3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

在你面試的時候你會緊張嗎?如果你緊張了,你要怎樣處理緊張問題呢?當別人詢問你想要從這份工作中得到什麼,你又該怎樣回答呢?How do you cope with tension?你如何處理緊張的關係?I believe my professionalism was universally respected by my former bosses and co-workers,and I think I was well-liked by the vast majority of people with whom I came in regular contact.我相信我以前的上司和同事都非常尊重我的專業精神,並且經常接觸我的人大部分也都非常喜歡我。I gained promotions quite quickly after arriving at my former employer,and of course,there was always some jealousy,even resentment,from people who had perhaps been there longer and felt a certain sense of entitlement.我進入上一家公司后,很快就獲得提拔。當然,這個時候,我也總是會招致一些資歷較深的或感覺自己有些特權的人的嫉妒,甚至是怨恨。But I strived to understand that and demonstrate,by my work ethic and commitment to excellence,that I was objectively a solid choice and that reasonable people could say I was a great choice.但是我試圖去理解他們,並且用我的職業道德和追求卓越的精髓證明,客觀上講我的晉陞是有說服力的,明理的人都知道我是正確的人選。In almost all cases,I was able to establish cordial relations with those whom I was promoted over.在大部分情況下,我都可以和職位在我之下的人建立友好關係,I think that is the strongest evidence of my interpersonal skills.我想這完全可以證明我有很好的人際關係技巧。What do you look for in the job?你想從這份工作中得到什麼?I look for challenges,opportunities to grow professionally and personally,and opportunities to make a difference for the company I work for and the customers it serves.我在尋找富有挑戰性,職業和個人素質皆能有所發展,並且可以為公司和顧客帶來改變的機會。We will spend most of our waking hours at the workplace-the job makes up the core of one's life in many ways.除了睡覺,我們大部分時間都在工作場所度過,也就是說,在很多方面,工作其實是我們生活的重心。Then it has to bring some meaning to your life,not just a paycheck.因此,工作不僅應該為我們帶來報酬,還必須為我們的人生帶來某些意義。I need to get a sense of fulfillment from a job.我想從工作中得到一種成就感。This position sounds like one that is challenging and fulfilling.這個職位聽起來既充滿挑戰性,又可以使人獲得成就感。

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