3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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面試時,總有一堆話想介紹自己,但話到嘴邊,有時又不知道該挑哪些重點,說服面試官,你是稱職的人選?快熟練掌握以下幾款自我介紹句型,能讓你的面試事半功倍喲!▼1◆ 自我介紹 ◆Can you give us a brief introduction of yourself?(面試官)給我們做個簡單的自我介紹吧?I have come at your invitation for an interview.我是應約來面試的。I'm Steve, I come from New York.我叫史蒂夫,來自紐約。 I was born on August 1st, 1989.我出生於1989年8月1日。2◆ 學校專業◆ My major is English.我主修英語專業。I graduated from Columbia with a degree in law.我畢業於哥倫比亞大學法律系。3◆ 面試官提問◆Can you talk about your weaknesses and strengths?你能談談你的優缺點嗎?Can you tell us the biggest advantage of yourself?你能告訴我們你最大的優點是什麼嗎?What's your biggest weakness?你最大的缺點是什麼?4◆ 自我評價◆I have the ability to stay focused in stressful situations.我不怕困難I can learn and grow in my field.我學習能力強,又成長快I can be counted on when the going gets tough.共度難關,我是值得信賴的5◆ 優缺點回復◆My strength is my flexibility to handle change.我的優點就是能夠靈活應對突發事件。One of my biggest strengths is my communication skills.我最大的優點就是溝通技巧。Sometimes I'm reserved and enjoy staying and thinking all by myself. I think this may be my weakness.有時候我沉默寡言,喜歡獨處和思考。我覺得這可能是我的缺點。6◆ 工作經驗◆I finished school two years ago and immediately joined Midea Group.兩年前我畢業了就立即加入了美的集團。I have 10 years' experience in all aspects of education and training.我在教育培訓領域有10年的工作經驗。I have worked in Apple Incorporated for two years.我在蘋果公司工作了兩年。7◆ 薪資要求◆Can you tell me what that salary band is?你能告訴我工資的範圍嗎?Money isn't the only thing that is important to me.薪水對我來說並不是唯一重要的事。Regarding salary, I leave that to you but I hope that I can earn at least 2000 dollars per month.關於薪金,留待您來決定,但我希望我每月能得到至少2000美元。再給大家提供一份英文簡歷建議圖,有些常用的表達和字體使用,大家可以參考一下:學好英語,從聽開始聽力課堂(ID:tingclass123)

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