3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

編者按:美國馬里蘭大學的一位華人畢業生,被選為學生代表上台演講,某些媒體如《北美留學生日報》,給她貼標籤說涉嫌辱華。這位同學在演講中讚美了美國的言論自由,提到了的霧霾,這些在大陸互聯網上常見的言論,卻被說成辱華,其實是過度解讀。上個世紀80年代,民間曾經批判走出國門的開放者,說他們認為外國的月亮比圓。看今天的討論,在觀念和修辭上,並沒有什麼突破。華人留美的歷史可以追溯到晚清,但是大陸華人作畢業生代表上台演講的事情還比較罕見。今天,越來越多的年輕人做演講,無論在國內還是國外,都是值得鼓勵的事情。 在這裡,我們提供這位馬里蘭大學畢業生演講翻譯全文及原文,辱華與否,各位可以做出自己的判斷。老師們,同學們,家長們,和朋友們,大家下午好。我非常榮幸也很感激,能向馬里蘭大學2017屆的畢業生們講話。常常有人問我,你為什麼要來馬里蘭大學?我總是回答,因為這裡有新鮮的空氣。五年前,當我走出從啟程的飛機,離開達拉斯航站樓,我準備好要拿出一隻口罩戴上,我總共帶了五隻口罩。但當我第一次聞到美國的空氣,我放下了口罩。這裡的空氣如此甜美、清新,而且有些莫名的奢侈。我很驚訝。在我成長的城市,每當我外出時我都必須戴上口罩,不然我可能會生病。但是,當我呼吸到機場外空氣的那一瞬間,我感受了到自由。我的眼鏡上不再有霧,我的呼吸不再困難,壓抑感也不復存在。每一次呼吸都是一種愉悅。此時此刻,我站在這裡,也不禁回憶起那種自由的感覺。在馬里蘭大學,我馬上又感受到另外一種新鮮空氣,它使我永遠心存感激,那就是言論自由的新鮮空氣。來美國之前,我在歷史課上學到過《獨立宣言》的內容,但是那些字眼,生命、自由、對幸福的追求等概念,對我來說沒有任何實際含義。我只是在死記硬背,為了拿到高分。對我而言,這些詞聽起來如此陌生,如此抽象,如此「舶來」,直到我來到了馬里蘭大學。我才理解,在美國,表達自己觀點的權利是神聖的。在馬里蘭,我每天都受到鼓勵,去表達我對一些有爭議問題的看法。我可以挑戰我導師的觀點,甚至可以在網上點評教授。但是有一件事給我帶來的文化衝擊是最大的,就是我觀看學校排演戲劇《暮光:洛杉磯》的經歷。《暮光》是由安娜·迪佛·史密斯所著的一部劇作(註:安娜·迪佛·史密斯,美國馬里蘭人,劇作家、演員,代表作《費城故事》曾被排成電影),講的是1992年的洛杉磯暴亂。這次暴亂,始於四位警察,他們在拘捕過程中毆打了羅德尼·金,整個過程被錄像記錄,而法庭宣判這些警察無罪。(注:1992年洛杉磯暴亂,導火線為該年4月29日當地陪審團宣判四名被控「使用過當武力」的警察無罪釋放,導致上千名對此判決不滿的非裔與拉丁裔上街抗議,最終引發一連串暴動,波及包括亞裔--特別是居於城中的韓裔--在內的各社群。事件本身為三名歐洲裔白人警察和一名拉丁裔白人警察毆打涉嫌交通違規的一名黑人羅德尼·金。根據事後統計,整起暴亂造成各方約10億美元的財產損失,並有約53人於暴動中死亡,數千人受輕重傷)整整六天,市民們走上街頭,城市陷入混亂。在《暮光》中,學生演員們公開討論了種族歧視,性別歧視和政治話題。我被震驚了。我從未想過這些話題可以被公開討論。這部劇作是我在政治敘事上的第一次體驗,它讓觀眾們辯證思考。我一直都有熱切的,想要講述這類故事的願望。但是,我以前一直深信只有當權者才有敘事權力,只有當權者才能定義真相。但是,在深入馬里蘭大學多元的學生社群過程中,我接觸到各種各樣、迥然不同的對於真相的視角。我很快意識到,在這裡,我有自由發表言論的機會。我的聲音可以被聽到。你的聲音可以被聽到。我們的聲音是可以被聽到的。公民參與不僅是政治家的任務。我目睹了我的同學們在華盛頓街頭的遊行,見證了他們在總統選舉中投票,以及為支持各種事業舉辦的募捐活動。我看到了每一個人都有權參與,並為改變發聲。以前,我以為,個體的參與並不能帶來改變。但馬里蘭的學生們,我們就是在這麼做的!一起吧!我們可以推動社會變得更公正、開放與和平。2017屆的同學們,我們就要從一個重視人文學科,培養我們辯證思考、關心與感受他人的學校畢業了。我們學到了許多不同學科的知識,我們已經準備好去面對社會上的挑戰。我們當中有些人會讀研深造,有些人會進入職場,有些人會開始全新的探索旅程。但不管我們會做什麼,請記住,民主和言論自由都不應該被視作是理所應當的。民主和言論自由就像新鮮空氣,值得我們為之奮鬥。自由是氧氣,自由是熱情,自由就是愛本身。法國哲學家薩特曾說過:自由是一種選擇,我們的未來取決於我們在今日和明日做出的選擇。我們都是自己人生下一章節的劇作家。我們一起,可以書寫人類的歷史。我的朋友們,請盡情享受新鮮的空氣,永遠別讓它被奪走。謝謝你們。英文演講原文:Good afternoon faculty students parents and friends.I am truly honored and grateful to speak at the commencement for the University of Maryland, Class of 2017. People often ask me: Why did you come to the University of Maryland?I always answer: Fresh air.Five years ago, as I step off the plane from China, and left the terminal at Dallas Airport. I was ready to put on one of my five face masks, but when I took my first breath of American air. I put my mask away. The air was so sweet and fresh, and oddly luxurious.I was surprised by this. I grew up in a city in China, where I had to wear a face mask every time I went outside, otherwise, I might get sick.However, the moment I inhaled and exhaled outside the airport.I felt free.No more fog on my glasses, no more difficult breathing, no more suppression.Every breath was a delight. As I stand here today, I cannot help, but recall that feeling of freedom. At the University of Maryland, I would soon feel another kind of fresh air for which I will be forever grateful — the fresh air of free speech.Before I came to United States, I learned in history class about the Declaration of Independence, but these words had no meaning to me— Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness.I was merely memorizing the words to get good grades.These words sounded so strange, so abstract and so foreign to me, until I came to University of Maryland.I have leaned the right to freely express oneself is sacred in American.Each day in Maryland, I was encouraged to express my opinions on controversial issues. I could challenge a statement made by my instructor. I could even rate my professors online.But nothing prepared me for the culture shock I experienced when I watched a university production of the play— Twilight: Los Angeles.Twilight is a play by Anna Deavere Smith about the 1992 Los Angeles Riots The riots followed acquittal of four Los Angeles police officers in the videotaped arrest and beating of Rodney King.For six days, the city was in chaos as citizens took to the streets.In Twilight, the student actors were openly talking about racism, sexism and politics.I was shocked, I never saw such topic could be discussed openly.The play was my first taste of political storytelling, one that makes the audience think critically. I have always had a burning desire to tell these kinds of stories, but I was convinced that only authorities own the narrative, only authorities could define the truth. However, the opportunity to immerse myself in the diverse community at the University of Maryland exposed me to various, many different perspectives on truth.I soon realized that here I have the opportunity to speak freely. My voice matters. Your voice matters.Our voices matter.Civil engagement is not a task just for politicians. I have witnessed this when I saw my fellow students marching in Washington DC, voting in the presidential election and raising money for support various causes.I have seen that everyone has a right to participate and advocate for change.I used to believe that one individual participation could not make a difference, but here we are, United Terps.Together, we can push our society to be more just open and peaceful.Class of 2017, we are graduating from a university that embraces a liberal arts education that nurtures us to think critically, and also to care and feel for humanity. We are equipped with the knowledge of various disciplines and we are ready to face to the challenges of our society.Some of us may go to graduate school, some us may step into professions and some of us may begin a journey of exploration.But no matter what we do, remember, democracy and free speech should not be taken for granted.Democracy and freedom are the fresh air that is worth fighting for.Freedom is oxygen. Freedom is passion. Freedom is love.And as a French philosopher Jean Paul Sartre once said: freedom is a choice, our future is dependent on the choices we make today and tomorrow.We are all playwrights of the next chapters of our lives. Together, we write the human history.My friends, enjoy the fresh air and never let it go.Thank you.

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