子,人通過盜墓來緬懷他們的祖輩。Memorial Day originated from the American Civil War.陣亡將士紀念日起源於美國內戰。Veterans Day is an all-inclusive holiday acknowledging and thanking the sacrifices made by veterans, whether they are alive or dead. 退伍軍人節被廣泛的認知和承認,為了感謝退伍軍人所做出的犧牲,無論他們是活著還是死了。Let's reviewsome new words.Tomb-Sweeping day: 清明節I have to visit my grandma』s grave on Tomb-Sweeping Day to pay respect and honor her spirit.我在清明節為奶奶掃墓來表示對她的尊重和紀念她的精神。Memorial Day: 陣亡戰士紀念日His great-uncle died in while serving in the army, so they will commemorate him on Memorial Day.他叔祖父死於在軍隊服役時,所以他們在陣亡將士紀念日來紀念他。Veterans Day: 退伍軍人紀念日There are many deals and discounts for veterans on Veterans Day.在退伍軍人節有很多的優惠和折扣給退伍軍人。Filial piety: 孝順;孝心Filial piety is a virtue valued by many East Asians.許多東亞人將孝順視為一種美德。由於平台限制,更多文本音頻請前往微信公眾號「隨時隨課」。

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